Today I've been busy map making for my fantasy novel The Phoenix Prophetess. I know I probably should be writing chapter twenty-four, but I've been wanting to get a map made up. It is what I like to consider a beginner map. It has some basic features, and I'm hoping to create a more permanent one for the book once it is finished. I'm no map maker, and I'm no artist, but I thought it turned out decently.
That's a great map! I like the mountains at the top and all of the detail. I love fantasy books with maps.
I'm glad you like it! I'm hoping once I get all the main places named for the first one, then I can make a more permanent copy of the map for the book.
I like Amora, that's a pretty name for a city. And The Great Beyond sounds mysterious. I want to go there!
Thank you! Amora is actually A Roma backwards. I modeled the city after Rome. *laughs* And the Great Beyond is awesome! It's called the Great Beyond because people can only come into the Amoran Kingdom from the mountains. No one has been able to return or visit the Great Beyond, and the people from there are really mysterious and strange looking to the Amorans.
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