the first Wednesday of the month, so you know what that
means ... it's time for another Insecure Writer's Support Group
meeting. IWSG was created by the awesome ninja captain Alex J.
Cavanaugh, and you can find out the other members of the group here.
Congrats to IWSG being two years old!
In July, I sought out a cover artist for People of Foxwick and Their Neighbors as well as for The Fate Challenges trilogy. I really only had one artist in mind, and I was so excited that she agreed to work with me. At the time I thought People of Foxwick and Their Neighbors would come out first, so we decided we would work on the cover art for it and put off the cover art for Reborn.
I told her my thoughts on what I would like to see on the cover. She did a few sketches, and we decided on a pose for the character. Then, she was off creating the cover art. I have to admit I was impressed even with the sketches, but the final cover art was AMAZING. Seriously. I have it as my computer wallpaper at work. I just like to stare at it. It's hang up on your wall good.
Of course, I already knew she was an amazing cover artist. Her name is Laura Sava, and you can see her work on deviantART.
But now I have this brilliant cover for my complete Foxwick stories collection and it completely intimidated me. How could my simple fantasy stories live up to this cover art? I'll admit my writing trickled to a halt. It took me three weeks to rewrite "Dragon's Sacrifice" (a 2500-word short story) because I just couldn't get my mind to stop thinking about the awesome cover art and how my stories just wouldn't be good enough.
Then, I realized that my first drafts don't have to be as brilliant as the cover art. I just needed to write and worry about greatness in edits.
The cover art is still amazing, and I plan to reveal it sometime next year (closer to the new release for People of Foxwick). It's okay to be intimidated, to want to write something brilliant. I needed a writing break, and now I'm back to writing.
I'm holding off on us starting the cover art for Reborn, though, until after I finish my edit before my beta readers get a hold of it. *laughs*
Has your cover art ever intimidated you? Or has something else held you back from your writing? How did you get over it?
It is intimating how good a cover art and/or story can be, yet I'm sure you're great! Good luck, if you need it!
I'm happy you get great cover art because in truth, I think your writing is great. I love your stories and your style. I think they deserve the best cover art available.
Brilliant cover art, but I've no doubt the writing is just as brilliant! Cold feet, typical, you'll work through and be surprised. That's the reward for sticking to it!
I've never been in that position, but I could totally see that happening to me. I have no artistic ability and artists impress the heck out of me. :)
Mine intimidates me!
Cherie, I've read a couple of your books, and you are brilliant. You'll have no problem living up to that awesome cover.
To be honest, I often end up not liking my cover art, rather than feeling that it's hard to live up to. It's just that feeling that it doesn't reflect everything inside.
Lol, my cover art never intimidates me because I do it myself, and I'm just not that talented when it comes to graphics!
I agree with Alex, I know your writing is brilliant and will be a perfect match for that awesome cover. Now you have me so anxious to see it!
LOL, I'm glad I didn't have cover art before I finished my book. I think what intimidates me the most right now is that people are EXPECTING a second book in my series. What if I don't want to write it? Will they dislike the book I'm working on now simply because it's not about Talia?
*sigh* I can't wait to see this awesome cover though!
I can't wait to see this cover!
You are a fantastic writer! Clearly you have to have a brilliant cover to match. Like Alex said, I'm not worried about you :)
I want to see the cover now. I love book covers. They make me excited for the book.
Greatness in edits. Perfect way to describe it!
We do get intimidated by the oddest things, don't we? LOL That's so exciting that you love the artwork so much. But it's just the sparkly covering for the meat of your stories, which are awesome as has already been pointed out. You're a brilliant writer and your readers will believe it for you, even if the insecure writer can't see it.
The first time I saw the cover art of my books I was speechless. I loved them.
"I just needed to write and worry about greatness in edits." I love this line. You are an awesome story teller. I have no doubt you'll live up to the cover art, or perhaps exceed it. =)
Ooo! I feel privileged having seen the cover then. It is very, very awesome. Your stories inspired it, so they must rock, too. But I get what you mean. It's like I don't want to hear anything about my other books while I'm in the final stages of the next. It's like a curse or something.
