Monday, April 11, 2011

Promo Monday: I is for Interviews

I enjoy promoting other authors' works, including interviewing them. If you'd ever like an interview or would like for me to promote your book, please let me know. I can be contacted at cherie.reich(at)

By the way, I could use some material to promote. I pick random things I've heard or read. There is typically no method to my madness promotion, so I really do want to extend the offer. 


Aubrie said...

Great idea to promote other authors! You could sign up to be a blog tour host! I've been thinking about that.

Unknown said...

Nice to meet you. Found you through A-Z. Promoting other authors is such a nice thing to do. Maybe one day I'll need promoting and I'll have a pretty good place to start.

TL Conway said...

I think it's really great that you're putting this out there to help draw awareness to new works. Very cool! And I have to ask--I assume the main pic on your blog is your own library shelf? If so, it looks great!

New follower, here!

TL Conway said...
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Kerri Cuev said...

That is GREAT of you to promote others Cherie! I also like to read interviews on others blogs.