Happy Wednesday!
First, I have some really cool news. Rayne Hall contacted me on Saturday. She is the editor of the Ten Tales themed anthologies, and she read Women of Foxwick and thought that "Lady Bard" would be a perfect addition to the forthcoming anthology Spells: Ten Tales of Magic. After making certain about rights and the like, I've agreed. I'm pretty excited about the exposure and the fact that it is the first time an editor contacted me about a story and not the other way around.
Oh, and I've been asked to be on a panel about blogging at the 2013 Roanoke Regional Writers Conference. It'll be my first time on a panel.
Okay, now for the general news. I have September's stats, and I'm pretty pleased with how productive I was last month.
Total Words Written: 24,825
Total Pages Edited: 628
And I published Gravity: The Complete Trilogy in print and ebook formats as well as re-published Once Upon a December Nightmare in ebook formats. I also finished the first draft of Nightmare Ever After, and it's with my critique partners and beta reader. I plan to start editing it for publication on October 15th. The only thing I've completely failed on is editing my YA Contemporary Romance novel Starred.
Here are October's goals:
1. Edit, proofread, and format Nightmare Ever After for publication by October 31st.
2. Read through The Phoenix Prophetess and make lots of notes on scenes, characters, etc. to get ready to rewrite it for NaNoWriMo.
3. Start formatting The Nightmare Collection, which will include "Nightmare at the Freak Show," Once Upon a December Nightmare, and Nightmare Ever After, for print and ebook with a release date hopefully in late November and start figuring out a blog tour for the first full week of December for The Nightmare Collection. Information about signing up to host me during the blog tour will come in next Wednesday's post.
4. Edit Act I of Starred.
5. Make an outline for The Loveless Princess, a YA Epic Fantasy novella set in the world of Foxwick. If time, begin writing the novella.

Also, if you'd like to add me as a writing buddy on NaNoWriMo, please do so. I'm bookworm0753 there.
Up until last weekend, I had planned to write Twelve Days of Foxwick for a December release. Day One of the stories twelve days went well, but it quickly fell apart from there. I figured I could push through or re-evaluate this novella. I've decided to stop for now and hopefully Twelve Days of Foxwick will be available November/December 2013. Instead, I'm working slowly on The Loveless Princess for a hopefully January/February 2013 release date.
So what are your October goals? How did September go for you?
W00t! You know you've made it when you're asked to be on a panel at a conference - awesome!
Good luck with your goals!
Holy crow are you a busy lady! I'm quite envious of your September stats. And October? Geez girl, do you ever sleep? LOL
Big Congrats on getting asked to be on the panel, as well as the editor calling YOU for your story. Keep up the good work! And best of luck meeting all of your October goals.
That's great news Cherie! Definitely share the link to the anthology when it comes out. Would love to read who shares company with our prolific Lady Reich. :-)
Sounds like September was a great month for you! Congratulations. :) It was a great one for me too!
Great accomplishments and goals! I've been a slug :)
Congratulations on the anthology and the panel!
Wow! I am jealous of your progress. Holy cow over 600 pages of editing?
I am moving into a new apartment so we won't talk about September, October now, I think I have been doing some great progress--already have plot cards for NaNoWriMo (and yes I'm going to add you), a blog post about them, and I have been editing my mermaid manuscript in big chunks.
You go girl!
Congratulations on both the short story and panel! That's awesome. I've learned so much about blogging and networking from you. You'll do great. Busy month for you! I hope to get LGA out and finish 1302.
Congrats on getting into an anthology and being invited to be on a panel! Both are very cool.
Sounds like you're really cooking on your writing goals and getting things done. Good luck with publishing everything. ;)
That is some awesome news! It looks like September was a good month for you. Here's to a good October :)
Congrats on your word count! that is fantastic! Great goals for the next month!
I'm still reading Nightmare Ever After!
Wow, an editor approached you for a story? How cool is that! Congratulations.
Allison (Geek Banter)
It looks like you've had some well-deserved good luck this month. Congratulations!
Awesome on the anthology and panel. Way to go, Cherie!
Big congrats to you lady!
My goals went pretty well in September, basically wanted to take a break from writing to let some beta readers lookover my work.
Congratulations on the anthology and panel! :)
Good luck with your October goals.
September went pretty well for me; I made a first attempt at writing a screenplay, my goal for the month, which was . . . interesting.
Congratulations on the anthology and the writers conference gig!
Oh wow!! How super wonderful that an editor contacted you about one of your stories!!!! Congrats!!
A reminder that I should be planning NaNo! Haven't even checked in for my account this year, I'll go and buddy you now :)
Good God... you're my hero! Any time I'm ever feeling bogged down about my writing, I'm going to visit this blog post and give myself a slap. Well done on the panel and on your 600 page edit *in awe* :)
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