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The IWSG was created by super ninja Alex J. Cavanaugh. Please click here to view the other participants. |
Of course, I'm sure we all know that. I've just been thinking about perseverance since my 3rd blogversary. I started out with one follower. Isn't that how we all start out? I eagerly followed other blogs, but I must admit I didn't know what I was doing when it came to blogging. My first year of blogging ended, and I was in year two with about 20 or 30 followers. I started to create a schedule for myself, started participating in blogfests and memes. In January 2011, I celebrate 50 followers. Then, I joined Rach Harrie's 2nd Writing Platform Campaign (called a Crusade back then) and then the A-Z Challenge. Everything moved quickly from there. In over a year and a few months time, I gained 450 followers.
But I could've quit that first year when I had so few and felt like I was floundering as a blogger. No one would've probably missed me, if I had quit. Most blog don't make that one year anniversary. Even less make three.
I was learning so much and making so many connections. I found new friends, who led me to more friends. I enjoyed blogging and finding out what worked, what didn't work. I had to keep trying because it was worth it.
The same goes for writing. If the first book doesn't work out, keep writing. Keep learning.
You must learn to persevere in this business, in life.
I've received some blog awards recently, and I would like to offer them to all of you. You deserve them.

Thank you, Julie DeGuia and L.G. Keltner!

Thank you, Trisha!

Thank you, Jamie B Musings!

Thank you, KS Collier!

Thank you, Stuart Nager!
And because we all need a break sometimes...

