For the A to
Z Challenge, I'm having twenty-six flash fiction pieces from my Foxwick Kingdom
and its surrounding neighbors. Soon A to Z Flashes of Foxwick will be
available in e-book format. You can add this to your Goodreads list here.
Blackden Barrens
Sparse grasses swayed like a metronome.
Stunted trees, blackened from fire’s fury, poked from the ground. A lizard
crept over rocks and scurried into a crevasse as the phoenix glided over
Blackden Barrens. Men did not belong to this wild place, and yet they marched
in a quest for one item: a feather. But it was not an ordinary feather from any
bird. The phoenix feather was a granter of dreams, of fortunes, of magic.
The brilliant bird’s shadow crossed over
its territory. Its song poured into these men’s souls, tempting, lilting,
loving. The creature begged them to forget it, for being the bearer of the
phoenix feather was an arduous task. One filled with immortality mixed with
painful endings and beginnings.
In a flash of flames, the phoenix
plummeted to the cliff’s edge. Ashes mingled with the dry dirt. The sea’s spray
could not reach the Barrens.
How long had it been since the rain?
A breeze scattered the ash and uncovered
a single flower, a daisy with its snow white petals and sunburst center. Beside
it, a downy-coated baby phoenix chirped.

Now if you want to learn more about
authors, I’m featuring up to three per day on my blog Surrounded by Books
Reviews. To find the
other participants, click here.
Great imagery. Love the picture of the phoenix falling from the cliff and the baby popping up in the ash.
Loved the imagery and the touch of sadness that lingers in this piece.
Fabulous scene setting! Very nice!
Wonderful imagery! I saw metronome and my head started moving side to side while I continued reading. Yeah, I'm weird like that!
Great B!
Happy Monday!
Jaycee's A-Z
I've always admired those who can write flash fiction. You say so much in so few words. I love the ending, Cherie. It appealed to my optimistic soul--always some new is born from tragedy. If we look.
Lovely, Cherie. You're doing a great job. Your prose is so descriptive evoking the most wonderful images.
Loved this birth of a baby phoenix. Nice work, Cherie.
What a great theme for this challenge. Nice piece and loved the ending.
wonderful! I love your writing style! Back tomorrow for sure!
Love it! The Phoenix isn't used enough in fiction - I want to see it make a come back (as befits its nature)
Jamie Gibbs
Fellow A-Z Buddy
Mithril Wisdom
My mouth ran dry at your imagery. When was the last rain? The dirt. Very good writing.
Ooooh...you really know how to set a scene!
Lovely writing, as calming a the sea ... or perhaps the touch of a downy-coated baby phoenix!
Nice to meet you!
Happy A to Z!
I love this. Melancholy yet ending with optimism.
Gorgeous writing! The first two lines especially.
Love it! The ending is so sweet and hopeful. I'm looking forward to your A to Z book.
J.C. Martin
A to Z Blogger
Wonderful flash piece, Cherie. Looking forward to some more adventures in Foxwick.
The imagery is amazing and I love just the name Blackden Barrens. I always love melancholy pieces, and this is perfect.
Now on to C! :)
Beautifully written. I love stories about phoenixes.
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