Extant - Season 2 - CBS
Extant is a great science fiction show. The premise is what if a female astronaut became pregnant by an extraterrestrial. The show is set in the near future with computer-controlled houses, driverless cars, and even androids as children. I wouldn't be opposed to having an android child. Ethan is awesome. Smart, sweet, caring, and more humane than the majority of humans. Season Two has started out with a bang, and I'm excited to see what will happen next.
Under the Dome - Season 3 - CBS
Stephen King's Under the Dome was the first long book I read on my Kindle (2nd generation), so I was looking forward to seeing the TV show. It has completely gone off script from the book, which isn't necessarily a bad thing as it keeps me guessing. At times I think the show would have been better as a mini-series. The premise is what if a dome cut off a small town from the rest of the world. Even though I feel like the series has drawn out too much, I keep watching for the characters and the mystery of the Dome.
Zoo - Season 1 - CBS
Zoo is a book by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge and has now been turned into a TV show. The premise is what if the animals woke up and realized they outnumbered us. The idea has hooked me. In the commercials, they say there are 7 billion of us and 700 billion animals. That sounds like a whole lot of animals. I enjoyed the couple episodes and plan to see what Zoo has in store for us viewers. And I think we all need to be even nicer to animals because you never know when they will wise up and realize they outnumber us.
Wayward Pines - 10-episode event - FOX
Wayward Pines is a series of books by Blake Crouch and has been turned into a 10-episode event on Fox. The premise is what if a FBI agent woke up in a strange town with no way out. The twists are amazing and have kept me guessing. Although the premise of such a strange town isn't new, the reason why they are that way is mind-blowing. If you pick up any spec fic show this summer season, I would suggest Wayward Pines first. I'm looking forward to reading the books too.
What speculative fiction TV shows are you watching this summer?
What speculative fiction TV shows are you watching this summer?

Read Reborn from the beginning or Chapter Twenty-Nine.
The Summer/Winter sale is still going on at Smashwords. So if you're looking for some spec fic reads, look no further!
I feel the same way about summer TV, and I don't even watch any of the shows you've listed here. I used to get so much more reading done. If only there were a way for me to turn off the TV...But let's not get crazy. :)
I'm trying to be more productive now that there aren't so many shows to watch. I don't think it's working since I still don't actually turn off the TV...
I haven't heard of Wayward Pines, but now I want to check that out. I'm glad I didn't pick up any new shows though, because my summer is nearly over! Loving the new look of your blog. :)
I didn't love Wayward Pines so stopped watching it. I do have Zoo taped and have to check it out. I am watching Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norvell on BBC. It's a good fantasy I heard about.
I don't have TV service, just Netflix, so I usually don't have to worry about. The only time is when new Doctor Who is on. I make sure to buy the season pass on Amazon so I won't miss it. Nothing gets done for that hour.
I like the look of your site redesign!
We are currently doing a 30-day Netflix trial to catch up on shows that aren't available elsewhere. We are the opposite, where we don't watch any TV that isn't streaming. But thankfully, it does mean that we aren't worried about turning it off either, because we can always pull it up later... when are children aren't demanding our attention. :D
Thanks for the suggestions. We were looking for a few more to fill the gap.
These shows looks real interesting, especially Extant and I've heard good things about Wayward Pines. Hope lots of sales are made.
I read the book Wayward Pines and have been meaning to check out the show - thanks for the reminder! I literally could NOT put that book down.
Love your new header!
Getting hooked on TV shows can waste a lot of time, but oh it is a lovely way to waste time! Haven't heard of Wayward Pines, but it sounds intriguing! :-)
I have seen Extant and Under the Dome and one episode so far of Wayward Pines. Now that I know there are awesome twists coming up, I'll definitely be watching more of Wayward Pines!
I like the premise for Zoo. Animals would go crazy. Although our cat already acts like she outnumbers us.
This is great, because the only TV I usually watch it streaming! I often miss the good new stuff out there on the networks. Thanks for the recs!
Thanks for the recommendations. I watch some series but not all.
I don't watch much TV, but I've been watching Poldark on PBS, the Masterpiece show on right now. Super awesome historical fiction, which I'm a big fan of. I was considering watching a new sci-fi on AMC about robots becoming sentient, but I never got around to it.
I need to add more to my viewing lists!
I took care of the summer TV problem a few years ago. No TV. So simple, and I freed up enormous chunks of time. It won't work for everyone, and I'm totally out of the loop in any TV program conversation. That's the price.
I haven't seen any of the shows you mentioned because I don't have cable or satellite tv. I have Netflix- so I do watch tv, but I tend to rewatch favorite series. I am currently watching MASH and Xena- two of my all time favorite shows. But- I only watch a couple shows a night to unwind a little. :)
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