Another month yet nothing has really changed. I still haven't gotten anything accomplished as it pertains to Folds in Life and Death. *sighs* I'm behind in emailing people as well as visiting blogs. Again. What energy I have mainly goes toward the day job. I have a project I've been working on, and I can't do much else until I finish it. Plus, I'm having to help more in our testing center as our full-time person went down to part-time as needed and another part-time staff member is going on vacation this week.
But once again, I hope to make some progress on Folds in Life and Death. We'll see. So what are your goals?
For some good news, I do have a new author picture! The one I've been using is around six years old, so it's been time to update to a new one.
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Photo taken on May 11, 2019 by my sister Kara. Makeup and hair credits go to Kara too. |
Nice photo - very dramatic.
Ride the wave at work. It can't last forever.
Whenever I can't "write", I do find that my brain is thinking up stories, so I have a brain cache of sorts for when I can get back to writing.
Love the new pic. Mine needs an update too.
I keep thinking I'm going to get some down time and it never seems to happen.
I really need to update my photo, too.
Great picture. And I'm like Diane hoping for some more down time. LOL! Good luck with your goals. You don't get an F though. You can't control your health.
Lovely photo. Kara did a great job! I need to redo mine too. Do you think she could pop over and help me? *LOL* Hopefully work will settle down soon and you can get back into your writing.
Your new photo looks pretty!
Day jobs always like to butt in on writing time. I hope it calms down soon and you can get back into writing. Until then, try not to stress. I've learned that really doesn't help things calm down faster.
Beautiful picture. Sometimes the day job is draining.
I've started volunteering at my local library and I love it.
Don't stress yourself out and keep up with your vitamins. It will settle down eventually. :-)
Anna from elements of emaginette
Great new photo! It looks fabulous and I love the lipstick color!
I am in the same boat as you. Not getting as much writing work done as I need to due to the day job. Hopefully we both fit in some more writing in May/June. :)
I like your photo! Your sister did a good job.
I wouldn't give you an F for having trouble with energy. It doesn't sound like you're being lazy and just not getting your writing done. You have to work with what you have and what other things take a higher priority over writing.
I think you're doing fine!
I'm in the same boat, always trying to tackle some of the same old goals. But so long as I keep striving and making some progress I count myself lucky:)
Love the new author photo!
And best of luck with Folds in Life and Death! Know too well how much of a struggle it can be to catch up, sometimes. (Been behind on a lot of things myself lately.) Hope you're able to find more time for your own goals this summer!
Great author pic!
I hope your day job gets better!
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