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I is for ... Imagination in Writing Fantasy
I love writing fantasy. True, I’ve written stories in our world, but there is something fun about creating your own world. Plus, I have to admit I’m a bit lazy when it comes to research. Always have been. But in fantasy in an alternate Earth, I can use my imagination. If I want something to work a certain way, then it’s my right. Within reason, of course. Even fantasy has to have some basis in reality. *laughs*
I think one of the reasons I love writing Foxwick so much is because it’s such a rich fantasy world and brings me a lot of joy. Despite having twenty-six flash fiction pieces and five short stories published and at least two more short story collections (another twelve short stories), a novella, and a novel trilogy in mind, I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface of this wonderful world.
Do you write fantasy?
My own fantasy world, Termag, is similarly vast. I've spent literally years crafting it and adding details. Definitely a labor of love. I didn't even think of doing AtoZ this year, but I'm already roughing out a Termag-themed series for next year. All hail Evernote! ;-)
The first novel I wrote (now trunked) was a fantasy story about a nerdy girl who's video game becomes her reality. It was very fun to create the alternative world and weave it into our own. And I know what you mean about research. I'm lazy like that, too!
I used to write fantasy, but somehow I switched more to paranormal/sci-fi. And the novella I have out now is a contemporary. Go figure.
I entirely agree with you about research. I always have really good intentions of getting around to it, then I end up making stuff up instead. But it's fiction, right? So it doesn't matter if it's inaccurate? *is in denial*
I do write fantasy, and for the same reasons as you. I actually love historical fiction best, but I'm not fond of doing that much in-depth research. I like to research enough to spark my imagination and then run with it in a fantasy setting. :D
I've dabbled in fantasy a little bit and it is loads of fun to create new creatures and worlds.
My first completed ms was a fantasy. I loved it, still have it in mind. =)
I usually tend toward paranormal (though sometimes that line is blurry), however my most fantasy based novel Earth and Sky, was one of my favorites to write, and still has a special place in my heart. I like blending a little fantasy and magic into everything I write. For me, reading is about escape, and that equates to new and marvelous worlds (even if they are just altered versions of our own).
Happy Blogging!
Kaye Draper at Write Me
I feel the exact same way about the little county I created. It's so much fun to create a place and populate it with people who have interesting backstories :)
Writing Through College
I love writing fantasy and for much the same reasons you mentioned.
I like having a world with the boundaries are established where I can just let the creativity flow vs trying to build a new world for each story.
I love writing fantasy too for many of the reasons you mention. I do think picking a real place and researching it can help in the world building and the next time I create a new world I may try it.
I guess to some extent I do. I write about ghosts but in a tangible way. Right now, I'm working on a scene involving a succubus attack in the medical real world. Some how I'll figure it out. But it takes research to try and make sense of everything.
Hugs and chocolate,
Fantasy is about all I write. I love the challenge of world building and dreaming up strange stories!
Hi, Cherie,
That's exactly why I write contemporary fiction. I loathe research except when it's a subject I find fascinating.
I enjoy reading it but haven't tried my hand at it. I like science fiction for the same reason though.
I enjoy reading fantasy, although I'm more inclined toward mysteries. But have to say, I'm amazed with the imagination of fantasy writers.
Silvia @ Silvia Writes
Hi Cherie!
First time on the site, visiting through the A to Z Challenge.
I'm not a published author. I'm not even an unpublished author. I write without any delusions being published at any point in the near future, so take my opinion with a grain of salt: I love writing fantasy. Of the 4 NaNoWriMo almost-novles i've written the one that was the most fun was the fantasy one involving wizards, necromancers, different races of people, different kingdoms and magical creatures. The best part of the experience was getting stuck and realizing I could change the world a little bit (cause I was just building it page by page) to get unstuck. It was so liberating.
Yeah, there is a lot of joy in knowing that everything in that world is created by you. I think most writers have a bit of a god complex!
I can't wait to see what else comes out from Foxwick. :)
We already use some of our imagination for contemporary stories, yet fantasy uses more. I'm writing my first fantasy.
I love writing fantasy, and I've love seeing your Indie success grow and grow! Go Cherie! Go Foxwick!
Fantasy is my preferred genre as well. I don't expect that to change anytime soon. Here's to making our own rules!!
Nope...I don't write fantasy, and I don't read very much of it either. I guess I like my fiction down to earth. :)
I wrote fantasy a long long time ago, but then again, that's where I come from, so I thought on trying something new. :)
I love writing fantasy! The world-building alone for this kind of genre is always so much fun, because of how limitless it is. Glad to hear the Foxwick world has been such a great one for you to explore in your own writing! :)
I love writing fantasy because I need an escape from the real world. Real world stories just don't do it for me. Escaping into someone else's fantasy world or my own is way more exciting. Same goes for science fiction. ;)
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