Please welcome author Douglas R. Brown to the blog! His newest novel Tamed involves werewolves as pets.
From idea
to publication, how long did Tamed take you?
About 2 and a half years. But that was because it wasn't my writing focus
at the time. I was working on Tamed in
between writing and seeking a publisher for my The Light of Epertase trilogy. I submitted Tamed last May or June and it was released on Jan. 26 of this year.
Congratulations on The Light of Epertase trilogy too! The idea
of werewolves as pets fascinates me. How are your werewolves different from the
typical werewolf? How are they similar?
Great questions. Hopefully, it fascinates everyone. My werewolves are
different than other werewolves in that the WereHouse (company selling the
werepets) has found a way to prevent the creatures from returning to their
human form, figured out a way to domesticate them like a dog, and then convinced
the wealthier parts of our society that they make great pets. Physically, my
werewolves are more like the creatures in The
Howling than the ones in Twilight.
My werewolves are similar to the typical werewolves in stories in their
ferocity when they break their tames. Of course, that would never happen though,
right? Am I telling too much here?
Of course the cute little werepets wouldn't break their tames. *winks* How did you come about to write fantasy?
I am a firefighter/paramedic by trade. My first book (unpublished) was
written to help me deal with a horrific emergency call where a 6 year-old boy
died. (I write about that call here if you'd like to read.) When I finished writing that book, I knew I wanted to continue writing, but I
didn't want to write about the real world as much. I have always enjoyed
fantasy and thought it would give me an escape along with an escape for my
readers. I still write about the fire department on occasion over at my blog
and some of the stories are quite comical, if I do
say so myself. Feel free to follow.
Yes, everyone go and follow! What do you have forthcoming?
The second book in my The Light of
Epertase trilogy is finished and will release in August of this year. I am
currently neck-deep in writing Epertase 3 which will release in August of 2013.
Other than that, I have a few WIP's that when I figure out how to write 5 books
at once, I'll get to. Currently, I am only contracted for Tamed and my trilogy, so I don't know what will come after that.
Best wishes for your books! I'm curious about what people read. If you could recommend any book, what book would that be?
If you are a writer, I recommend On
Writing by Stephen King. It is my favorite book of all time and the only
book I have read more than 3 times (besides my Fire department promotional
material). I like Brandon Sanderson and Stephen King quite a bit. I'm currently
reading The Hunger Games and though I
think it is good, I don't find the idea too terribly unique.
Thank you so much for having me over to your blog. I loved your questions
and thank you for such a wonderful review of Tamed.
I plan to read Stephen King's On Writing this month, and I've been meaning to read The Hunger Games too.
Congratulations on Tamed, and I look forward to reading more works from you.
Douglas R. Brown is a fantasy writer who lives in Pataskala, Ohio. He
began writing more than five years ago as a cathartic way of dealing
with the day-to-day stresses of life as a firefighter/paramedic for the
Columbus Division of Fire. Now he focuses his writing on fantasy, where
he draws on his lifelong love of the genre. He has been married for 14
years and has a son and two dogs.
Werewolves are real.
And they make excellent pets.
Owning one of the legendary creatures is the latest fad. The
WereHouse insists their werepets are loyal, docile, and 100% safe, but
what happens when these gentle giants turn on their masters?
While on a routine EMS call, paramedic Christine Alt is attacked by a
rogue werepet. She escapes with her life, but the encounter leaves her
with more than just scars. As her body begins to change, she discovers
the WereHouse is hiding a terrible secret, and they will stop at nothing
to keep her from exposing them.
Tamed is a werewolf tale with a twist from the author of the The Light of Epertase trilogy.
Great interview! I love the idea of having werewolves as pets. Such an original idea. Oh the fun of playing fetch with one of them! Good luck with your writing, Douglas.
I love the premise of your story! It sounds right up my alley.
Fabulous interview! And I love the twist on the traditional werewolf tale. What a great premise.
Thanks, Cherie, for introducing me to Douglas. This book sounds like a great twist on the Werewolf idea. Off to follow his blog :-)
Great interview! This sounds like a fabulous read - I'll definitely have to check it out!
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