I'm not an audiobooks person. The last audiobook I listened to was in the 1980s, and it was an Inspector Gadget book I had on record (yes, record) that came with the book too. I liked to listen to it and read along. I was probably around 5 or 6 at the time.
Except that one book, I can't remember listening to another audiobook. I guess that is because I'm a more visual learner. I have to see the words. Otherwise, I'll miss things.
That said, I do believe audiobooks are a great market to have your book in, and I hear people do listen to them. I know people checked out audiobooks often when I worked at the public library.
Do you ever listen to audiobooks? If so, what was the last one you listened to?
P.S. I wrote up this post before I knew June was Audiobook Month. My psychic abilities strike again! *grins*
I'm not an audio book person either, but my friend is. She listens to them all the time.
Not for some years. We have a few on CD and tape, mostly fantasy and a couple Star Trek books. Used to listen to them on road trips.
Nope, not me. Never tried audiobooks. I'll probably fall asleep listening to one. I like having a book in my hands 'cause I'm a visual person too.
I love 'em. I started listening to audiobooks at first because certain books I wanted had waiting lists at the library & the audiobook versions did not. I found they were good company while working on artwork or cleaning or out walking.
Then I started to listen to them to and from work in the summers. Protip: do not listen to Edgar Allen Poe at night.
However, I'm very picky about the readers' voices. I have returned audiobooks to the library because the reader's voice irritates me. Sometimes they are the authors! Not all writers are cut out to read their own work!
I recently caved and got a subscription to audible.com -- quite cheap audiobooks, and I listen to them on longer trips. I listened to Jenny Lawson's recently-released memoir "Let's Pretend This Never Happened" on my 10+ hour drive to Indiana last week. Jenny is a hilarious blogger & she read the book. It was basically like having her sitting in the car telling me hilarious stories for 8 hours. WIN.
The nice thing about audible is that you can listen to an excerpt before buying. I think my next purchase will be "Me Talk Pretty One Day" written and read by David Sedaris. Just waiting for the next road trip...
I don't listen to them, but my husband does. He likes to listen to them on road trips, but I'd rather have music on so we can talk.
I listen to an audiobook every once in a while. The whole reason I originally asked for a kindlefire for Christmas from my hubs was so that I could "read" or listen to books while doing other stuff, but I haven't used an audiobook on it yet! I think it really depends on the voice of the reader of the book. Years ago, my family and I got an audible Peter Pan from the library read by Tim Curry . . .he has an excellent reading voice, but there is a "creepy" quality to it. Peter Pan suddenly wasn't so light-hearted, it was suspenseful and brooding . . .and my kids were actually freaked out. We never finished that audiobook . . .so I think not only the quality of the voice of the reader, but the sound of the voice with the style of the book is sometimes a hard match.
I haven't been listening to audiobooks for long, but have found that I really enjoy them. I've listened to a few Clive Cussler books, and The Dresden Files. I also check podiobook.com to see if any indie authors that I like have released their books in audio form. Lindsay Buroker has some wonderful versions of her Emperor's Edge series available.
I'm not crazy about audiobooks. I find that unless I am reading the words, I tend to tune out and not pay attention!
I don't like audio books because if I don't like the person's voice, I can't get into the story. I had an essay included in a book called "Silence Kills" that was made into an audio book. It seriously disturbed me to hear another woman reading my personal essay. I was like, hey, who do you think you are? That's my story!
I'm not really an Audio book person either but I did use them in my classroom because they worked well for my kids. So the last Audio books I listened to were Othello, The Great Gatsby and A Separate Peace.
I listen to audiobooks when I travel all the time! My favourite are the Harry Potter series--somehow they manage to make the trip go by really fast.
Allison (Geek Banter)
I'm not an audiobook person either, but I had a long commute to work and had the night shift so I needed something besides music to keep me awake. So, I went to the library and checked out a bunch of audiobooks. I am a little light on reading the classics so I loaded up on A Tale of Two Cities & Anna Karenina. It was a fabulous way to "read" these books. I haven't read many since though. I decided to take the train when I worked the day shift and used the time on the train to write:) I must have been inspired:) Great post. Enjoying the comments.
Cherie, I love audio books. I've got so many books I want to read that listening to them in the car helps me to work through the pile faster. I haven't been listening to many as of late though. I moved in December. I would go to the library in the city I used to live in all the time to check them out. Just haven't done that where I live now. I did find a nice app on my phone called "Audio Books". It has lots of classics on it. Need to work on listening to those types of books. It's hard for me to read them with a traditional book. I fall asleep. I enjoy YA the most.
I don't, but the library offers many books I want to read only in audio, so I'm thinking about breaking down so I can "read" a book or two that I've been waiting for.
I'm not an audiobook girl, but on a road trip with friends last year, we started listening to "Dune" on audiobook. It was an interesting experience, but I think I prefer reading. :)
I don't listen to audiobooks either. I've listened to a couple of stories on podcasts, but they're too slow. I'm a fast reader. I also don't like listening to a voice that might taint my feelings toward the story itself.
Heh! You're psychic! If you ever have a dream about lottery numbers, let me know. ;)
The last audiobook I listened to was a Berenstein Bears book back in the 80s. Also on a record! :D
I'm not big into audiobooks. I'll listen to authors read from their work, at readings or on NPR...but otherwise, I need to SEE what I'm reading.
I've listened to a couple audio books on road trips because my mom had them on at the time (when I was in high school). I'm more into reading the actual words though because I do need that visual. Plus, if I miss something, I don't have to rewind!
I only do audio with my students. Audiobooks aren't for me. My mind wanders.
I used to listen to audiobooks back when I lived in America. They're great for long driving trips. Since I don't do that sort of thing anymore, I haven't listened to one in years!
I listen to a lot of audiobooks and voice activation on the Kindle now because I commute about 2 hours a day. It's my uninterrupted reading time.
I'll listen to short stories on podcasts. They are great for when I'm on the excerise bike. But I've never listened to a whole novel.
The last one I listened to was Helen of Troy by Margaret George and it took me like two months to get through it (it's a really long book)!
I like audiobooks when I have long car rides, such as the 10 hours it takes to get to Jacksonville from Nashville. It kills time!
I have a horrible attention span and can't concentrate on audio books. I lose entire fragments of the story and it is a pain to rewind. They're good for putting me to sleep. Ha, ha!
I enjoy listening to audiobooks in the car. I just finished A Wizard of Earthsea on Audiobook. Might as well use the hour and a half in the car for something.
I only listen to audiobooks if I'm driving, otherwise I'd much prefer to read a book. I not exactly sure, but I think the last book I listened to may have been Hannibal (the one about Hannibal Lechter). I'm pretty sure it was abridged, but it still lasted for a trip from L.A. to Phoenix and back and I pretty much got the point of it. Actually it was well read and quite entertaining.
Wrote By Rote
I use audio books with my students as they are not good readers and it gives me a break from using my voice!
I drive ~11 hrs each way to see my family twice a year and audio books have been a HUGE help on those treks. Unfortunately, my attention span is limited to 7-8 hour books, if not shorter. Some books I really want to read have audio books that are ~17 hours. Too long for me!
The last one I listened to (and LOVED) was Scott Westerfeld's LEVIATHAN as read by Alan Cumming. I can't wait to listen to the next one!
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