I talk a lot about my writing and editing goals, but I have reading goals too. Each year I try to read at least fifty-two books, or an average of a book a week. I read a wide range of books from fantasy to romance to mystery to science fiction and more. I read short novelettes to super-novels (over 100,000 words). I keep track on my book-reading progress by using Goodreads. I also try to review every book I finished, but I'm a bit behind in my reviews. Oops!
Do you have reading goals? How much do you try to read a year?
You're doing great with your reading. I'm trying for ten books a month and I'm keeping up with that. Hopefully I'll have a little more time once preschool starts up again.
For some reason this summer I can't seem to get any reading done. Something else I need to get back on track with! I don't know why but I've just been totally unproductive on every level this summer.
You are ahead of schedule. Very cool. I read one to three books a month. With I had time for more.
I'm truly in awe of people who can read so much so quickly. I'm quite a slow reader, even when I do get the time, so when I first started the Goodreads Challenge I aimed for one book a month. Now I can manage two or three a month, but I always try and beat the previous years goal. One day I'll be up there with the rest of you :-)
I read a lot during my breaks like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and summer. Usually my goal is to read as much as possible between textbook junk ;)
I try to read about 52 or more books a year. I haven't been good about keeping track on Goodreads- I was keeping track on my phone and accidently deleted my list last month. :( But- I was up to 40 something so I know I will meet my goal (I read a ton in July). I should try to be better about Goodreads. Best of luck with your goal!
I keep track of how much I read each year, too, and have reading goals as well. Like, my TBR pile is currently in the triple-digests, so I'm desperately trying to shrink it to at least the 90s this year. Don't know how successful I'll be with that, though, since I've already read 100 books/comics and am still nowhere near my goal...
Anyway, good luck with your own goals! Reading 52 books is definitely doable, especially since you're already more than halfway there! :)
I never try to read a certain number of books per year, but I always read every day. I try to read my books that have been sitting around on my shelves for too long unread, so my reading goals are more about reading neglected books than anything else. I can't let so much money spent on books go to waste.
I hope you reach your reading goal for the year! :)
Fifty Two is quite a goal!! I never seem to make it far into reading goals, and usually read about...maybe twenty on the high side of books a year.
I think you need a couple cookies for your count!
I really try to keep reading goals, but I fail miserably. I have so many books to read... I really need to learn speed-reading:)
Glad to know I'm not alone in having reading goals. My blog drives my reading. I usually read at least 4-6 books a month.
Well done with your challenge,Cherie. I'm so slow at editing that I spend what little time I have reading children's books in order to improve my own work. Oh, to have time just enjoy a book!
I have good years and bad years for reading. On a good year I manage the one a week, on a bad year it averages out at one a month.This year's a bad year :(
Suzanne @ Suzannes-Tribe
He is a brilliant author, Cherie, you might like his nature poems, love his Hawk Roosting and the one about the otter.
I'm the same. I try to read a book a week, sometimes a little more. I only read Novels. So far I'm on track with my goals. :)
Hi Cherie. Must have been awhile since I've been here as I'm blown away by your blog look. Yes, I read every day - my goal is 200+ per year. Finding time to review is a problem, but I've begun popping the occasional one in blog posts. I've just joined the Armchair Squid's Coffee House for book reviews once a month so I can work towards at least one or two full reviews a month.
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