V is for ... Valdale, an Honorable Land
Valdale is Foxwick’s eastern neighbor. They consider themselves a perfect land. They are ruled by a philosopher king and there are more monasteries than taverns in the land. The Valdaleans will do anything for their neighbors and have fought wars alongside Foxwick many times.
it's good to have friends!
Sound like MUCH better neighbors than Guilder or Florin *nods*
World building is such fun :)
Hmmm, with a philosopher as their King, does he ever act, or just sit there and think about it?
Three cheers for Valdale!
Valdale. You have the best names.
Sounds like a great land. And I agree with Jai that you have cool names.
Loyal friends are great. The monestaries and philosophy make it quite intriguing.
like a good neighbor...
glad they are there
So they're lovers AND fighters! Sound like excellent neighbours to have on your side.
But is Valdale really that perfect? *dun dun duuuuun!* ;)
Valdale sounds a little too good to be true, and a little boring :) Yet, they would make nice neighbors. I envy your world building skills.
Great selection for your A to Z theme. You'll have everyone wanting to read about Foxwick. :)
A philosopher for a king? Very cool! Valdale seems like a great neighbor to have. :)
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