I'm a love at first sight kinda gal.
I tend to know quickly whether or not I would like something. That doesn't mean my opinion won't change one way or the other, but I rely on instincts about people and other things.
I jumped into acting by being in the school musical. I fell in love with The Phantom of the Opera musical and became obsessed by it for three years. I did the same for role-playing games. I'm an impulse buyer. Just ask my former housemate and how we would go get the Dairy Queen blizzard of the month after seeing the commercial a couple times. And I can't tell you how many times I've fallen in love with people (not that they would ever know because I never acted on any of it). I can usually tell whether or not I would like a book based on reading the first few pages (that's really why they are so important).
Although strangely enough, I often have to listen to a song on the radio a few times before I like it. Hmm.
I can be called obsessive, passionate, and a dreamer.
I think it boils down to being a "love at first sight" person, and sight isn't the only sense, of course. Like how I fell in love with the Phantom just by hearing his voice. *cue organ music* The Phantom of the Opera is there ... inside my mind.
Okay, Phantom moment over.
I recognize I am this type of person, so I make myself pull back and stop to think. It may change my mind. It may not.
It's just who I am.
Have you ever fallen in love with something quickly? Or do you want to get more information before making a decision?
It takes me a bit, especially with music. (I listen to progressive rock and it always requires several listens due to the complexity of the music.)
Oh yes, I'm impulsive too. I use my intuition to tell me whether I'd like the person or not.
I'm definitely impulsive. I can't count the number of times I've decided to buy something without giving it due consideration. That sometimes works... sometimes it doesn't.
I do try to sit back and consider things, but that doesn't always work well with me either *sheepish grin*.
I am much the same as you - impulsive and instinctive! :D
I guess I run the gamut...
I can think of instances where I definitely felt that connection immediately (my wife, for instance); times when it took me a while to connect; and even a few things that I hated at first, before they eventually became favorites.
So I believe in love at first sight and have experienced it, but it's been a bit of a rare treasure for me.
And by the way -- posted about your 2nd Annual Flash Fiction blogfest today at my blog. I'm looking forward to it!
I'm a fast decision-maker and usually my first impressions are what stays with me, but not always. My first impression of my now-husband was NOT a good one!
I think it depends on what it is. In general I grow attachments to things and people or animals quicker than most of my friends or family. But I also like to try things out before I decide, look around see what else is out there sometimes, and with people I'm pretty upfront.
Yes. I think that most writers are romantics at heart. It's nice to feel the electricity that you are describing. Life without electricity seems so banal.
I had a love at first sight w/ my favorite musical group, Green Day. Was flipping channels and stumbled across a music video by them and I was just floored. I was head over heels in love. (No one ever said love at first sight had to be over a person!) Ever since you ask my favorite band, I don't hesitate to say them. Also, I think a couple of my own characters in my stories I have instantly fallen in love with.
I agree with Miranda - a little bit of impulse and intuition is how I make a lot of my decisions. You gotta trust your gut!
It takes me a while to like things. Yet for some visual things - book covers, photos, art - I either like it right off or I don't. I do love the Phantom, though. It wasn't immediate, but he grows on you!
I'm very similar. If I love something, I almost always know immediately. If a book or movie doesn't grab me quickly, I rarely continue with it. And I tend to get more than a little obsessive too once I like something LOL.
Oh, falling in love at first sight is my complete downfall. I get to wrapped up in a relationship to quickly that it scares my prospective honey away. See I'm already calling him honey before it even starts. haha
I'm an obsessive person, too. I get caught up in books, music, tv shows, movies, etc... Oh and food too.
I totally understand.
I am definitely a love at first sight person. I knew my husband would be my husband when I saw him brooding in the dorm my first year at Cornell.
My husband and I bought our first house after we stopped at a model home because I had to use the bathroom. Before you know it the sales lady is inviting us in and offering to hold the baby.
We bought our second house from looking at it on the Internet and sending him over to talk to the realtor. He makes an offer while I'm at work.
We bought an expensive tree trunk table because we happened to walk into a store full of art and artifacts from Southeast Asia to get out of the sun. Our kids were flabbergasted.
I like being a love at first sight person because I don't waste time trying to like a book, movie, food, person, car, house, pet, oh yes, the pets. Idea planted in the morning, parrot bought in the afternoon.
Thanks for sharing, Cherie. that was fun to think about.
Mix of both, some things grab my attention, a dress colour or pattern, toys, sometimes art and crafts, decorative woodwork which means buying if I can afford it, even songs and sometimes a blurb on a book moves me to buy it. People I don't tend to love at first sight unless it's a kid. I prefer to observe them from a distance to see how they bond with others.
I am. My first wife- I knew I was going to marry her the very time I saw her.
My cars- except possibly the VS wagon.
Sarah Mclachlan- the very first time i listened to her first album "touch"...
My second wife- the first time I heard her voice...
the list is endless
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