Top Ten Villains
- Loki – When he says kneel, you kneel.
- Hannibal Lector – He's so creepy. And smart. And cultured. Strange mix but it works.
- Maleficent – By far the scariest of the Disney villains. Who goes after a baby because they weren't invited to a party? I'm intrigued by the upcoming movie.
- The Nazis – What they did was unspeakable.
- Bellatrix Lestrange – As villainous as he who shall not be named. She enjoyed torturing and killing people. Need I say more?
- Hans Gruber – I love Die Hard and I love Alan Rickman so it's no surprise he makes my list.
- Norman Bates – A perfectly creepy psycho.
- The Joker – Maniacal and calculating with a clown face and a crazed laugh.
- Dark Phoenix – There's nothing more heart-wrenching than watching a hero turn dark and destroy an entire galaxy.
- Magneto. So sympathetic at times and yet so ruthless too. I can't wait to see the new X-Men movie!
After destroying Skull Krusher, Nicholas Adams thinks Falledge is safe and becomes a security guard at the museum, watching a valuable statue. Unfortunately, the Egyptian statue houses the soul of a scorned witch, biding her time to have her revenge on the descendants of her cheating lover.
Kiya the witch isn't the only new foe in town as the drug that created Skull Krusher has now transformed a scientist into yet another monster, forcing Nicholas to don his Black Hellebore mask again and save Falledge.
Nicholas has no help this time as Kiya gains possession of his love Julianna's body and brings the soul of Justina, Nicholas's high school sweetheart and Julianna's twin, with her. Despite himself, Nicholas is torn between the sisters. If he can't stop the fiends from taking over the world and destroying humankind, he'd never be able to find lasting, true love.
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Nicole Zoltack loves to write in many genres, especially romance, whether fantasy, paranormal, or regency. When she’s not writing about knights, superheroes, or zombies, she loves to spend time with her loving husband and three energetic young boys. She enjoys riding horses (pretending they’re unicorns, of course!) and going to the PA Renaissance Faire, dressed in garb. She’ll also read anything she can get her hands on. Her current favorite TV show is The Walking Dead. To learn more about Nicole and her writing, visit

Wow! Can you believe it is the last day of the challenge? Where did April go? Although I'm not participating in A-Z on this blog, we authors at Untethered Realms are talking about fantastical creatures. Be sure to stop by!
Good list, Nicole. I'd add Vader.
Be sure to stop by today, Cherie!
Loki! Yeah... I learned a lot about him while doing research for my current manuscript. Great list!
I love Loki as a top villain, and I would agree with Alex on adding Vader.
Great list, although like Alex, I would have to add Vader in their somewhere. I watched the first of the Star Wars at a fairly impressionable age (5), and Darth Vader was definitely at the top of my villain list at the time. :)
Awesome list! I like tricky villains like Loki. There's also the pure evil ones like Voldemort and the Emperor (Star Wars).
My first thought was Nurse Ratched of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest fame. Totally dislikeable, I think its the fact that extremely vulnerable people are involved that makes her actions even more evil
pretty nice blog, following :)
Her list is darned good. Every one of those guys scares me.
All the villains on the list are nasty creatures.
I'd have to add Vader. [heavy breathing]. And I love monsters, especially giant reptiles. Mr. Croup and Mr. Van de Meer from Neverwhere rank among my favs too.
Loki and Bellatrix totally! And Hans is one of my favorites. Vader's a good addition too, as others have mentioned.
I certainly love my villains, and Loki is a good choice.
Even if he's not technically a villain, I love Thranduil. He's pretty ruthless for whatever type of character he is.
Awesome list, Nicole!
Bellatrix is one of my favorite villains. She is perfectly done in the books and the movies!
Wishing Nicole the best of luck with her book. :
Oh, you guys are killing me! Vader would've been number 11. LOL
A great list. Hannibal Lecture is super creepy. I would have to add Vader though.
Good luck Nicole!
Hi Cherie!
I came over thanks to Alex's post yesterday. Nice to meet you and find your blog!
Wonderful list of villains. They are usually my favorite characters. And I whole-heartedly agree with No. 1. My only change would be to add Darth Vader.
Those are some awesome villains. Best of luck with the new book, Nicole. :-)
Fantastical creatures, sounds fascintating, and could even unclude the less frightening ones in my children's novels.
Thank you, Cherie, the little creatures are from a friend's favourite cartoon that he reads every day in Atlanta.
Oh, yeah, those are some impressive villains.
Nicholas sounds like he has his work cut out for him. Congrats to Nicole on her latest release.
Stalin was pretty shitty as well, as a person.
I actually think Bellatrix was way more evil than even Voldemort. She took pure joy in causing others pain.
I'm kind of ashamed to admit that I don't know most of the villains on this list, heh. (I've heard of plenty of them, sure, but have never read/seen the works they're from!)
Ooooh what a great list, I would need to come back and give mine some thought. Without a doubt, Hannibal would be on mine!
That's a pretty good list! The Joker is pretty scary--especially the Heath Ledger version.
I'd move the Nazis to #1, but it's a great list. May the 4th be with you!
Great list! All are scary!
Great villain list!
I'd add Dolores Umbridge who IS worse than Voldemort (and Bellatrix).
Darth Vadar is missing, but other than that, awesome list. Reminded me of a few too. Damn, those dudes are dark!
Awesome list of villains. They're definitely cruel and/or creepy.
Awesome list of villains. They're definitely cruel and/or creepy.
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