Let me tell you a little about Once Upon a December Nightmare because this ebook has gone through a long journey to be published. In 2002, a few friends and I went for a nighttime ride on a backwoods mountain road. When the truck broke down, we were forced to walk to the main road to call my dad to pick us up. Nothing happened to us besides being half-frozen by the time my dad came. Boring story, I know.
I let the idea fester in my mind for almost seven years until May 2009. I was writing then, and I decided to write Once Upon a December Nightmare, which was loosely based off my experiences with my friends and made much scarier. I finished the story the same month and promptly sent it off to a publisher who shall remain nameless. The story was contracted, and the release date was set for July 17, 2009. Two weeks before the story was to be released, the publisher went under, the story was never published, and I obtained the rights again.
In August 2009, I decided to submit the story again. After letting my critique buddies Christine and Aubrie look it over, I submitted it to Wild Child Publishing. Then, I waited. It was October, and I hadn't heard from Wild Child Publishing. Then, one day, I got the email. They wanted me to send the rest of the manuscript to them, and a couple days later, they accepted it.
I received my contract and an art form. I promptly sent both back. Above is the wonderful cover art of Valerie Tibbs. I couldn't be more pleased with the cover!
Then, nothing again for quite a while. In January, I finally sent an email back to them asking if they forgot about me. They were backlogged, so I waited some more.
An editor, Zetta Brown, got in touch with me. She is absolutely fantastic. With four edits and notes, she helped me craft a much better story and bring the characters to life. We cut out a thousand words and added two thousand more of character building. The story changed from first person to third person. The plot may be similar to the original story I wrote, but the entire feel of the story has changed. At first, I was worried about it, but it's such a great horror story, coming in at approximately 11,300 words.
And, now, I have a release date. I'm looking into ways of promoting my book, so if you have any ideas, let me know. I would love to be interviewed and I'm thinking of ways to hold a contest as the date comes up.
Now, without further ado, here is the blurb for Once Upon a December Nightmare:
They were only going out to dinner and a movie.But when their truck breaks down, and their cell phones don't work, they must brave the cold December air, nightfall, and a long hike. Yet this is the least of their troubles. Tension runs high between the four young friends…and they are not alone. Each step brings them closer to safety, but will they make it to the main road alive?
Zetta helped me craft the blurb too. I think it's awesome!
So be on the lookout for the ebook! It's coming soon!
Very exciting! Good luck with it.
Congrats, Cherie! I know you've been waiting for this story to be available for awhile now. And I haven't worked with Zetta personally but I've heard she's great.
The cover is creepy and really seems to fit the story (a definite plus!)
Now that you have your release date, let me know when you want to be interviewed for my blog. Can't wait to have you!
Oh it must have been horrible when the publishing company went under! So close. I'm glad you've managed to publish it and it definitely sounds interesting. Unfortunately I'm not experienced with promotions, but I wish you the best of luck.
I feel so lucky that I was with you every step of the way. :) Congrats, I can't wait to read it with all the changes.
Thanks, everyone!
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