I realized that my first drafts don't have to be as brilliant as the cover art <-- I still need to learn this!
And I am SOOO excited to see the covers Laura has done/will do for your books. She is an incredible artist.
Some things definitely have intimidated me. I usually do the same thing-- have a break, and then jump back into writing. I'll never get over it if I don't keep going!
I've never had a cover. I know your book will be just as awesome. Can't wait to see the covers and your book.
I'm hooked already. Naughty girl! Cover art? I had my hands into two, so I felt as if I was part of the complete book. I've never given it much thought. If I see a cover I like, I'll pick it up and read the blurb. But it's the inside I'm really after. Can't wait to see your new cover. Best wishes on great success.
My cover is still under construction, but the first mock-up I saw both thrilled and terrified me. I definitely worried my story wouldn't be worthy of the art.
Looking forward to seeing your cover. Laura is an amazing artist.
Good luck! :) I admit I'm a bit worried people will be disappointed in my writing because my book cover is absolutely stunning! But I'm sure it'll be fine.
I love DA for helping my find my cover artist. They can be really intimidating. Once you find that magic though it is a great feeling. Can't wait to see the cover.
Also, yes, breaks are a huge help.
The art is gorgeous, but your writing is incredible. It was already fantastic before you had the amazing cover. Plus, you're a brilliant editor! I understand the feeling, though. I get intimidated by other people's writing. It can make me stop writing for a long time if I don't find the will to start back up again.
Whoa... I could never afford a cover artist like her! Amazing art in her dA gallery.
Obviously, intimidation is my close companion lately, so I know all about having to live with it. I guess, for me, the only thing I can do to get me writing again is to just write solely for the purpose of making me happy and feeling the thrill of it. I've had to let go of all my current WIPs all because I completely ground to a halt.
Glad you figured a way out of your problem!
Love your books Cherie. You are a great writer. Thanks for the link to your cover artist. I have been looking at cover artists for client of mine.
Covers do sell the story idea. I'm sure your actual story is every bit as awesome as the cover collaboration. After all, who knows the story better than you to be able to visualize the cover.
Wishing you much success with the editing. You'll be great Cherie.
It took me a while to realise that first drafts don't have to be perfect. I basically use them just to get my ideas onto the page, and then really go to work on edits and rewrites later. You'll do great :)
Awesome cover art can be so inspiring too! It kind of makes me giddy. ;)
Intimidated by your own cover art--ha! Funny, but I understand that. I'm sure you can rise to the occasion.
What a funny story. Congratulations on the awesome cover :) Can't believe we have to wait until next year to see it. You've got us all drooling, waiting to see it, lol.
Thanks for sharing Cherie.
I know you can rise to the cover art! I love that the new cover is so awesome- that is such good news. I am sure now that you realize you can shine it all up with your edits that the writing is going faster. I can't wait to see the cover! :)
Let's change this around, Cherie. I think your cover art has inspired you!
Love this "Just have to write and achieve greatness in edits" :)
Wow, Laura's artwork is amazing. No wonder you chose her for your cover! I think you have nothing to be intimidated about, though, since your writing is amazing, too! :)
I haven't had quite the same cover art problem, but I think it's pretty normal to worry that the story won't be good enough in the end.
But I'm sure your story inspired her, so you can take some credit for the quality of the art!
So true... first drafts are just about getting the story onto paper... Your final story will be fantastic:)
All of your covers have turned out great, so... Can't wait to see this one. :) Totally understand about the cover intimidation, felt a cringe, and then delight over my two novella covers. Good luck with the writing and editing.
Her art is amazing.
I'm sure your writing will live up to the cover. :)
Since I throw together my own cover art for my republished stories...No I'm not intimidated -- I'm not that good at it! You're right about drafting; just get it down and polish it up later until it shines.
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