Thank you, Tara Tyler and Jaycee DeLorenzo!
This award comes in different colors on Donna B. McNicol's blog. Click here to see them. (Thanks for reminding me, Donna!)
What have you persevered to do today?
Congrats on 3 years! I just hit my 3rd blogoversary, too. I made a mistake of taking a break from blogging and it seems if you aren't persistent, then you'll get lost. Thanks for sharing!
Three years! That's awesome! Congratulations. Very true what you say about perseverance. I think that's what sets apart those who succeed and those who don't (yes there are some anomalies).
Today, I persevered to go back over a part of my unfinished novel to correct a few points. I'm nearly finished the book, but during the April challenge, I only wrote a scene a day--if that. Haha. I slipped up. Now, I need more perseverance to continue with my chapter by chapter notes.
Congrats on the 3 years. Thanks for the advice. Perseverance plays a great role in success. That is good inspiration for me just starting my blog 1 week ago. My perseverance will have to show up in the coming months as I continue to blog as well as write.
I enjoy reading your blog so I am glad that you didn't quit. Congrats on all of your awards!
Perseverance is definitely the key! I'm so glad you kept going through that first tough year of blogging - because now your name is so well known, I can't imagine the blogosphere without you!
Congratulations on 3 years and for persevering when it seemed like it wasn't worth it! I'm really glad you did! ;^)
Happy three year anniversary,Cherie! Glad you persevered.
Awesome that you have reached that three year mark!
Congratulations on your blogging anniversary.
I love the look of the Napping Blogger Award. I could really use a nap right about now.
Congrats on 3 years. =D
Three years...that is terrific. I know all the work involved.
For those wanting to clain the Napping Blogger Award, you can see it in different colors here: http://donnamcnicol.blogspot.com/p/awards-badges.html [Click for the larger version of the desired color]
I am one of those floundering bloggers, I have actually had my blog for 4 years but I get discouraged and take it down. Last year was the biggest mistake I lost all the followers I had and had to start all over again. Thank you for visiting my blog today and offering your encouragement!
-MJ support group member
Congratulations on 3 years! You have an excellent blog. Great info and encouragement. You've grown so much these past few years. :)
Three years and going stronger than ever!
That's why I'm a big supporter of the A to Z Challenge. I was at thirty followers after six months when the first Challenge launched and it changed everything for me.
Congrats on the awards! I was very much in the same boat as you - it took a while for my blog to get noticed and after a while without getting much feedback you start to think 'is it worth carrying on'? Luckily once you find the right community it kind of explodes :)
"Napping Blogger' today that appeals to me.
Perseverance - some good advice.
Happy blogversary and congrats on the awards! And yes - we must absolutely persevere and keep learning. Right on.
Some Dark Romantic
Agreed. I was just posting things and pretty much nobody but a few friends was reading it. (I've since removed most of those posts.) When someone else commented one day, I immediately emailed her to ask how she'd found my blog. She'd clicked through from my comment on another blog. I was all "whoa!" then I pretty quickly figured out blog hops and blog-etiquette in the writer-blogger world. Or at least I think I did. ^_^
I actually think the quasi-discipline I've been learning in sticking to some kind of blogging schedule has been good for my writing. And obviously I get lots of tips and encouragement from all the writers posting on ISWG day!
Even with all the roadblocks being thrown at my feet, I am persevering! And even if I've only done so much as get out of bed this morning, that in itself is a terrific feat. :D
This could have been my blog story, too. My first year, I was sporadic, didn't have a follow button, and didn't know how make friends. I rarely got any comments. I almost stopped blogging. But I'm glad I didn't, because bloggy peeps are some of the best around! :)
Happy three-year anniversary!
I'm just new to my writing blog, so I feel exactly like how you did during your first year of blogging. I'm just floundering right now, trying to figure out what to blog about, trying to find other bloggers to connect with.
Thanks for the encouragement because I really need it! I know I'm just another new blogger out there and nobody really cares, so I could easily just disappear and no one would care. But, I want to persevere and stick to it. I've got a long road ahead of me.
Well said. And happy blogo-versary!
Congratulations on 3 years! I agree about perseverence. I think we need it to be successful in anything we set out to do.
It sounds like your blog really grew in leaps and bounds. :) And I agree--perseverance is vital!
Congratulations on the awards!
Congrats, Cherie, on a major milestone. I also agree about perseverance being key.
Thank you for sharing Cherie... the progress you made each year is inspirational. I've been blogging since 2005 (first livejournal, then MySpace, then here), but when life got in the way, I dropped the ball for the last couple of years. I apparently missed the most recent A-Z challenge in April, but stumbled across your recent flash fiction contest... And it was your "Lightning Flashed" challenge that literally sparked my re-dedication to blogging, or more specifically writing... as well as stepping out from a private blog into the public view for the very first time. So, I just wanted to issue an extra special thank you to YOU in support of today's IWSG blog hop :-)
It is through the advice and wisdom of other bloggers that I have made it to 100 followers in the six months I've been blogging. I agree, those connections are important!
Allison (Geek Banter)
I agree with this entirely. I think we all flounder around a bit at first, before we learn what we're meant to be doing. And perseverance is definitely the essential ingredient in any successful writing career!
Perseverance is hard to hold onto sometimes... for me I'm waiting for a publisher's response right now and it's so hard to keep positive with each day of no news... I know I have to learn a bit of patience too:) Congrats on all your awards:)
That's such a great thing to keep in mind...and something I needed to hear. It's hard when things don't always work out as well in the time you want them to. Perseverance is like exponential growth, it starts out slow, but when you finally take off, you rocket into space. Great post! :)
So true! This industry is all about perseverance. You only learn by doing!
You are so right that most blogs don't make it to a year, much less three. It's a great feeling to have kept at it and now I'm so impressed that you are at 3 years!
Congrats on all the awards. I especially love the Napping Blogger, I hadn't seen that one before LOL.
Congrats on three years and all of the awards.
Thanks for the SO.
Well said. Even taking a break sometimes sets you back. It's difficult to get it going again.
what a slew of awards! congrats ms popular =)
and i wish perseverance was an app that cheered you on when you pushed it =)
Congrats on the awards, the followers, and having three years of blogging behind you. :)
wow, congrats on your many awards.
And yes, three years of blogging takes perseverance, but it's well worth it.
I love this Cheri, and couldn't agree more. Yep, we are all noobs when we start out--in whatever venture we're taking on. Only practice and PERSEVERANCE makes us experts!
Oops, that Charles the 3rd was me, ali :P
The first year of my blog had one reader- me. The second year, it was on vacation- for a long time. Only since this past fall have I really focused and learned how to make it work, but the whole thing really is a learning process that takes time.
My perseverance- not feeling guilty the other day when I got a babysitter to attend a writing class. They all the rest of my free time and if I keep putting it off... well, you know the rest.
A2Z Mommy and What’s In Between
It is definitely hard in the beginning when no one seems to be reading. Congrats on having staying power and on your awards!
Here's to three more years and 1000 more followers!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and congrats on the three year anniversary, that takes a lot of dedication.
Congratulations and certaintly shows how much you can acheive, approaching my one year anniversary and will not be retiring anytime soon
I just updated a previous blog post last week about blog ages. Did you take part in my poll yet?
And look at all that blog bling!! Congrats! :)
Déjà vu! I did not read this post, until today, yet I wrote an eerily similar one today on my blog. Maybe that flash of lightning connected us together in more ways than one. Either that, or great minds think alike! ;D
The A to Z Challenge Rocks! It got me my first follower and helped with connect me with all the rest.
Yay for perseverance!!! Look at you now? Tons of followers, comments and awards!:)
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