Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Phoenix Prophetess - Chapter Twenty-Four

I finished writing chapter twenty-four today in The Phoenix Prophetess. I'm really excited about this chapter because it gave me some ideas that just appeared out of the blue. This chapter focused on Charak's return to the Place of Lordehi and Amora. I felt that it was important to see his return without Liam and Yssa, even though the novel is clearly about Yssa, since she is the Phoenix Prophetess and all. It gave the readers a point of view that will be very important later on in the story. I must admit that I didn't have this chapter planned out really. I just went with the flow and two new characters appeared that I had no intention on writing about. The one especially just appeared out of the blue, and I didn't realize how key she was until it just popped into my head. It is so cool like that. Sometimes the muses are very good to me, I think. Then again, it might be the Starbuck's Coffee + Energy drink I had at lunch too. *laughs* Or the fact that I finally got a new bed and matress. I've never had a new bed and matress before, so I'm excited about that. Okay, back to the story, I'm really excited about this new development in it. Plus, it is so cool that I'm almost at 60,000 words. Right now, the novel is at 58,335 words. That's an average of about 3,000 words per week. Very exciting! Plus, I'm almost finished with Part II of the novel. There will probably be two to three more chapters left, and then we'll move to Part III and about six months later. I might also write chapter twenty-five this week as well, since I didn't have the Liam/Yssa part in Waldbaum with the woodwose. We'll have to see about that though. Now, I'm off to bounce around the office some...not literally, but I certainly do feel awake at the moment. *laughs*

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