During the Flash Fiction Blogfest, I decided to revisit Raven's world from my short story "Eclipse" in the flash fiction piece "Between Dark and Light." Unfortunately, doing so has given me an idea to write an adult fantasy novel. Here is another character from that world and the possible novel that keeps nudging my mind and saying, "Write me!"
The heavy knock and crackle of
thunder foretold the Magician’s coming.
Sage’s mother grabbed his arm. “Quick,
son, you must hide.”
“But, Mama, no.” The eleven-year-old
boy dug his heels against the wooden boards.
“Please, listen to me.” She shoved
him down into the hidden room under the floorboards.
“He’ll harm you. I won’t let him.”
Sage started to crawl out.
“I won’t let him take you.” Fear
widened her eyes at the second knock. With shaking breath, she whispered the magic
spell, “Bind your mouth so you cannot talk. Bind your feet so you cannot leave
this room until he leaves.”
Sage’s voice left him as his mother
slammed the trapdoor upon his head. He could imagine her pulling the rug and
chair over it. He was trapped and silenced. Fists formed at his sides, and he
reached up to pound upon the boards when he heard a loud bang. It sounded like
the door had exploded off its hinges.
“Kirken! You should be more patient.”
Mama’s voice sounded like all smiles. How could she change so quickly? Perhaps
she just wanted her son out of the way.
“How is my favorite witch?” Charm
oozed from his dulcet tones. Footsteps clomped closer to where Sage stood under
the floor.
“I’m very well, thank you. I would’ve
dressed more presentably if I had known you were coming.” The chair creaked.
“Cassia, you look lovely in
anything.” Kirken paused. “Where’s the boy? I would like to see my son.”
“He’s out...in the woods. I don’t
know when he’ll return.”
“Perhaps I’ll wait for him.”
Sage sank to the dirt floor. A
spider crawled across his arm, its hairy legs tickling his flesh. He swiped it
away. Would his father wait for him? Mama had told him about his father, how
the Magician lived in a castle surrounded by the fae forest. How he would take
her portion of the kingdom, including him, if she let him?
“It might be a while,” she said. His
mother gasped. “What are you doing?”
“I want you to join me. You and the
boy can return to my castle. The Witch and the Magician’s sections could be
combined. The Sorceress and the Wizard won’t be able to defeat us.” His voice
lowered, and Sage couldn’t hear Kirken’s last words.
A slap filled the empty space.
“I assume you disagree.”
“Of course, I do. You’ll never have
Sage, or my portion of the kingdom.” The chair clattered to the floor.
Sage held his breath.
“So be it.”
Light seeped into the darkness where
Sage sat. Its brightness blinded him. A clap of thunder shook the house, and
something thudded above his head.
Footsteps trailed away. Silence
followed, except for the patter of rain and rumble of thunder.
Sage felt the spell release him from
the hidden room. Shoving aside the trapdoor, he silently cried out.
His mother lay facing him with her
eyes wide open. She was dead. Sage knew it as soon as he saw her.
And he couldn’t say a word. Even in
death, her spell had binded his speech.
YIkes! Very intense piece Cherie- well done and now I'm curious what the boy will do.
oh, wow! Very intense, and awesome piece! I definitely want to know what happens next, especially for the boy's sake.
BTW, I have a couple of awards for you at my blog today!
Thanks for the flash fiction! A pretty intense tale today. Do your characters have words for their spells, like in Harry Potter?
This makes me really curious. Did Sage inherit magic from his parents? If he did, can he use it without being able to speak? I definitely want to know what happens next. :)
Oh wow, this is great! Such a dramatic scene, I'd love to find out what happens next! :)
Wow, I wonder how long the silencing spell will last?
Good for you heeding the nudging! The persistent ones, that beg to be written, make the best stories.
Now that is an awesome flash piece! I can't wait until you write that one!
Great piece. I can see why it intrigues you to explore deeper.
Happy Weekend!
Wow. Sage unable to speak and therefore taking a part of his mother with him. How awesome.
Wow. Sage unable to speak and therefore taking a part of his mother with him. How awesome.
Ah poor guy! At least he was spared
Such an intense flash fiction piece... it was great:)
Oh my gosh, I love this! What a chilling ending. I think it's fantastic that you are playing around with a novel, based on this piece I hope you go for it! :D
Oh wow. I want to
wow magnificent twist at the end, sounds like a very persistent idea indeed
Ooh, wow. Too bad she didn't put a qualifier on the muting spell. Hm, traditionally if a spell doesn't end upon the caster's death, that person was very powerful indeed. If true, this Magician must be even more powerful. Interested to see where this may go.
Thanks for this intense flash fiction. What happens next?
Nicely done!
Love that the binding spell now serves as a crutch and a lasting reminder of Sage's murdered mother...
Well done. I like Sage, poor thing.
loved the Betrayal tale...the relation beyond everything else about the mother and the son....
Pisos en Roquetas de Mar
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