Months later than I originally thought I would have People of Foxwick and Their Neighbors published, this short story collection is finally available in print and ebook formats!
The kingdom hangs in the balance.
War threatens Foxwick on all sides.
The dreaded Shadowlands gains more souls. From the shrouded trees in Greymist Forest to the arid Blackden Barrens, monsters roam in search of their next victim. Sirens lure ships beneath Merrilea Sea. In cold and snowy Wintermill, royals plot to claim Foxwick as their own, even if they must use dragons and sorcery. Marriage between Foxwick’s king and Lochhollow’s princess creates a perilous alliance. Although brave Valdale will come to Foxwick’s aid, the cost may be more than a true friend can stomach.
Set over a hundred years, these seventeen fantasy short stories explore the people, creatures, and lands in and around the Kingdom of Foxwick.
Short stories in the collection: Common Love, Blind Scribe, Lady Bard, Siren’s Call, Dragon’s Sacrifice, Tribal Abandonment, Dragon Spy, Dragon Seer, Sword Master, Lady Death, Mage Game, Courting Magic, Monster Hunger, Mourner’s Lament, Magic Seeker, Prince’s Price, and Love’s Challenge
Epic Fantasy
The Foxwick Chronicles #2
80,000 words or 274 pages
80,000 words or 274 pages
People of Foxwick includes the short stories from the former smaller collections Women of Foxwick and Men of Foxwick (both individually published and now unpublished) and seven new short stories.
To purchase: Amazon / Google Play / iTunes / Kobo / Nook / OmniLit / Smashwords
To purchase: Amazon / Google Play / iTunes / Kobo / Nook / OmniLit / Smashwords
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And if you haven't picked up the companion flash fiction collection set within the same timeline as People of Foxwick, you can purchase A to Z Flashes of Foxwick at these places: Kobo / Nook / iTunes / Amazon / OmniLit / Google Play / Smashwords.
I'm also at Aubrie Dionne's blog talking about four ways short fiction will make you a better writer, have a three question interview with M. Pax, and on Ellie Garratt's blog talking about five tips on world-building in short fiction.
My 10 tips for formatting is within The Insecure Writers Support Group Guide to Publishing and Beyond.
Tapping into the expertise of over a hundred talented authors from around the globe, The IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond contains something for every writer. Whether you are starting out and need tips on the craft of writing, looking for encouragement as an already established author, taking the plunge into self-publishing, or seeking innovative ways to market and promote your work, this guide is a useful tool. Compiled into three key areas of writing, publishing, and marketing, this valuable resource offers inspirational articles, helpful anecdotes, and excellent advice on dos and don'ts that we all wish we knew when we first started out on this writing journey.
ISBN 9781939844088
235 pages, FREE
Available –
Amazon / Barnes and Noble / Kobo / Smashwords / Goodreads
Some of us authors of Untethered Realms have gotten together and put our books together into a boxed set. My book Reborn is one of the books in this great collection of fantasy stories.
Stories included: Reborn by Cherie Reich
Fireseed One by Catherine Stine
Givin' up the Ghost by Gwen Gardner
The Marquis by Christine Rains
The Alpha by Christine Rains
The Rifters by M. Pax
Neverlove by Angela Brown
The Fall of Shaylar by River Fairchild
Diamonds and Dust by River Fairchild
You can get your copy at the limited-time low price of $0.99, a savings of almost $14! The collection is over 500,000 words and 1000 single-spaced pages!
Add to Goodreads!
To purchase: Amazon / Google Play / iTunes / Kobo / Nook / Smashwords (Some links forthcoming.)
And on Tuesday, I got some exciting news. Reborn is a finalist in the Fantasy category in EPIC's eBook Competition. I entered Reborn into the competition back in June and wasn't expecting much, but I'm thrilled to be a finalist. They'll announce the winners at their annual conference in March, which I unfortunately will be unable to attend. I got a cool badge and a certificate for being a finalist.
I'm also at Aubrie Dionne's blog talking about four ways short fiction will make you a better writer, have a three question interview with M. Pax, and on Ellie Garratt's blog talking about five tips on world-building in short fiction.
