For the A to
Z Challenge, I'm featuring twenty-six flash fiction pieces from my Foxwick Kingdom
and its surrounding neighbors. A to Z Flashes of Foxwick is now available from Smashwords and Amazon and includes the bonus short story "Lady Death." You can add this to your Goodreads list here.
Yonder Yew
Yew Winters
hated his name. When he asked his parents about its origins, they fondly told
him his mother gave birth under a yew tree. He’d have rather been named Tree.
As soon as his
sixteenth birthday, Yew ran away from his home in Wintermill and journeyed
northwest until he met Merrilea Sea. Whoever knew sand could be so warm and the
sun’s heat could toast his skin to a golden brown? On that beach, Yew abandoned
his name and vowed to go only by his surname.
Winters breathed
in the tangy, salty air. An undercurrent of rotting fish punctuated the air’s
freshness, but he’d grown used to it. For the past forty-seven days he’d spent
at sea. Far too long for a man to be away from land. When the ship pulled into
the harbor, he nearly kissed the ground once he disembarked. Yes, he had been
gone for too long.
Winters pointed
to himself. Who was this man calling him?
“Yes, you, yonder
by the ship.”
Yew. Winters froze at that name, as if he’d
fallen into Wintermill’s icy lake. His breath caught in his throat. “What did
you call me?”
The man lifted
his hands—palms toward Winters—and backed away. “I was just wondering if a young
lad as yourself wanted to know where the tavern was. Do I know you?”
He bristled at
the “Yew” again. “Listen here, stop calling me Yew.”
The man’s eyes
crossed. “You? My name’s Pert.”
“Oh.” Winters
realized his mistake between the word “you” and his former name as guilt gnawed
on his innards. “Sorry, never mind.”
Kaleb, a fellow
seaman, came up and clasped him on the shoulder. “So, your real name is Yew,
is it? Like the tree?”
Should he cut
him now or later? Winters glared at the two men. Damn Yew! “Shut up.”
Would he ever be
rid of a name as dreadful as Yew?

Now if you want to learn more about
authors, I’m featuring up to three per day on my blog Surrounded by Books Reviews.
To find the other
participants, click here.
My first thought was that "Yew" would be a great name to have. However, after reading this, Yew is correct. As are you for writing this.
And now I'm too conscious of the U sound.
That's funny... my first thought was the same as Joshua's. =)
No one would've known had he not said anything!
Hehehe! Poor Yew stuck with that name, though.
Damn Yew! <--- Hahaha! Love it!
I'm the same as Joshua and M.J. Fifield. At first I thought, why would he rather have been called Tree? And then I realised that Yew sounds like You and ... yeah, you showed us the rest :-)
PS - Did you notice the you're/your mix-up? ;-)
What a funny play on words. Damn Yew!
This one really tickled me! It got me from "He'd have rather been named Tree." And "Damn Yew!" LOL!
J.C. Martin
A to Z Blogger
Poor Yew. Can't escape his name when he's mistaking you for Yew. ^^;;
Funny little story based on a misspelt word in the newely named Yew's imagination. Blog on!
LOL. Some things just look better written down than they sound, I suppose. :P
Hey you Yew! Yew wanna piece 'a me???
Haha. reminds me of Abbott and Costello.
*giggles* And here I was thinking Yew was associated with death and immortality and it was such a HUGE name... but what a HASSLE. You. Yew. *snort*
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