When I was younger, I used to be the best tree climber. Seriously. If I could reach a branch, I was up that tree like that. *snaps* I would say my climbing days are over--at least for now--but I had a lot of fun hanging around in trees. I was fearless. I'd hit that branch and scurry up like a squirrel.
One day some seventh graders started chasing after me. I was in second grade at the time, so these were big kids compared. I didn't think I could make it to the house, so I did the next best thing: I climbed our tree.
My hands grasped hold of the lowest branch, and I used my running momentum to propel me up. Bark dug into my palms, scraped my knees. I had to get higher.
The boys at that time had gotten off their bikes--yeah, I used to be a fast sprinter too but sadly not anymore--and started climbing after me. Fingers brushed against my ankle.
I had to hurry. The branches were getting thinner. Soon I would either have to get too high up or do something rather rash. As a seven year old, I chose the rash idea. I seized a nearby branch and dangled myself from it. No other branches were below me, but it was still a good seven or eight foot drop to the ground. I'd jumped farther when we used to jump off people's roofs--yeah, it's amazing I'm still alive--so I dropped when they were seconds from grabbing me.
The ground came up quickly, but I barely felt my feet hitting the grass before I was off and running again toward the door. To safety. I yanked on the doorknob as the boys shouted after me and started climbing down the tree. The door opened, and I slipped inside and slammed the door behind me. With a quick look, I breathed a sigh of relief.
I had made it.
I don't remember seeing those seventh graders much after that. We soon moved out of the neighborhood, but I remember that tree and how I used to climb it.
Holy crap! So, you were a mini ninja? :D
I like Kyra's mini ninja. :)
Definitely Ninja moves!
It's these kind of experiences that inspire writing. It's a great story. When I was younger I enjoyed climbing trees, I wasn't much of a sprinter though.
I used to love climbing trees when I was young, but I never had to do it to escape the older kids. There's an award awaiting you on my blog if you'd like to check it out. Hope you had a great weekend! :)
I like Kyra's mini ninga too:D That was some great action writing!
I loved climbing trees as a kid! Oh, wait...I still do. :)
I agree those were ninja skills! I loved climbing trees too.
Eeep. I hate bullies. I think seventh grade is probably the worst time for that kind of stuff as boys are starting to become men and all that testosterone is causing what little minds they have to short out.
I agree with the others. You're a ninja. :)
Oh my! Ninja Cherie plus catwoman. I could never climb trees as a kid.
We had trees hanging over the canal in my front yard as a kid that I used to climb, but I never had to run from anyone. I'm such a slow runner I would have nver made it :0
I'm stopping by to let you know that you've been tagged in today's blog post.
Impressive! Oh, the days when we were nimble! :)
Wow, you are brave! I've never climbed a tree in all my life! LOL
I used to do stuff like that, too. I actually climbed to the very top branch of a tree so that my head stuck out. Crazy! It's a wonder I didn't fall out and kill myself!
Brings back memories of perceived invincibility. Enjoyable post :-)
I second Kyra's comment! Great childhood story, Cherie.
What a bunch of bullies!
But I love the underdog victory story :)
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