Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday's Writing Update

I can’t believe the month is almost over! By the way, look over to your left on the blog. I’m over 200 followers. Blogfest will be announced on April 7th.

First off, JC Martin interviewed me yesterday on her blog. If you missed it, you can read the interview here.

Lynnette Labelle critiqued my query letter for Virtuoso last Wednesday. I plan to do a rewrite of it and send it to her for more advice. If you ever get a chance for Lynnette to critique something of yours, jump at it. She’s great and her advice is often spot-on. The critique is here.

If you need some spring in your life, read my flash piece “Springtime” from Friday here.

I’m gearing up for the A to Z Blogging Challenge which begins on Friday. I have all my posts written and scheduled to go up on their respective days except for Wednesday’s Writing Updates. I can’t do those much beforehand. I’m even planning to for next year’s challenge. I’m thinking 26 days of flash fiction. I better get started. *laughs*

I’m on schedule to finish up my current PWP assignment by tomorrow.

I have also finished all blog posts in May, except for the random posts that might crop up and the Wednesday ones plus two pieces of flash fiction. I can’t believe I got so many of them written in March. I think I might have to try to do that more often.

I do have five short stories I’d like to write this weekend. I’ll see how many I get done.

I’m all geared up and ready to continue rewriting Virtuoso in April and May. I need to have it finished by the end of May, so I can continue with my plans on having it polished and agent ready by September/early October. Wish me luck.

I’ll post March’s stats and April’s goals tomorrow.

And, if you haven’t seen it yet, then you must view Jessica Bell’s String Bridge book trailer. It is awesome! She’s also having a contest on her blog, too, so I suggest checking it out here.


Aubrie said...

Wow, congrats on all your followers!

26 days of flash fiction- that's a lot.

Good luck writing those short stories. :)

Demitria said...

Wow, you're super busy! Good luck with the query and polishing your manuscript!

Cherie Reich said...

Thank you, Demitria! I think I'll need all the luck I can get.

Summer Ross said...

Cherie- Best of luck on finishing! You have done a whole lot- doesn't it feel good to look and say "I accomplished this" I feel good when I look back most days.

Cherie Reich said...

Thank you, Summer! It definitely feels good to look back on the month and see how much I accomplished. I even finished one of the flash pieces already this morning. :D

Christine Rains said...

So busy! You're definitely an inspiration for writers. ^_^

On another note, I'm loving everything about ACROSS THE UNIVERSE so far except for Amy. It's absolutely fascinating.

Arlee Bird said...

Wow! You sound like you've really got it together when it comes to blogging. Good job!

Tossing It Out
Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

Jessica Bell said...

Thanks for the plug, Cherie! :o)

nutschell said...

You have your posts all written out? You rock! I have a list of topics for each day, and I thought I'd try and come up with the article per day--but your way sounds so much more efficient.

Cherie Reich said...

Nutschell - Yeah, I'm an overachiever. *laughs* They are even ready to go on their assigned days. Basically, I figured if I wanted to be able to work on my novel and do the A to Z Challenge and read and comment on those posts, then I had to get the posts done beforehand. I do recommend it. :)

Theresa Milstein said...

You're at 205 followers. YaY!

Carol Riggs said...

Woohoo, you made it past 200! Yay you. Great that you've written so much lately. That's a lovely book trailer for Jessica Bell too; I saw it on another site. :)

Lisa Potts said...

Congrats on the followers! Sounds like you've been very productive and will continue to be so. Good for you.

Bess Weatherby said...

Wow. You are so on top of things! I think I'm going to have to take a leaf out of your book and set some solid goals. So productive! I'm jealous . . .

Misha Gerrick said...

Hahaha sounds like you're super organised.

For A-Z, I specially planned what topics I'm writing on, but I gave up on the idea of scheduling any number (except one) of consecutive posts.

So... more thumb sucking for me. ;-)

Good luck! Can't wait to get my hands on some more Virtuoso.