For the month of November, I will be showcasing excerpts from the short stories in Women of Foxwick. Today, I have an excerpt from "Lady Bard."

A shadow fell over Lyrica. The lady
bard paused mid-strum to listen to the forest sounds. Birds no longer chirped
along with her music. The gentle babbling brook that flowed through Greymist
Grove had become her only accompaniment. Not even a breeze rustled the leaves
as Lyrica breathed in the floral scent of budding fruit trees.
I must be imagining
things. Her fingers danced along the lute’s taunt strings. The melody
bubbled with joyful laughter and matched the brook’s speech, note for note. The
bard hummed to the cheerful tune and hoped she could lure the birds back out to
sing with her.
A high-pitched screech startled her off the log she perched
upon. Lute in hand, she scrambled to her feet. Men crashed through the forest’s
undergrowth and surrounded her. She clutched her instrument to her body as if
the wood and string could protect her against their swords. They bore the
insignia of the fox upon their chests, but knowing they were the king’s guards
did little to ease the fear strangling her.
“Who are you?” Her voice trembled over the words.
One guard stepped forward and produced a scroll. “By order
of King Felix of Foxwick, all musicians are to report to the castle posthaste.
State your name and instrument.”
Her eyes narrowed and Lyrica lowered her lute to her side.
What did the king want with a bard? “I’m Lyrica, a lady bard. I play the lute
and sing.”
The men closed around her.
“Then you are to come with us.” The same man rolled up the
scroll and whistled.
Two rocs—the largest birds she’d ever seen—rose over the
trees and set their travel baskets upon the ground. Their foot-long talons
curled over the top, and cold eyes pierced her soul.
Lyrica started to back
away from the beasts, but the guards held her firm.
“What does the king want with me?” Her voice rose in pitch
with each word. She glanced around her grove for something to help her, but she
saw nothing. She’d lived in seclusion for so long in her safe little forest.
How could she have been foolish enough to go without a weapon?
“Your king has summoned you.” A guard shoved her into the
The lute pressing against her chest, Lyrica collapsed in the
corner. She closed her eyes. The mighty roc flew the guards and her to the
castle, her heart beating in time with their wings.
A summons is never a good sign!
Enjoyed reading this again! I'm looking forward to more stories set in Foxwick=) Have a great weekend, Cherie!
You have officially hooked me. My mind is going crazy with theories as to why musicians must all be summoned like this!
Great hook!
Fantastic! Love the imagery.
Incredible writing. Thanks for sharing, Cherie!
I feel bad for her. I enjoyed this piece.
I really enjoyed the excerpt. I especially loved when the rocs landed! Cool description! :-)
Enjoyed reading this story! Looking forward to more!
Congrats to Michelle!
When she notices the sounds stopping had me holding my breath. Great excerpt, Cherie.
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