Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bernard Pivot Blogfest! - My answers

Nicole Ducleroir at One Significant Moment at a Time is having a very cool blogfest today in honor of having over 500 followers. Click here to see the link and who else is participating today.

The key was to answer Bernard Pivot's famous questionnaire.

Here are my answers.

1. What is your favorite word? Verisimilitude.
2. What is your least favorite word? Liar.
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Powerful music that sweeps you up in it body, mind, and soul.
4. What turns you off? Distractions.
5. What is your favorite curse word? Fuck. (I don't typically use it, but I love the dissonance and people's reactions to the word.)
6. What sound or noise do you love? Super Mario Brothers 3 game music; it always makes me smile.
7. What sound or noise do you hate? Ringing of the phone.
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Archaeologist.
9. What profession would you not like to do? Anything involving food, particularly meat.
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "Oops, we made a mistake."


Vicki Rocho said...

Ewww...I don't want to work with meat either.

Unknown said...

We have the same answer for 'noise we hate!' And I've learned a new word...well, I will have learned it once I look up 'verisimilitude.' LOL

Thanks for playing along!!

Jennifer Hoffine said...

I wanted to be an archeologist when I was young.

Kerri Cuev said...

Sometimes my kids play Mario so much I hum the tune all day lol. NIce to meet you fellow crusader!

Summer Ross said...

thats a great curse word- lots of people seem to enjoy it LOL

ringing of the phone- yup bad sound.

Erinn said...

Just reading the words, "Super Mario Brothers 3" made me smile thinking about the music. NICE!!!!

Great list

Christine Rains said...

You could be a female Indiana Jones with Super Mario Brothers theme song! *LOL* I wouldn't want to do anything with meat or phones.

L.A. Colvin said...

Love #10, it made me laugh. I now have the Super Mario's song in my head but you're right. It does make me smile

Hart Johnson said...

That phone thing must be common for writers--you're not the first I've seen to say it and I hate it too... And archeologist! Good answer. I'd like that, too. (not so different from writing in a way... solitarily stringing together the pieces to form a story)

Arlee Bird said...

Yes on the music for inspiration. And I agree on the curse word--I just didn't want to say so in my post, but I can say it in my comments.

Tossing It Out

Kittie Howard said...

Hi, I'm dropping in from the blog fest (nice to meet you!) and am your newest follower. I'm at:

It's amazing how many of us (me included) chose anthropology!

And my curse word, zounds, was the f-bomb during Shakespeare's time. But most don't know that, think it's quirky and smile and I get to let off steam (my dry sense of humor.)

Cherie Reich said...

Summer - Yeah, I noticed a lot of people like that curse word. *laughs* One of the best lines I remembered from my Roman Satire class was "Fellatio, nunca fuctare." If you think about the words, you can figure it out. It's terrible, but I remember it best about learning Latin. And, I've never cared much for phones, although I heart my cell phone, but that's mainly because I get emails on it.

L.A. - Thank you! I'm rather fond of my number ten answer too. *laughs* And, for me, Super Mario Bros. = good times.

Everyone - I'm getting to your comments either via email or through here. It's so great to be reading everyone's answers too!

Rachel Searles said...

Ha! I like your number 10 ;)

Cherie Reich said...

Rachel - Thanks! :D

Angela Scott said...

Hey, thankas for stopping by my blog. I've popped over its nice to meet another blogfest addict. You're my kinda gal.

New follower here, and I promise to be back :) See you around the blogospere.


Nicole Zoltack said...

Super Mario Bro!!! And I hate distractions too.

Diana said...

Love your last answer.

My son is obsessed with Mario, not my fav. sounds.

I'm following.

Kari Marie said...

Your favorite word is cool! This is such a fun blogfest.

Margo Berendsen said...

YEs, that is a great word (not even going to try to type it - I know what it means but I can't spell it :)

But why "oops!" at heaven's gate? An unexpected answer like that makes me want to KNOW MORE!!

Ellie Garratt said...

Oops we made a mistake. LOL. I loved that answer!

Unknown said...

I've never considered the Mario's background music as uplifting except in the game ;) I can see why you'd have to work handling meat.

Lola Sharp said...

Hmmm, a lot of people like the F word and want to be archeologists. Fascinating. (Spock voice)

Eww, I don't ever want to work with meat either!

Why would God say that at the p[early gates?? Hmmm...intrigue. ;)


Corinne O said...

I'm with you on the meat. blech!

Great list,

lol word verification: bigsters

Jennifer Hillier said...

Okay, these are seriously original answers! Love your fave word, and your Super Mario Brothers answer made ME smile.

DL Hammons said...

Your favorite word is a mouthful. And I feed off music as well! :)

Lydia Kang said...

Yes, phone ringing is awful, just awful. It makes my blood pressure go up.

Jessica Bell said...

ARchaeologist! Yay! Great answers :o)

Al said...

archaeologist seems to be one of the most popular.

Cherie Reich said...

Corinne - Thanks for dropping by! *laughs* Sometimes those word verifications crack me up too.

Lauri said...

So interesting how many people are into archeology! Hello from a fellow crusader.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Cheri,

I love your favorite word....

Interesting choice for you favorite word.


Cherie Reich said...

Lauri - Hi! It is fascinating so many are into archaeology. :) Thanks for dropping by!

Theres just life said...

Hi Cherie, We have the same curse word. I like your favorite word too.
Oops, I'm afraid that's what I will hear. I'm trying to change that. Wish me luck.

Glad to met ya,
Pamela Jo

Lisa Potts said...

We have the same affection for f*ck.

I never thought about the Super Mario game music, but I find myself humming that sometimes!

Cherie Reich said...

Pamela Jo - I wish you luck. :) And, I like to think the Oops is more for the fact that I shouldn't be there yet. Thanks for dropping by!