First off, Michael Offutt has given Women of Foxwick and excellent review. You can read it here. Plus, until the end of July Women of Foxwick is on sale at Smashwords. You can purchase my fantasy short story collection for half-off using the coupon code SSW50.
Saw the review this morning! Already have my copy.
WOw I love that cover! This sounds awesome. I'm definitely checking it out.
Going to read the review! And I tweeted this. :)
Just came from Michael's blog! Such a great review. I'm excited about this, Cherie :D
Awesome, Cherie! Congrats. I will go over and get my copy.
I already have this on my Kindle, but I will enjoy Michael's review :)
They're such great stories. I was talking about them to my friend Jake the other day. He's been pressuring me to take up DM'ing again since I used to run a D&D campaign. I said "Foxwick seems like the kind of world that you could create characters in and there would be a lot of depth and places to explore. Plus characters could have cool abilities."
Anyway, so glad you liked the review. I'll be sure to tell my nerd friends about it.
Congrats on the review! :)
Great review. :) I love the descriptions of the stories.
This is the second time I've seen this book on a blog in ten minutes. :) Congratulations, Cherie, on a great review.
I'll pop on over to read the review. I love the cover!
Congrats on the great review! You deserve it. :-)
Woo hoo, congrats on the review! So happy for you! :)
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