Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Another Blog Award

The talented Nicole Zoltack gave me the Blogger BFF Award. I was surprised and honored to receive this award. I enjoy following Nicole's blog, and the background she has for it is just beautiful and I think very fitting for her and her writing.

There are wonderful bloggers out there, and I follow quite a few, but I enjoy catching up with old and new friends, who have great blogs that not only chronicle their writing but also give us a glimpse into their lives.

Blogger friends I'm bequeathing this award to:
Aubrie Dionne
Nicole Ducleroir
Lisa Rusczyk

These friends are on livejournal, who also deserve this award:
Christine Rains
Crysa LeFlar
Quill Quirks

Thank you again, Nicole Zoltack, for this awesome award!


Aubrie said...

Aww thanks so much! She gave it to me, too, so now I get it twice yippee!

I'll post the awards soon on my blog! Maybe I'll give them back to you hehe.

Cherie Reich said...

Hehe! I knew she gave it to you, too. But I still feel that way, so I decided to give it to you again. You deserve it twice. :)

Unknown said...

Cherie! Thank you so much for this awesome award! I've never gotten it before -- thanks so much for thinking of me :))

Hope your day is going great!

Nicole Zoltack said...

I love your blog and reading about your writing journey, Cherie, so I had to give it to you! And Aubrie's blog is great, I'm not surprised that she gets awards all the time.