My 10 tips for formatting is within The Insecure Writers Support Group Guide to Publishing and Beyond.
Tapping into the expertise of over a hundred talented authors from around the globe, The IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond contains something for every writer. Whether you are starting out and need tips on the craft of writing, looking for encouragement as an already established author, taking the plunge into self-publishing, or seeking innovative ways to market and promote your work, this guide is a useful tool. Compiled into three key areas of writing, publishing, and marketing, this valuable resource offers inspirational articles, helpful anecdotes, and excellent advice on dos and don'ts that we all wish we knew when we first started out on this writing journey.
ISBN 9781939844088
235 pages, FREE
Available –
Amazon / Barnes and Noble / Kobo / Smashwords / Goodreads
Stories included: Reborn by Cherie Reich
Fireseed One by Catherine Stine
Givin' up the Ghost by Gwen Gardner
The Marquis by Christine Rains
The Alpha by Christine Rains
The Rifters by M. Pax
Neverlove by Angela Brown
The Fall of Shaylar by River Fairchild
Diamonds and Dust by River Fairchild
You can get your copy at the limited-time low price of $0.99, a savings of almost $14! The collection is over 500,000 words and 1000 single-spaced pages!
Add to Goodreads!
To purchase: Amazon / Google Play / iTunes / Kobo / Nook / Smashwords (Some links forthcoming.)
And on Tuesday, I got some exciting news. Reborn is a finalist in the Fantasy category in EPIC's eBook Competition. I entered Reborn into the competition back in June and wasn't expecting much, but I'm thrilled to be a finalist. They'll announce the winners at their annual conference in March, which I unfortunately will be unable to attend. I got a cool badge and a certificate for being a finalist.
Congratulations on the release and being a finalist! That is awesome.
Thanks for mentioning the IWSG book.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so excited for you. And yay for the new release! Popping over to Ellie's and Mary's now. :)
congratulations on both, that's awesome news !!!
Congrats on being a finalist and on your new releases. If you want me to mention it in Follower News send me an e-mail with the book cover. FYI next Monday is my last Monday post until January.
Awesome news on being a finalist! Congrats to everyone in that collection too. Looks great!
Way to go on being a finalist!!! Congrats to you on your new Foxwick book (I've already got it downloaded via pre-sale!), and I think I have all but two of the books in that collection - but I think it's cool that you all put that together!
I think my comment got eaten- so I am writing it again.
Congratulations on the releases! I LOVE the cover of People of Foxwick and the story line sounds amazing. I can't wait to check it out! Awesome that you are a finalist in EPIC's eBook Competition. Best of luck!!
Congratulations on the new release and for being a finalist! So exciting. Have a great Christmas!
The anthology is wonderful and your latest book popped up on my Kindle a few days ago. Congratulations
Congrats on the books and being a finalist.
Congratulations on being a finalist! So exciting! xx
Congrats on being a finalist!
Congrats on getting into the finals for the award!
Congrats on the release and on being a finalist. Very exciting news! Good luck on taking the winning spot in March.
Your books always look amazing! And sound great too.
Another beautiful cover! Congratulations, Cherie. Keep up the great work.
Congratulations Cherie! Great cover and its available in print too!
I think I have told you this before but I will tell you again... you have some of the best covers! Enchanting! If I saw these on a stand in Barnes and Noble, I would definitely pick them up.
Congratulations, Cherie. You are quite the busy bee but all of your hard work will pay off. I love your writing and will be looking forward to reading another one of your books.
Congratulations on being a finalist and on your new release!
Hi Cherie! Congratulations! So many great books to read and so little time!
I wish you every good wish for Christmas and the New Year!
Denise :)
Congratulations!!! Wow, lots of good news at once.
Congratulations, Cherie! Keep up the good work.
wow, Congrats, Cherie!!
(I love all those covers too)
Congrats on being a finalist and on the release. I'm about 2/3s done with Reborn and I'm really enjoying it. Hope to have my review on GR and Amazon before the end of the year. Happy holidays!
Fantastic achievements, Cherie. Many congratulations from across the pond. Wishing you continued success in the new year.
So excited for you about the ebook awards. Congrats on all your great news and best of luck with the new release!
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