If you're looking for #fridayflash, it's a post below this one.

I received an email today saying that Defying Gravity is an Indie Book of the Day Award Winner. I'm not sure what else that means, but I get this cool badge and can announce new books on their Facebook and Twitter pages as well as can tell people about it. Plus, they are featuring my book on their website today. I was really surprised by this award. It's completely brightened my day, especially after I bumped my head and burnt my thumb. Heh.
Here is what the IBD people said about Defying Gravity: A damsel deceived. A warrior on adventure. A common destiny. A fight for
survival. Defying gravity defies all odds of the universe in uniting
two lovers.
You can purchase Defying Gravity at these fine places: iTunes Kobo Nook Smashwords Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon DE Amazon FR Amazon IT Amazon ES
How cool is that?? Congratulations!
Congratulations! What an honor.
I know I said congrats on FB, but I'll say it again here. Congrats! That's awesome. :)
I love their blurb. Especially the damsel deceived part. Linia and Alezandros are quite a pair. Congratulations!
Congrats! This is awesome news and honor!
Awesomesauce!!!! Congrats Cherie! :)
Congratulations! That is so AWESOME!
Totally awesome! Congratulations! :) Great Friday surprise.
That is fantastic! Congrats! :)
That is fantastic! Congrats! :)
Super congrats. I bet you're dancing around the house still. hehe Way to go!
Congratulations! That's wonderful news.
Wow, congrats!
Congrats, Cherie! This is fantastic and well-deserved news!
Congratulations! That's awesome!
Congratulations, Cherie! What an honor. Now you'll get even more publicity and win even more awards :-)
that is so great! how marvelous to get your own badge!
Very cool! Here's to even bigger and better things to come!
They have shown excellent taste. :)
AKA too lazy to log in to blogger
Wow that's pretty exciting, and such a pretty award. Huge congrats on the recognition.
Congratulations Cherie, that's awesome! Hope your head and thumb are better today:)
Congratulations! :) That's a great description of your book.
Congratulations! It's an honor!
Congrats! So exciting.
Well done Cherie - what a pretty badge! :)
Awesome badge. Congratulations, Cherie.
Congrats on the Award Cherie! Well done. It even looks impressive!
That's really cool. I've never won anything in my life, much less a writer award.
And blog awards/chain e-awards for a job well done, etc. don't count
Congratulations, Cherie! Defying Gravity is amazing & it deserves its laurels!!
Oh that reminds me that I need to read Fighting Gravity. My list is getting long... lol
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