Happy Wednesday!

Thank you to everyone who has commented on the Gravity trilogy covers yesterday. I will still announce my winner of the trilogy on Friday. And if you haven't entered, there is still plenty of time.
My sister and I went to the midnight viewing of The Dark Knight Rises. I am saddened by the shooting in Aurora, Colorado, but I do hope people won't let that stop them from seeing this fantastic movie. It's the best Batman movie I've seen, and I didn't know if it could top my love for The Dark Knight, but it did. Hope seemed to be a key theme of the movie and rising from the darkness. As a writer, I was very impressed by the storyline, particularly how backstory was introduced. It's so seamless that it doesn't halt the plot. Now, I hope to be able to see it again before it leaves movie theaters.
As for writing news, I've received my critiques for Pull of Gravity. I'm slowly editing it and still hope to publish the last of the Gravity trilogy sometime next week. By the end of September, I plan to compile the three novelettes, add epilogues for each of them, and make them into a print book called Gravity: The Complete Trilogy. I figure it'll be around 200 pages or so.
Next Wednesday, I hope to begin writing Nightmare Ever After, the sequel to Once Upon a December Nightmare. I've outlined the story (comes in around 28 chapters), but I'm not yet certain how long it'll be. I'm thinking novella length, since I lean toward shorter chapters, but we'll see.
I'm also proofreading and formatting a novella for a friend (hope to finish by Friday) and working on a client's manuscript (hope to finish that by August 3rd).
I guess I better get back to work then. Heh.
So what are you up to this Wednesday?
Nolan is a master storyteller. Movie was awesome.
Nice to hear some positive reviews for Batman! :D
Wow, sounds like your summer is going to be super busy!
Me? I have just got home. Been out with my mum for lunch, and it is SO HOT out today!
I haven't seen The Dark Knight Rises but I want to. I'm planning to see it after I've finished my latest round of edits... so that's what I'm up to this Wednesday.
Good luck with your own edits. The covers, by the way, do look great.
Loved the movie. I hope people support the box office despite the tragedy.
Editing...UGH! Good luck to you.
What am I up to today? I feel a bit like the Brain, from Pinky and the Brain. "The same thing I do everyday, try and finish my W.I.P"
Wow, busy, busy lady. I'm beta reading for a friend and editing my own novel too.
I hope to go see the movie this weekend! *crossing fingers* :)
Thanks for the review!
Good luck with your editing. :) You always seem to have so many writing projects going on all at the same time!
I really want to see it! Nolan's version of Batman has been my absolute favorite.
You are so busy!! Good for you for getting all of that writing done. I'll get there some day :)
I've been hearing good things about the new Batman movie, so I'll definitely have to go see it! Whew, you've got a lot to do. Good luck getting it all done. :)
The cover reveal was awesome! The shooting was horrific. Keith's cousin works in a cinema in Aurora, but thankfully it wasn't the same one where the shooting took place. Good luck with your work. I need to get to work on my short story too!
Can't wait to see it! Going this weekend.
I'm editing for clients and tweaking my zombie fairy tale. It should be ready to submit in a day or two!
Loved the movie. Saddened by the tragedy. Keep up the awesomeness, Cherie! :)
Likewise saddened by the Colorado tragedy. Glad you enjoyed the movie! I'll see it eventually (maybe on DVD or Netflix, ha). Sounds like you have lots of writing plans, and writing projects in place! Good luck. :)
What happened in Colorado was terrible. I wonder how someone can get that crazy to do something that horrific to people. Ugh! I, like you, hope that people still go see the movie. Horrific circumstances should not halt people's lives. We must press forward, otherwise what bad people do will create fear, therefore their objective has been fulfilled.
Good luck with your writing! Sending you creative vibes. ---> Zoooooom.
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