On Friday, March 8th, I celebrated
my 31st birthday. Of course, it doesn’t feel much different than thirty in many ways, although being thirty-one makes me more anxious than being thirty.
Last year, I celebrated my birthday
by giving away my novelette Defying
Gravity. It was definitely the most exciting day of my life as I watched my
book race up the charts, reaching 121 or so on the free list on Kindle
(overall) and had over 2000 downloads in one day.
This year, I didn’t do much. Nothing
was thrilling, but I still had a nice time.
So far, I haven’t felt any real worries
about being in my thirties, except a need to become more established in my career sooner rather than later. Mentally, I don’t feel that old. I still like
playing video games, swinging on the swings, going to midnight premieres of
movies (but I am exhausted for a couple days after them). I prefer eating pizza instead of “grown-up” food. Physically, I do have
quite a few aches and pains, including a bad back, a bad shoulder, developing
carpel tunnel, and a bad ankle. Except for the carpel tunnel, all of the other
pains are from old injuries. Nothing Ibuprofen can’t handle. Heh. I don’t mind
adult responsibilities, but I still enjoy having fun. I hope that remains when
I’m 81.
For being 31, I hope to make this
the year I have a novel accepted by a publisher, or go forward to plans to self-pub a novel. I hope to continue to
self-publish my Foxwick Chronicles. I hope to keep writing and doing what I
After all, being 31 isn’t that bad
at all.
I still feel younger too, and I love doing all those things! Except now I like to nap and I never did before in my life. My 30s were the best decade of my life. I hope they are for your too! :)
I'm a lot older than that and I still enjoy those things! Glad you had a good birthday.
You go girl!
Happy 31st Birthday!! I'm way older than you (and probably Alex,too), and I still love pizza and most of the fun stuff I enjoyed as a kid. Sorry to hear about the carpal tunnel and your assorted injuries though. I can tell you that stuff just gets worse as you age. So don't think about it - go to a midnight movie premiere and eat pizza afterward! :-)
My thirties were all awesome. Loved em'.
And I don't think I will ever "feel" my age since I never want to grow up and am still really immature, LOL
Happy Birth Day! I'm way older than 31. I don't really think about age except first thing in the morning when I'm trying to get my knees to cooperate.
Very young! More time to accomplish a lot of things. Goodluck in your goals! Belated Happy Birthday!
Sonnia J. Kemmer
Happy Birthday Young One! I'm so much older than you. I still feel young inside and nothing much has changed physically. You do find as you get older that there are more hard things to deal with in life, but there's also lots of happiness.
I just turned 31 this year as well. I find I like where I am in life but wish to keep my hope of publication on track and coming through sooner rather than later. As I hit 30 I told myself I was done waiting for someday and my someday is today- everyday. Happy birthday
Happy Birthday! Sounds like you've got lots more excitement ahead. ;)
Thirty-one... Thirty-one... trying to remember that far back... (You've got like three years on my son!) I'll be the big five-oh! this year and it's in many ways not much different that thirty-one. More aches and pains, more forgetful, but I still love games and pizza.
But I have things now that I didn't have then: three grandsons, a finished manuscript, a published short story, and online writer buds by the boatload. Life, like wine, gets better with age. Just make sure you appreciate it fully!
Glad you had a lovely birthday. Hope the year ahead is full of good things for you.
Glad you enjoyed your birthday.
31 is young... :) I wish I'd started my writing career younger, but it's great no matter when you start.
Licorice root is great for carpal tunnel flare-ups. I almost lost permanent use of my hands from that. So be careful. And don't overdo the licorice root. I get the medicinal grade tea from Whole Foods.
Just turned 40. Don't feel any different. Other than a little lower back pain!
You're so lucky to be only 31! Ha! I'd kill to be young like that again. Believe me, a few years really wears you down and you'll see it in your face. Not to scare you, or anything. :P
I really wish I were 31 again because I'd have more time to write and perfect my novels and get them published. I feel 40 slithering up behind me and I'm getting icy all over.
Good luck with getting a publisher or self-publishing this year. You can do it and I'll help! ^_^
Happy (belated) birthday! I still have a few years to go before turning 31 myself, but I'm not really worried about it, since I can't even remember what my age is most of the time, haha. I can totally relate to your need to become more established in your career, though. I'm only 23, but already I feel I should be accomplishing more than I have, since time seems to move so speedily anymore! Crossing my fingers that you're able to reach the goals you've set for yourself this year! :)
I'm glad you had a nice time for your birthday :) I guess I'm not too worried about being 27, although sometimes I do think about the fact that I'd always planned to have children by this age ... And now that I'm here I'm thinking DEFINITELY NOT for another few years! I don't want to be an "old" mommy, but I don't want to have children now either!
I hope you get a novel published/accepted this year, whether through a publisher or by yourself. Good luck!
Getting older does bother me, especially now that I have kids and finding time for myself is practically mission impossible. But thirty one is young and you've got lots of wonderful years ahead of you, especially if you stay young in your mind. The body however will start to wear down, so take care of yourself! (:
I have the same anxiety about establishing my career at 34. But, all we can do is take it one day at a time, and you are doing great!
A belated happy birthday. I was gutted to reach my 30's as I realised I was too old to go on an 18 to 30 holiday. Not that I ever wanted to but I did feel sad that now I couldn't.
Happy Birthday! I have to say, I absolutely love my thirties. More than any other stage of my life. I hope it's great for you too!
Jeez, Cherie, getting into one's fourth decade was an event one didn't like to admit to back when I got there (http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/issue/2000-04-06/article/759 ). Glad we're past that. Wonder what Jack Weinberg's up to these days? :)
Anyway, a belated Happy Birthday!
March 12, 2013 at 10:14 PM
Happy Belated B-day! Cherish every single day. It goes by so quickly. It feels like just yesterday I was celebrating by 31st; yeah, only yesterday has now added 11 years to it. Boo...
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