Happy Monday!
Since I'm on tour this week with Once upon a Nightmare, I decided to post my writing update along with the book tour schedule here.
June has been a busy month. I finished editing the short stories for Untethered Realms' anthology Mayhem in the Air as well as implementing the changes to my own story "Paper Lanterns" as I received feedback from our proofreaders. I also have been updating my websites and blog to their new looks.
As for the websites and such, so far I've only finished my publishing website. I use wix.com for it, but webs.com for my author site (both free). I must admit I really love wix.com since it has so many more features I can use for free and have decided to move my author site to there. So the transition might take awhile. I'm still working on the bookworm drawings too for the blog/author website, but I really hope to finish them soon—like before the end of June, if possible. *crosses fingers*
My July goals are:
Marked - Outline and write this novella told from Liam's point of view.
Author website and blog - If not finished by the end of June, then I want to finish updating my sites in July.
Update ebook files - Since I have a few changes, including a publishing logo, new website links, and the like, I need to go through my ebook files, update them, and upload them to retailers.
Yep. That's it. I may actually get back into writing next month, especially since I plan to work on the other things a little bit at a time.
What are your July goals?
2015 Stats (1/1/15-6/21/15): 15,438 Words Written and 1,176 Pages Edited

Once upon a Nightmare: A Collection and I are on tour this week. During this time, you can purchase the collection for $0.99 on Amazon as a Countdown Deal (US/UK only). Here is a list of my wonderful hosts on the blog tour.
5 Favorite Horror Movies at Heather Holden's blog
A 200-word Excerpt at Patricia Lynne's blog
A Love for Horror Began with "The Green Ribbon" on Stephanie Faris' blog
A Love for Horror Began with "The Green Ribbon" on Stephanie Faris' blog
Tuesday, June 23
Loosely Based on a True Story on Jess Haight's blog
An Interview on Murees Dupé's blog
5 Favorite Horror Heroes on Untethered Realms' blog
Wednesday, June 24
Mini Excerpts from the Characters at M. Pax's blog
Thursday, June 25
Crafting an Urban Legend on M.J. Fifield's blog
An Interview on Tyrean Martinson's blog
Friday, June 26
A 350-word Excerpt on Cathy Keaton's blog
5 Horror Books to Read after Once upon a Nightmare on TB Markinson's blog
Happy to host you today!
Hope you get your site done this month.
Congratulations on your new release. Admittedly, I haven't been doing a lot with my writing of late but I hadn't heard of wix. I'll have to look into that. One of my goals is to finish up my third story of my series which has been on hold for awhile. I've been using a notebook and pen for chunks of it because I work so much at the computer there are times I can't face it for writing. Well see how it goes.
Sia McKye Over Coffee
Congrats on the new book.
That's the nice thing about ebooks. They can be updated anytime.
Congrats on the new release. That's a great cover.
Congrats on your new book! And it sounds like you're feeling better with all you have planned. I'm working on my blog schedule for next year over the next month and just hoping to read more.
I've been using Wordpress for my author site. I played with Weebly for a bit, but didn't end up liking it. Maybe I'll look into Wix.
Congrats on the new book. Looking forward to hosting you on Thursday.
Sounds like you have a ton of work to do. Best of luck!
You'll reach your goals!
Break the charts on your tour!
I use Webs.com for my author website, too. I'll have to check out wix. I had never heard of them.
Glad to have you today. People are liking the excerpt too. =D
I actually have goals this month, but I keep forgetting them. Not entirely my fault though. My day job did catch fire and that caused a bit of excitement.
Hope you're having fun on the first day of your tour! Your site looks amazing. :)
Good luck with your blog tour! It's already going so well. I have your collection already. I promised Christine Rains I'd read her collection next, but yours will come after. :)
Sounds like you have a good and prepared plan to get organized... I need to take some of these plans and implement them in my life.♡
Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog...I really appreciated it ;-) xox
Stephanie did a great post about you. I enjoyed it very much.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
Hopefully all the site tweaks come due for you at your zoo
Wow. You always seem to accomplish so much. Congrats on your book release and I hope you get to do some writing in July.
I enjoy visiting Wix sites. I visited two of your stops today. Great posts. Good luck on your goals.
Many congrats, Cherie. I'm seeing you all over blog land:)
Congrats and best of luck with Once Upon a Nightmare! Such a great title. My July goal is to finish my manuscript. Given I only have 7k words left, it really should be much of a stretch. :)
VR Barkowski
Hope your tour goes wonderfully! And best of luck with your other to-do list--sounds like fun!
