You can read Chapter One of Fighting Gravity here.

“We’ve spoken with
Elder McGee, and he’s interested in you, sweetheart. He’s proposing a marriage agreement.” Marissa’s father’s voice
pierced her mind.
She glanced at the dim lights popping over her birth town.
They reminded her of stars in a pollution-hazed atmosphere. Tonight, these
celestial objects gleamed brighter than in her childhood. As the electricity
grew sparse, so did the pollution in the sky.
How could I leave my
family behind? The thought left her mouth dry and tightened her heart.
Her parents wouldn’t know she’d left until morning.
Her parents wouldn’t know she’d left until morning.
Perhaps they’d be relieved. Her departure meant one less
mouth to feed. As the oldest of six children, she should’ve had a family of her
own by now. Fate didn’t work like it did a century ago before the Reckoning.
The sprawling metropolises and suburban areas had been filled with eligible
Then, the asteroid hit—the town’s folk claimed it was the
size of Mr. Ranger’s farm, or about a mile in diameter —into the Atlantic
Ocean. The Earth tilted. Those who didn’t die right away had to find other ways
to live. Many fled south to safety. Everything had changed in that instant more
than fifty years before she was born.
Now if she wanted to marry, her choice included being Elder
McGee’s third wife. Although he was the town’s leader, she couldn’t stand to
kiss his scratchy chin or deal with the white hair sprouting from his ears. She
shuddered at the thought.
Why had the young men abandoned the town?
“Good-bye.” She shook her head. Her breath plumed before her
as it mixed with the cold air. She had to continue forward. Her feet crunched
the dried grasses, and her bag bumped against her back. She topped the hill and
descended away from her home and toward her future. With the town disappearing
behind her, she could almost believe her old life never existed.
Her body grew numb from the frigid temperatures. She blew on
her gloved fingers and rubbed them together. Her digits tingled from the brief
heat. Soon, she’d have to stop, light a fire, and warm up before continuing to
the big city of St. Louis. Ships journeyed along the New Atlantic Ocean on a
daily basis, or so she’d heard. From there, she would travel south and start
her new life.
Or that was the plan.
Farther down the hill, the blackened forest reached toward
her like an army of boogeymen. What creatures lurked amongst those dying trees?
Wild dogs had attacked Mr. Ranger’s chickens a few weeks ago. Perhaps she
should’ve brought some weapons, like a gun or a knife, instead of a pair of
scissors. Not that she would know how to use a gun or a knife. She didn’t even
know how the scissors would work in her grand scheme of things, but she
couldn’t travel completely unprepared.
Her steps slowed to a halt. Perhaps she should turn back.
Night would last another three or four hours. She could return to her small cot
in the corner of the two-roomed house. No one would have to know she left.
Perhaps being a third wife wouldn’t be too bad. She didn’t have to do this.
But she did.
Her eyes closed as she remembered the town meeting a month
ago. There she had learned Jimmy, Lane, and Barron had fled to St. Louis. They
should have arrived by now. Perhaps they were on a ship to South America. She
sank to the ground. Frost chilled her butt, but she didn’t move. Barron had
been so sweet to her. He’d followed her around like a lost puppy when they were
going to school. Lane was a genius. If anyone could’ve saved their little town,
it was he. Jimmy was a little odd, a complete follower, but she had nothing
against him.
They’d fled, robbing the town of hope.
They’d fled, robbing the town of hope.
She’d known that day she would leave too. It’d taken a month
to gather her courage to run away. Her parents’ marriage arrangement with the
good Elder was the last kick she needed. No, she couldn’t go back.
She stood, adjusted the bag on her back, and brushed off the
grass from her behind. Time to keep
moving. The farther away she was the better. After all, she wouldn’t want
them to look for her.
Would they?
She scurried toward the forest.
A flash illuminated the sky. Her eyes widened, the light
casting afterimages in her vision. What
was that? Her heart leapt to her throat and stuck there.
The ground trembled, and she lost her balance and tumbled
forward. Her fingers clutched at the grass, and her body halted at a rock. Her
hands and knees hurt, but she’d live. Whatever fell from the sky might not be
as lucky.
Amongst the husks of the tree trunks, smoky tendrils twirled
into the air. Where there’s smoke . .
. . She hesitated to check out the site miles away from her. She’d read about
airplanes in books, but none had flown since the asteroid strike. Could it have
been a satellite? It appeared larger than she’d imagined. She pulled her lower
lip into her mouth and chewed on it. Damn
it. The crash had happened right along the path she was taking. Curiosity
seized her, and she hoped it wouldn’t treat her like a cat.
The crash site was on her path to St. Louis. She didn’t have
the time to go around, so she strode toward the accident.
If you've enjoyed what you've read, you can purchase and continue reading the rest of Fighting Gravity at these retailers: iTunes Kobo Nook Amazon Amazon UK Amazon DE Amazon FR Amazon IT Amazon ES Smashwords
Next Friday, we'll meet Nike in Chapter One of Pull of Gravity.
If you've enjoyed what you've read, you can purchase and continue reading the rest of Fighting Gravity at these retailers: iTunes Kobo Nook Amazon Amazon UK Amazon DE Amazon FR Amazon IT Amazon ES Smashwords
Next Friday, we'll meet Nike in Chapter One of Pull of Gravity.
This is one of my favorite scenes because she is taking her life in her own hands and choosing her own path for herself. Very strong characterization.
Great Scene! I have to agree with Aubrie - I like how she takes her life into her own hands and chooses her own path!
I love your writing style. It's so immersive :)
Great hook, and you kept me reading. Can't wait to read the rest, Cherie.
I love that you added this scene in for Marissa. It says so much about her character.
I agree with the comments above. Your characterizations are rich and have depth...loved how the decision to take charge of one's life evolved.
I wouldn't have wanted to be the third wife of an old guy with hair coming out of his ears either. Good for her for leaving.
Great insight into your character's turmoil here. You also worked in the backstory unobtrusively - because it relates to her current situation. Nice job!
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