I normally don't write deeply personal stuff on my blog. It's not because I don't want to, but frankly, I live a pretty dull life consisting of work and home. I don't date. I don't have many local friends, so I rarely go out with them. My life consists of work, including the full-time library job as well as writing, editing, and reading.
But everything changed last Thursday.
My dad was laid off from his job. He'd worked there for 37 years. His company was involved in defense (made night vision goggles and such), so with the lack of new defense contracts, they're doing massive lay offs. He's 57 and having to enter in the job search market for the first time since 1974. Yeah, big change. He's better off than most. After his severance pay ends, he'll take early retirement. Technically, he'll only lose $400 a month for the most part once September comes. He'd hope to work three more years, so he could get full-retirement, but these things happen.
My heart broke for him when he told me with tears in his eyes. I can't imagine how scary it must be for him. I know I'd be terrified if I was laid off from my job. It's something that defined him. Then, snap, poof, gone.
He's hoping to find a new job, mainly for the health insurance and to recoup his $400 a month. Despite having had a good job, the family still lives month-to-month on his paycheck. I'm now the only one with a full-time job in the house. Yes, I still live at home. Have you seen the salary of a full-time library assistant? Yeah, not much, and I make less than average. My soon-to-be 17-year old sister offered to get a job to help pay expenses. It may eventually come to that, but nothing will change much until September when his early retirement goes into effect.
He's better off than most in that situation.
Still, it's not ideal.
I'd be lying to say my push to self-publish Defying Gravity wasn't influenced by what happened. It was, not that I expect to get rich or anything, but every little bit helps, you know. And for the last six months, I've planned to self-pub something, so why not it?
We'll be fine.
Still, it sucks.
*hugs* Here's hoping your dad finds something good fast. I think you made a good choice with Defying Gravity even if it was influenced by the situation or not.
So sorry for your father! And with so little time left to put in for retirement. Have faith it will all work out.
I'm so sorry to read this, Cherie. I hope things will turn around for your dad soon, I can imagine it is a very frightening situation. I will be hoping for the best, hugs to you.
You are so brave to talk about this ans share it with us. I'm sure things will work out for you and your family. But these times are so hard to go through.
Defying Gravity is going to sell lots!
I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully he can find something he'll be happy with. Thankfully your family is sticking together and everyone is helping as much as possible. Your sister sounds like a gem.
You'll do great with the self-publishing. I'm sure Defying Gravity and all the rest of your titles will sell well! *hugs* and good wishes to you and your family.
I'll say a prayer for you and your family. This is so scary. I hate to hear about it happening to people. My husband has been laid off 4 times in the last 8 years. It is the WORST feeling.
My heart goes out to you Cherie. The State of the Union speech gave me hope that things will change/turn around in this country. But it's no secret that there are immense challenges facing our leaders, especially when they have so much trouble working together. Your father is fortunate to have a writer in his midsts. Perhaps you can help him with an amazing resume.
I'm so sorry to hear this, Cherie. Praying for you and your family. X
That's terrible. I'm so sorry to hear that he was laid off. And so close to retirement! That makes it even worse. I don't blame you for pushing up your decision to self-publish.
If you need a cover designer hon, I'm here for you, and I'm affordable. :)
I'm so sorry to hear this.
I hope things work out!
I'm so sorry to hear this Cherie.
I'm so sorry. The job market is really tough right now. I hope everything works out for the better, and soon!
I'm really sorry to hear about your dad being laid off. That sucks :(
Sorry to hear about your dad's not so gentle push from his company. I guess the company is looking to save money, but it sucks when loyalty to a company means nothing anymore. Plus, in a difficult job market, I know it can be hard to find another position.
Hope everything works out well for you and your family, and best of luck with "Defying Gravity".
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