Happy Wednesday!
I caught my sister's cold last week, so I've been rather slow and drained from it. In other words, nothing much has gotten done since then.
A to Z Flashes of Foxwick and Fighting Gravity have been accepted into Smashwords Premium Catalog, but it takes a while for stories to appear on there. I'll keep everyone updated. All three are now available on Nook, though, and A to Z Flashes of Foxwick and Fighting Gravity are on Kobo.

I've had a change in plans. Instead of working on Pull of Gravity in May, I'm planning to finish up Women of Foxwick. Here's the cover art for it. Aubrie Dionne made it for me. Isn't it pretty? Women of Foxwick is a short story collection featuring five women of Foxwick: Lyrica in "Lady Bard," Vesta in "Dragon Seer," Umbria in "Lady Death," Amelia in "Mage Game," and Zenia in "Magic Seeker." Since May has been so busy and I want to take more time with Pull of Gravity, I thought it would be best to finish up the last two stories in Women of Foxwick ("Lady Bard" and "Magic Seeker") first and get this collection out in June. Then I can write the longer Pull of Gravity and publish it around July.
You can add Women of Foxwick to your Goodreads list here.

Don't forget to enter the 2nd Annual Flash Fiction Blogfest here. It starts next Monday.
So what have you been working on?
Really cool. Where do you get your photos?
Wow! You totally inspire me with all of your writing projects and publications! You rock! And I love that cover! Nice job!
Wow! Awesome cover, Cherie. I can't wait to read it. I like your new heart-shaped links for FB, etc. How did you do that?
Love the cover! Aubrie does such a great job on them.
Yay! I added it "to read" on Goodreads!
That cover is beautiful Cherie!
Gorgeous cover, and I really like the idea of a collection of stories about five different women. That's the same format as one of my favorite books, "Little Altars Everywhere." I'm printing your blog page off to remind myself to check out your books (I'm so overwhelmed some days I need reminders for everything!).
Very nice cover!
I better get cracking with this story entry ...
Looks enticing, the dress is so rich in pattern.
Good luck with your upcoming books. Will add next time I am on Goodreads.
That is a wonderful cover, Cherie!
I love that cover! I'm pouting only a little about not being able to read PoG sooner, but if it's going to be longer than you thought, I'm more excited. I can wait. :) My flash piece is done for your blogfest, and I've started on my new project. Might not get a chance to write today, though. Too busy!
Gorgeous cover, Cherie. Awesome. You're really rocking the productivity.
That's a beautiful cover! :) I love the color scheme and the woman's dress.
Gorgeous! That's great you have two coming out so soon.
I'm querying one book and writing the first draft of another.
I love that cover! Very rich visually, and striking. Diagonal lines are eye-catching graphically in general. And you're so industrious with your writing--good for you!
That is a beautiful cover.
That cover is gorgeous! I'm taking a short break from my 1940s historicals and have gone back to my contemporary historical that's somewhat of a modern retelling of Phronsie Pepper. It's a great excuse to listen to lots of Eighties music as my soundtrack!
Hi Cherie: You've been awarded the Kreativ Blogging Award, so stop on by and pick it up. Hope you have a wonderful week.
I thought of Tudors the minute I saw it. Great colors, love it.
Where did you get the cover art? It's amazing.
How pretty! Nice cover art. Congrats!
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