I am terribly sorry I haven't been visiting blogs much since last Wednesday. I had my five-day vacation from the day job, and I've been busy with NaNo and proofreading The Nightmare Collection, so I can publish it in the next few days. I hope to catch up on visiting blogs and emails by Saturday. *crosses fingers*
Today's Friday excerpt comes from "Lady Death" in Women of Foxwick.

Lady Death
The clashing swords rang in her ears
like a cacophonous symphony. Peeping from behind the red velvet curtain, Umbria
spotted King Leon and his sword master Fallon. She rippled the curtain, dust
motes flying in the candlelit air, to alert Leon of her hidden presence.
When Fallon’s sword skidded across the floor, the sword
fighting ceased.
“That’s enough for today, Fallon. Leave me.” Leon waved him
“As you wish, sire.” Fallon bowed, retrieved his weapon, and
As soon as the door closed, Umbria slipped into the room
with her broadsword raised.
“Hello, sister.” Leon’s weapon clanged with hers. “Is it
“Would I have returned if it wasn’t?” In a swirl of fabric,
she removed her cloak and parried his move. An amused smile curled her lips.
The blade whistled through the air, and her feet danced as she thrust and
jabbed. She always enjoyed a good sword fight.
His breathing increased and sweat beaded upon his brow. Was
her brother already winded from his previous exertion against Fallon? The sword
mirrored her movements, but Leon wasn’t nearly as quick. She blamed the rich
meats he enjoyed.
“So, the quacksalver is dead?”
“Yes, the false healer won’t be practicing his witchcraft
anymore.” She slowed long enough to produce the thick gold ring Thaddeus
enjoyed wearing, his finger attached.
“Thank you. He wanted to kill my wife to save the child.”
Leon gnashed the words. His grip tightened around the sword, and he spat upon
the floor and attacked. “The other healers aren’t much better.”
She grasped her weapon in both hands and took the brunt of
his anger. What would her brother do if his wife and child didn’t survive? She
couldn’t begin to imagine his despair and frustration. “Is there any news about
Verona and your child?”
“They keep bleeding her, but she remains gravely ill.” He
grunted. His movements grew wilder, more erratic, and Umbria struggled to keep
up. “She’s delirious most of the time. They want to take the baby. Cut into
her. Can you believe it? She’s been with child only six months. He won’t live
without her.”
Umbria ducked and his sword banged into a marble column.
Leon’s chest heaved. “I can’t lose her, sister. Our
relations with Lochhollow are tepid at best, and they will attack Foxwick, if
she . . . .”
“Doesn’t Lochhollow realize how much you love their favorite
daughter?” Her eyes narrowed in concern. She would do anything to prevent
another war, to help him. “Would you like me to travel to Valdale? They have
some of the finest physicians.”
“Did you know Verona’s parents first denied my marriage to
her? They won’t hesitate to attack.” He swung the blade wide, completely
missing Umbria. Frustration huffed from his nostrils like a bull snorting
before attack. “There’s no use to journey to Valdale either. They can do
nothing for her.”
“Tell me what to do. I’ll do anything for you and Verona.
You know that.”
He swung his sword toward hers. “I want you to assassinate
“What?” Her eyes widened and mouth dropped open. When their
weapons connected, hers flew from her hands and clattered on the floor. She
flipped backward three times and stood with sword in hand again. “You want me
to do what?”
“Kill Death.”
Until the end of 2012, Women of Foxwick is only $1.99. If you enjoyed what you read, please consider buying a copy at these retailers: Amazon US / UK / DE / FR / ES / IT Smashwords Nook Kobo iTunes. You can also add on Goodreads.
I am also taking most of next week off from blogging. You can see an excerpt of "Mage Game" on Monday before I take a brief vacation due to Thanksgiving.
Wooahhh totally drew me right into this world of foxwick, great excerpt!
Killing death - now that's a challenge.
Awesome end to the excerpt! :-)
Nice excerpt! Umbria seems like a kick-ass chick! I am sure Death will pose no problem for her. :)
I love your fantasy.
wow. Certainly got me hooked!
My favorite one of the stories! Great excerpt. :)
That was a fabulous exchange. I could hear the swords and feel Fallon's angst. Very nice.
Cool excerpt! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)
Sounds wonderful! I love a good historical.
Wow! I really liked this. The last like was killer. (;
I passed on the Top Commenter award to you. :)
NaNo has been distracting me too, but hey, that's natural and normal :)
Excellent snippet! I love a lady with a sword.
Ha! Love it!
Have a great and productive blog break, Cherie. Happy Thanksgiving :)
Whoa. Kill Death?! I'm seriously intrigued!
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