So, I've decided to do my writing update today instead of Wednesday, so where to begin.
As previously mentioned, on Thursday, I received my acceptance for "Freak Show." It will be in Pill Hill Press's Bloody Carnival anthology. Bloody Carnival should be released in early September. And, here is the awesome cover art.

Isn't that awesome! And, to sweeten the deal with being in Bloody Carnival, I'm also in it with my blogger friend Nicole Zoltack. *waves to Nicole*
Also, "Freak Show" tells the origin of the monster from Once Upon a December Nightmare.
What? You haven't bought your copy yet of Once Upon a December Nightmare? What are you waiting for? You can buy it at Wild Child Publishing's website here or hop over to Amazon and buy it here. It's $2.99 at both places. Also, if you do buy it and read it, be sure to leave a review. For one, I would like to know what you think. For two, other people want to know whether or not they should buy it (which they should).
On Friday, I posted "Legend" for Flash Fiction Fridays. Tomorrow will be the last introduction to the characters of Once Upon a December Nightmare, which will include John and Cara, our lovely teen characters from the epilogue.
On Saturday, I received another acceptance, but this time it was for "Tradition." This story will be published in LL-Publications' Oil and Water...and Other Things That Don't Mix anthology. It will be available in September, and all the proceeds go to help the Gulf oil spill victims.
On Monday, I was interviewed by Nicole Zoltack, and thank you once again for interviewing me, Nicole. *waves again*
On Tuesday, I was interviewed by Aubrie Dionne, and thank you once again for interviewing me, Aubrie. *waves to Aubrie*
Also, on Tuesday, I had my big release day of Once Upon a December Nightmare. Yay!
On Wednesday, Once Upon a December Nightmare came out on Amazon Kindle. Is it sad I plan to buy my own story for my Kindle, even though I have a .pdf of it and wrote it?
Now, to today. I really need to write my flash piece for tomorrow. Luckily, I'm skipping lunch and get to leave work an hour early. I also have gone through what short stories I want to write and submit for the rest of the year. First off, I am hoping to finish writing "Government Project 103-1-10" by August 31 for Pill Hill Press's Monster Mash anthology. I would also like to still write "Changeling" for Gypsy Shadow Publishing's Writing Prompt 3, which is also due by August 31. In September, I want to write "Fallen," a paranormal romance short story and submit it to All Romance's Just One Bite Short Story Contest. The winner wins $1,000. Yes, that's right. $1,000. So, I plan to write and submit. That deadline is September 28, and you can find more information about it here. I also wish to write "Lady Death" for Rogue Blades Entertainment's Assassins: A Clash of Steel anthology in September. The deadline isn't until November 30th, but they are accepting as they go, so I'd rather go ahead and finish it before October 1st. Then, I plan to edit "Magna's Plea" and submit it to Pill Hill Press's Shadows & Light, Volume II: More Legends, which I need to finish before October 31st. And, last but not least, I want to write "The Monster Within" for Wyvern Publications' Fangtales. The deadline for that one isn't until January 15, 2010, but I hope to finish the story either before November or in December.
So when I'm not working on those short stories for submission, I will be doing my flash fiction, short stories for Raven and the Writing Desk, and work on my novels.
We'll see how it goes.
And, that's about it that has happened this week in my publishing world. And, to top it off, I received my first review for Once Upon a December Nightmare from my good friend Lisa Rusczyk. Here is what she said: I very much enjoyed this short story. It reminded me of an old movie, especially the end. The characters had interesting interactions and I read fast to see what would happen next. The writing style is easy to read and fluid. I recommend this one with a cup of tea or a cold, dark brew, read at night preferably.
*waves to Lisa* Thanks for the review!! And, now I want hot tea. Mmm....
*waves back*
You certainly have a lot on your plate! And it's funny, I want to write shorts for a lot of the same places as you. I sent in a story for Monster Mash already. I might work on a short for Gypsy Shadow, I might not. Haven't decided yet. I'm in the middle of a short for a faery ya anthology. And I want to write a prequel to my assassin story for Rogue Blades. And ARe. And a short sweet romance story as well.
Right now, my biggest obstacle is finding time to write, that's why I'm concentrating more on short stories, rather than a novel.
Hehe! Good luck with your short stories, too, Nicole! I'm hoping I can get all or most of them done. I do want to spend most of September working on editing THE PHOENIX PROPHETESS, so I can have one novel about ready to query when I speak with the agent/editor at the writers' conference I'm going to in October.
Good luck getting the book ready, Cherie. Glad you liked the review. Sounds like you're busy writing. I've been hacking away at articles all week and tossing around an idea for a book.
Thanks, Lisa! I do hope to get it ready in enough time to have you and Aubrie take a look at it, but I might just have to pitch it not completely ready. At least it is a face-to-face pitch and I don't have to have a query letter ready to go. The agent might not be interested, and I haven't wasted anything really. Good luck with your book idea too!
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