Today's #fridayflash is inspired by "Nightmare at the Freak Show" in The Nightmare Collection. Here is what happened to Gretchen.
Watching, Waiting
Gretchen pressed the candle’s wick
against the dying embers in the fire.
on, burn.
After a moment, the flame snatched
the wick. She cupped her palm around the flickering light and skirted toward
the window. The fire illuminated her three fingers and thumb, the one finger
lost in an accident when she was a child.
A chill seeped through the window. Darkness
had settled over the cabin, and she cocked her head to listen for her husband.
Soft snoring continued from the bedroom. She lowered the candle to the nearby
table and pressed her hands against the cold glass.
Trees loomed in the distance.
Starlight peeped through the inky black blanket of sky. Was he still out there?
Her David. She waited for word of his capture for many years. He’d bitten off
her finger—by accident, of course—and then killed her father and several other
men—not by accident. She didn’t blame him. He’d been cruelly captured and
chained up for years by her own father. She wanted to understand his pain, his
fear. She wanted to trust him to find his humanity.
He wasn’t a monster. She would never
believe what they called him. Her eyes closed, and tears burned behind her
The snoring had stopped.
David, why?
“My sweet, what are you doing out of
bed? You’ll catch your death of cold.” Her husband padded over to her, his
strong arms embracing her.
She leaned against him and sucked in
a shuddering breath. The tears remained unshed. “I couldn’t sleep.”
He pressed his lips against her
earlobe, hot and wet. A shiver raced along her spine. His hands ran over her
cotton nightgown. “Come back to bed.”
Nothing was outside. David was gone,
as was her father.
She reached over to the candle and
blew it out. The smoke twirled and ticked her nose. She took her husband’s hand
and kissed it. “It’s cold out. Warm me.”
If only she could've helped David.
You really caught my interest with this piece. I wanted to read more! :)
I like it. I want more too! I do wonder what sort of life Gretchen would live after what happened.
This was so haunting to read. I really loved that Freak Show story and the character of Gretchen. Interesting to catch up with her as an adult. Great job, Cherie!
A great somber tone here. It makes me wonder if David might be her husband, somehow. I'd definitely like to see more of this one.
Beautiful writing!
Very atmospheric piece. A little Bronte-esque even. Well done.
So creepy and atmospheric! Just love it. :-)
Ha! I stole LG's word and hadn't even read the other comments. Great minds! :-D
It is very lovely. I always love good atmosphere. Now I'm curious as to all that's going on with David.
Oh, really cool snippet! Does seem like this David is a troubled soul, or something. Nice excerpt. :)
Ooh, I like! Twisted 3am thoughts. I really want to know more about David.
I like your new look :)
The writing is lovely and the atmosphere very affective. I really enjoyed the vignette. :-)
Very well written. It got my attention right off, which doesn't happen often with me.
You definitely made me curious. Very intriguing! I want to know more and I read it twice. :)
Beautiful . . . I love how you keep building up the world of these characters, and really looking at the layers of humanity for each character, even David.
Well written. Eerie setting of the scene, sad, and you've already introduced this tension and secrets.
Shannon at The Warrior Muse
Very well written. Eager to read more.
Such a bittersweet scene.
I want to know more about David and their relationship as children. Great piece!
This really pulled me in. I would love to hear more about what is happening with David.
very haunting indeed, a piece full of tender hope
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