Happy Wednesday!
A brief update on Gravity: The Complete Trilogy. I got my awesome proof on Friday. Trust me, the cover art looks even better in person than it does online. I read through it and marked the book up, and I spent all day Monday and part of the day on Tuesday fixing minor errors and anything I wanted to change. The e-versions are all updated, and I'm waiting to hear back from CreateSpace about the print proof, which is in review. If all goes well, I hope to press publish in the next few days. Oh, and it seems like the people in Europe must like the cover to Gravity: The Complete Trilogy because I'm on some bestseller lists in the UK and DE (Germany).

And my really good news is that Once Upon a December Nightmare is available again! After two years with the fantastic Wild Child Publishing, I got my rights back and did a re-edit/proofread of it and published it on the 13th. Also, for the first time ever, it is just $0.99!

They were only going out to dinner and a movie.
But their plans go astray, and friends Cassie, Mary, Denise, and James decide to take a detour down a lonely mountain road. A felled tree blocks their passage and forces them to turn around in a clearing containing a disturbing arrangement of four deer carcasses.
Then their truck breaks down, and their cell phones don't work. They must brave the cold December air, nightfall, and a long hike. Yet their troubles are just beginning. Tension runs high between the four young friends…and they are not alone. Each step brings them closer to safety, but will they make it to the main road alive?
Includes the monster's origin story "Nightmare at the Freak Show"
To Purchase: Amazon US / UK / DE / FR / ES / IT Smashwords Nook Kobo iTunes (Forthcoming)
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Next month in time for Halloween, I hope to have the long-awaited sequel Nightmare Ever After released. Aubrie Dionne--my friend, cover designer, author, critique partner, and fantastic person all around--and I scoured through Dreamstime.com to find pictures that were creepy and worked well together for The Nightmare Collection. So without further ado, here is the cover for Nightmare Ever After.
Over ten years have passed since that fateful December night.
But the monster is hungry again.
As the killings start, FBI Agent Timothy “Tim” O’Conner sends for the lone survivor to help him catch a murderer. Cassie Richards wants nothing to do with the beast or the agent's investigation, but she can't forget how her friends died. She returns to Virginia in search for closure, but will she be able to catch and kill a legend?
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So what have you been up to?
Congrats on all your great news!
Liking the sound of your horror stories, I will have to have those in time for Halloween!
That's great you got your rights back.
And congratulations on the rankings. I think UK readers rock.
Congrats on all the great news! You've sure been busy!
*sings* She works hard for her money! lol Way to go Cherie, lots of great news this week. Nightmare looks, well, scary! :-D
Congrats on all your good news!!!
Congratulations! That's awesome! OUaDN is out in time for Halloween with its cool new cover. :) I can't wait to read NEA.
Wow, you're busy! congrats on all the releases. The covers are awesome.
Woo you're popular! Congrats on everything you have going on! The covers look awesome :)
Congrats on being a bestseller in Europe! That is so cool. :)
Your Wednesday posts always make me tired thinking about them. You always have so much going on!
Congratulations for all your good news
Congratulations on all of your news! :) Awesome things happening, it sounds like.
Both cover compliment each other so well. The second one is really spooky! It's the fog that does it.
Exciting news all around, Cherie. That's awesome!
Hi Cherie!!
YOu have a lot going on ATM!! I am flat out trying to write reviews and do my posts, so I envy you on actually writing books!!
Thanx for visiting my blog!
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
New Follower :)
Congrats on getting the rights to your story back. You've got great covers, especially Gravity!
Congrats on this great news! These are great covers.
congrats congrats congrats!!
best of luck with everything
how exciting...
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