Today is Wednesday's Writing Update.I feel like I have so much to tell, although most of it will be links on what I already said in previous posts.
Last week, I attended my first writers conference, the James River Writers Conference. It was completely amazing, and I can't wait to go back next year. I learned so much, and, seriously, if you have a chance to go to one, GO! You won't regret it. To read about my experiences at the conference, including speaking with the literary agent Melissa Sarver, go here.
As I mentioned previously, I was working on Virtuoso. Now that I spoke with Ms. Sarver, I realized I need to do some more research and a MAJOR rewrite. Thus, for the sake of NaNoWriMo, I'm putting Virtuoso aside until December. Once the rewrites are done, I'll be sending out my first partial request (a few chapters) to Melissa Sarver. I want to send the best work possible, so it won't be until next year before she gets it.
Speaking of NaNoWriMo, I'm gearing up to begin writing Sarah's Nightmare. I set up my account to reflect this book and added a book blurb to it. My profile is bookworm0753 on the NaNoWriMo website. Please add me if you're on it!

I haven't heard back from any submissions lately. I should know more in the next couple weeks.
I received my contributor's copy of Mertales over the weekend, and I received the limited edition hardback copy of Bloody Carnival.
My cat Cinderella enjoyed sniffing the new books, and she even showed her horror face for Bloody Carnival. (Actually, I caught her yawning. *laughs*)
Today, I plan to write my horror flash fiction for Friday.
Also, I reviewed two wonderful horror books on my review blog. Read my review for Ben Larken's The Hollows: Book 1 - The Ticking here. Read my review for Draculas by Blake Crouch, Jack Kilborn, Jeff Strand, and F. Paul Wilson here.
That's all the news I have for this week. I'll leave you with a new adorable picture of Romeo.
Yay for pictures! And author copies. :) Keep up the great work!
Thanks, Nicole! You too!
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