Thursday, March 31, 2011

March Stats and April Goals

As I mentioned yesterday, I would recount March's stats and April's goals.

My stats for March:
Submissions: 2
Rejections: 3
Acceptances: 1
Word Count: 9,088
Short Stories Written and Completed: 1

I wrote fourteen flash fiction pieces, and multiple blog posts. Except for a few posts that might creep up here and there, I'm set and ready to go in the blogs for April and May. If you haven't realized yet, I'm participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge. I plan to comment at least on every blog once during the month of April or at least trying to. If I don't respond much to other people's blogs, it isn't because I have stopped reading. I do read or at least glance through all blog posts, but I don't have time to comment everywhere. There aren't that many hours in the day, but I will try to stop by. I promise.

April's Goals:
Write five short stories within the first week or two of the month
Revise the first five chapters of Virtuoso this weekend
Revise my query letter for Virtuoso this weekend
Rewrite through Chapter 14 in Virtuoso by the end of April

I'll also have my PWP assignments, books to read and review, and some friends' works to critique.

Will I get it all done? I don't know. It's a lot to do, but I'm going to try my best.

In the end, though, April's going to be crazy fun.


Chantele Sedgwick said...

Good luck with your goals! And good luck with the A to Z blogging challenge! I was a wimp and didn't do it this year... Maybe next time! :)

Aubrie said...

Good luck with your goals. Send me Virtuoso when it's done!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I've always hated statistics...even in college when I was forced to take it as a core requirement.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

wow, fantastic achievements and goals! Good luck for April :)

Nicole Zoltack said...

Good luck reaching all of your goals!

Jennifer Shirk said...

Good luck! April is going to be crazy for me too. My goal is to write 20K words. eeep.

Why Not? Because I Said So! said...

You have some heavy duty goals for April. Good luck!

Reviewer & Writer
Book reviews and Author Interviews at my blog at

Christine Rains said...

Big month! You can do it! ^_^