Happy Wednesday!
A lot has gone on lately, so I hope I don't forget anything.
First things first, the winner of Rachelle Ayala's Michal's Window is:
Congrats, Christine! I'll contact you shortly to see what e-format you want Michal's Window in.

Thank you to everyone who has downloaded a copy of A to Z Flashes of Foxwick at Amazon. My little flash fiction collection has kept great company, even being beside Tolkien's Lord of the Rings at one point.

I'm still editing, proofreading, and formatting Women of Foxwick. I hope to upload it on Amazon, Smashwords, and Nook on Friday to make certain it's ready for the release date of Tuesday, June 26th.
I've also started writing Pull of Gravity, the third and last book in the Gravity trilogy. I'm really enjoying writing it so far, and I believe it'll be longer than the first two (around 20,000 than 15,000 words).
Also, Medeia Sharif and Precy Larkins awarded me The Booker Award last week. Thank you, Medeia and Precy!

This award is for book bloggers only. To receive this award the
blog must be at least 50% about books (reading or writing is okay).
Along with receiving this award, you must also share your top
five favorite books you have ever read. (More than five is okay.) You
must give this award to 5-10 other lucky book blogs you adore.
Here are my five favorite books (aka mainly series). I have more, but these are the first five that popped into my head.
1. Harry Potter series by JK Rowling
2. Across the Universe series by Beth Revis
3. Become by Ali Cross
4. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
5. Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
Now, I'm supposed to award 5-10 bloggers for this award, but I'm so bad at choosing people, so if you tell me your favorite book in the comments, then you can have the award too.
Before I forget, I also updated my author website and my self-publishing company's website.
Before I forget, I also updated my author website and my self-publishing company's website.
Congrats on the award... I've read three of your five books but only Harry Potter would be on my top five list. It's very hard to pick an absolute favorite book but I guess I would say "White House Autumn" by Ellen Emerson White.
The kitten's cute, by the way.
Congrats Christine! And congrats on your award as well Cherie! The kitten looks super cute.
That kitten is definitely a contender for a lawlzcat meme photo....
Congrats on the awards and I think I downloaded it when it was in such illustrious company. Good luck with the new books.
Congrats on the award (and to your sis on her new kitty cat)!
I'm not really a book blogger, as such, so I'm not going to try for this award. Anyway, I can never really name my fave book - I have favorite authors whose work I never miss, though. :-)
Some Dark Romantic
Ali will be thrilled she's in such good company!
Glad your book did so well. Next to Tolkien - impressive.
Congratulations on the award and how well FoF did! And yay, I won! :) I sent you a quick email back already. Jules looks so cute. I love gray kitties! I can't wait to read PoG. I've just been catching up on things, but I haven't done any writing yet. Horrible me! I need to do so today.
Congratulations Cherie! You are cleaning up in the awards categories these days!
Congratulations on the award!
I recently read A Picture of Dorian Gray--what an interesting book.
Congrats on your book placement, it is fun when that happens :)
Congratulations Christine!
Cherie, congrats on your award. That kitten is so cute :)
Yay for the Booker Award, and the excellent company A to Z Flashes of Foxwick has been keeping :-)
Congrats and thanks for sharing your top reading list.
Finally, a list I can relate to. I read all those books. :)
I have my copy of your flash fiction collection. :)
I love that your book was next to LOTR -- great company to keep! Good luck with Women of Foxwick, too. :-)
Congrats on the award.... and to Christine for winning a book...woohoo.
The kitty is so adorable...
Sorry. I like cats :)
I haven't read 2 or 3, but everything else is fabulous!
I'm not a cat person, but your cat is adorable. hehe I'd take her off you hands. No, I'd never deprive you of the cute fluffy one.
Congrats on embarking into the last book in your series. I wish you lots and lots of luck. Woot!
I really like Across the Universe by Beth Revis.
Have a great weekend, Cherie.
Hey, congrats on the award & good luck with getting Foxwick up :)
Top 5 fav books? Hmm.
1. The Alchemist (Paolo Coehlo)
2. The Hollow Kingdom (Clare Dunkle)
3. The Truth (Terry Pratchett)
4. The Hobbit (J.R.R. Tolkein)
5. Trickster's Choice (Tamora Pierce)
Easy Peasy!
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