Monday, August 22, 2011

The Spark Blogfest: Doomed to be a Writer


Christine Tyler at The Writer Coaster has created this awesome blogfest. You only had to pick one question to answer for it, but I've decided to write all three and post them today, tomorrow, and Wednesday.

Today's question is: What book made you realize you were doomed to be a writer? 

In high school, I saw the musical Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. I became rather obsessed with all things Phantom and ready Gaston Leroux’s Phantom of the Opera. My obsession turned into writing on several role-playing game groups on Yahoo.

Although Phantom of the Opera jumpstarted my passion for writing, JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series cemented it. Once I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone I was hooked. Writing in Rowling’s complex world inspired me to create worlds of my own. It made me become a writer.


C D Meetens said...

I love both of these two, and can see how they would inspire you to write. "Harry Potter" has always been the sort of world and characters I would have loved to read about as a child. "Phantom" has such a deep character, it's hard to cast him as either villain or hero.

Tara Tyler said...

one of my dreams is yet to see phantom of the opera. great spark story!

Christine Rains said...

The Harry Potter series has inspired a lot in me too. It's brilliant. Blood brilliant!

Kerri Cuev said...

I would love to see Phantom one day! Of course Harry Potter just rocks! Such great inspiration.

Julie Flanders said...

Love both of these choices! Great idea to answer all three questions, I'm looking forward to your other posts. :)

Patricia JL said...

I can totally see Harry Potter inspiring so many writers. Those books are amazing and fun. Awesome spark. =D

Dawn M. Hamsher said...

Oh yeah, Harry Potter! Just magic!

The Write Soil

Jillian Schmidt said...

Great answers! Like a lot of the Spark bloggers I kind of sidestepped the first question with "um, I think I always wanted to be an author?" and went on to other questions, so it's great to read about someone who can actually pinpoint books that inspired them to start.

Trisha said...

Very cool answers Cherie!! HP is definitely inspirational. And I only just read Phantom this year. Loved it!

Anonymous said...

Oohhh, the drama! Nothing much beats the Phantom.

Philip Siegel said...

I think HP has inspired a whole generation of readers and writers, too. Great choice!

Angela Cothran said...

Harry Potter made me realize how powerful a well told story could be. Great post :)