As you can probably guess, I'm not getting anywhere fast. I'm still struggling with fatigue and executive function failure, but I am making slow progress on Folds in Life and Death. What I've written so far has been edited. I still have several things to accomplish before publishing the collection. These things included:
- Finish writing "Paper Faces." I have probably another 2,000 words to go in that story. I also need to write the book's description and an acknowledgements' page.
- Self-edit "Paper Faces" and send the collection to my critique partner.
- Implement my CP's suggestions and do a Kindle proofread.
- Format for print and do a print proofread.
- Make necessary changes in the print/election formats and publish.
So I'm shooting for a spring launch (hopefully by April). *crosses fingers*
I've turned off comments on this post as I still have many blogs to catch up on. Plus, I would like to point you to my post on Untethered Realms. I talked about the inspiration behind the stories in Folds in Life and Death.