It's the first Wednesday of the month (the year too!), so you know what that means ... it's time for another Insecure Writer's Support Group meeting. IWSG was created by the awesome ninja captain Alex J. Cavanaugh, and you can find out the other members of the group here.
Happy New Year, everyone!
A new year brings a whole bunch of new insecurities, but first, I'd like to take a small look back on what I accomplished in 2012.
In 2012, I self-published nine ebooks and two print books. These books include a fantasy flash fiction collection (A to Z Flashes of Foxwick), a fantasy short story collection (Women of Foxwick), two novellas (Pull of Gravity and Nightmare Ever After), three novelettes (Defying Gravity, Fighting Gravity, and Once Upon a December Nightmare), and two collections in print and ebook formats (Gravity: The Complete Trilogy and The Nightmare Collection). I also wrote 162,529 words and edited 4,202 pages. 2012 looked to be a pretty decent year, wouldn't you say?
But this year, I would like to top what I did last year by doing less. Less, you say? Yep, less. I want to still accomplish a lot but also take more time with my projects. I'm a bit nervous about my goals. Am I doing too little? Too much still? I just don't know, but here is what I hope to accomplish in 2013.
1. I want to self-publish The Loveless Princess (a YA Epic Fantasy novella), Men of Foxwick (a fantasy short story collection), and Twelve Days of Foxwick (a Fantasy Romance novella). All three of these works are set in my Foxwick world.
2. Edit and polish Starred (a YA Contemporary with romantic elements novel) and The Phoenix Prophetess (a YA Epic Fantasy novel), so I can query the novels to publishers. Although I enjoy self-publishing, I have a growing list of publishers I've been very pleased with not only their editing and cover art but their marketing abilities. I hope to query them later this year with Starred and The Phoenix Prophetess.
3. Write Book Two of the Phoenix trilogy and Book Three of the Phoenix trilogy for Camp NaNoWriMo (July) and regular NaNoWriMo (November). Yes, The Phoenix Prophetess is just book one of the trilogy. Whether I end up with a three book deal (I wish!) or self-publishing them, I want to have the trilogy complete this year for many reasons that I won't bore you with.
So, that's pretty much it. Of course I'll still be blogging, marketing, reading, writing flash fiction, etc. but I want to keep things simpler than last year. Can less be more? We'll see.
What are your goals for the new year?
Good Luck with your goals, Cherie! 2013 will be, hopefully, the year I complete my first novel. Most importantly, I want it to be the year I get a confident grasp of the writing craft.
All the best.
This post made me giggle a little because you haven't really set yourself a lot less than last year! :p But I love the ambition and look forward to anything you publish in 2013. And the offer to be your CP still stands! :D
You can do it! Less can be more, definitely. I'm focusing on the 13th Floor series this year. Or I will when I get over this dang cold!
Less can be so much more! Sometimes just knowing when to scale back is a monumental achievement. Best of luck to you in all of your new endeavors this year Cherie!
Eleven books - whoa!
You'll probably find you are more focused with fewer projects. I think less can be more!
You've you've accomplished so much in 2012, I know you'll do we'll in 2013 as well. Keep it up!
Wow, you have been busy. I think simplifying things sounds like a good idea. Less is more isn't a saying for nothing--it's true. I wish you all the best with your fresh new year!
Eleven books published is super cool. Good luck with your 2013 goals.
I definitely think less can be more. Best of luck with your goals!
Those are some pretty lofty goals imo! Good luck!
I'll be happy if I finish what I'm working on now :)
You accomplished so much in 2012--I'm impressed! As great as it would be to match that in 2013, I think it's smart to scale back a little, like you plan. This will allow you to put more energy into each project and lessen the chances of being overwhelmed. Looks like you have heaps of fun projects on your plate for 2013 regardless, so good luck accomplishing them all this year! *\o/*
Love the goals! Good luck with everything!
I believe in you!
You have done amazing work so far!
Keep going!
Wow. You had a hugely productive year. Good for you.
You had such an amazing 2012! I'm sure you will meet your goals for 2013 as well. Happy New Year!
Wow on nine! I think four on my plate this year might be stretching it. Those are great goals. I wish you all the best, Cherie. And Happy New Year!
Sometimes less is more! Heres to 2013 :)
You had a fabulous year in 2012! Wishing you all the best in 2013, and yes, sometimes less is more.
Wow, 11books published last year? That is mind-blowing! You are so driven Cherie!
Good luck with your 2013 goals.
You are truly amazing and awe inspiring. I've had the pleasure of reading one of your books and look forward to reading more. I wish you success with your goals.
Wow! You were a busy girl. Good luck with your goals, if you accomplished all that, this should be easy. :D
I do believe less is more but you seem to be a very productive girl. In any case I have no doubt this will be a great year for :)you.
Nothing wrong with less. That just gives you more time to focus on what you want to accomplish. Plus, if you get done ahead of time, you can always start another project. Good luck. =)
Yikes! Your *less* is way more than my *more*. My goal is to finish the edits on my current W.I.P. and begin the submission process. I guess I'm definitely a less is more writer.
Wow, you got a lot done last year, Cherie! If spending more time on each project takes you longer, then so be it. Quality usually goes up when you spend more time working on projects.
I hope to get my latest MS completed by the end of this year, but I don't know if that's realistic or not, yet. I'll try!
Happy New Year! ;)
Admirable goals, Cherie. Good luck :)
My goals for 2013 involve me actually writing something - a book, a short story, a limerick, something :P
Wow, look at all these comments!
You had a great year! I'll be there to support you through all these goals for 2013!
Wow - I have no idea how people manage to publish 2 books in a year, let alone the amount you managed. I think you deserve some breathing time, but already you're working on your next project?! I'm in awe :-)
Congrats on an awesome 2012! That's quite an impressive list of accomplishments. I love your attitude of trying to do less with more in 2013. ;)
I think 2013 will be a big year, how can you not top 2012 with all that momentum of success? good luck for your queries
Wow! Your less continues to top my goals, lol. You continue to astonish me with all your progress. Keep it up! Good luck with your goals for the year.
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