What a fun tour. Thanks so much for dropping by, despite your busy-ness. I hope you're enjoying it all. Much luck and success to you.
Normally super organised and yet when it comes down to blogging I seem slightly less so which is why I admire people such as yourself who have a schedule and stick to it.
Hope the tour is going well! You are so busy- so thank goodness you are so organized. Sounds like you are getting a lot done! :)
I'm going to be in a horror writers' workshop in Romania for a lot of July, but I hope to start a new novel that month.
We'll see how it goes!
Good luck with the blog tour. I hope it results in tons of sales!
Congratulations on the new release! :) Your new website looks great!
Congrats on your release! My goal for July is to finish revisions on my middle grade. I almost finished with the big picture issues, so hopefully I can focus on the smaller (and more fun to me) issues next month.
Good luck with your tour and sales!
Best wishes on the tour! Looks like a great lineup!
So much awesomeness happening! Congrats on it all :)
I love the Wix site too - I haven't published it yet, but I've had fun creating it. Soon!
Just ordered my copy of Nightmare:)
As usual I am amazed and inspired by all of your goals and accomplishments. Wishing you luck on the Once Upon a Nightmare tour :)
Congrats on the release and best wishes for success on all the goals.
Happy blog tour, Cherie! I know I'll be ready for my part in the tour on Friday. I think these goals of yours are fantastic and good luck to you.
Congratulations on the book release. Its nice to have bloggies in your corner looking out for you, we've got you covered!
My July plan is to jump back into writing by doing the summer Camp NaNoWriMo. I've been slacking off way too long.
It's a busy month even without the tour Cherie! My goal for June is to finish the template update one way or the other.
Congrats on your new release! I like your publishing site. I hadn't heard of wix before. Definitely worth a look. Good luck with your goals!
This sounds like fun. I'll have to check out some of your tour and head on over to Amazon to pick up a copy.
You have some great goals. I really need to set some, especially where my writing and editing are concerned.
Hello - thanks for popping by my blog. You've reminded me that I really need to "freshen" up the look of my blog. The template I used is so old it's probably in the Smithsonian. Sending you good vibes for your July goals.
You've accomplished a huge amount so far this month. I'd hate to move web sites - I barely got used to blogger. Have an awesome book tour and good luck with the new author website! :)
Congratulations on your release; hope the blog tour goes well. ^_^
My July goal is to start editing a book I finished back in May, the one you commented about on my blog. I'd like to go through the book at least twice, one wider story pass and one more detailed pass, but I've done enough editing to know there's no way to know how long it will take.
My KIndle's charging now to get books for our trip to Europe Saturday. Don't know if I can handle nightmare stuff - I'm such a wimp - but I'm most happy to give it a try and to support you.
Looooved your comment! And couldn't agree more!!! I have relatives who fought on both sides of the Civil War. Some of Confederate ones are buried in the Confederate cemetery in Mobile. (Also have a cousin who rode with Mosby's Rangers.) I haven't a clue why I should honor them for their treasonous acts, am actually ashamed of what they did. What's not getting enough press is the fact that SC didn't put the Confederate flag up until 1961, when the Civil Rights push began and the South in general began legislative initiatives to out-flank the Civil Rights Movement. When I was a kid growing up in South Louisiana, the Confederate flag was rarely seen, not because it was hidden, but because it wasn't the issue it is today, not the stuff of stories on the stoop. Nor were guns and so on. Anyway, two followers dropped me. Oh, well!
I never make goals, at least not any that are set in stone. I just try to do as much as I can do in the time I've got and not beat myself up too much if I binge watch a show now and then :)
Hope you're enjoying your tour.
been loving seeing this around! It sounds so great :)
Glad to be a part of it. Congratulations!
Dang, sounds super busy. Like that you use the name "Liam" though. We named our eldest that:)
Sounds like lots of fun stuff! July holds a trip across the country for me, lots of editing, and the pre-order launch of my novelette. Very excited!
Hey, congrats on the new release. And your publishing website looks amazing. I shared about your collection on Facebook.
Hey, I just bought Once Upon a Nightmare. Look forward to reading it!
Congratulations on the new book! And great on your goals, all the best!
My July goals are for one work to be shined to perfection so I can take it to a writing class.
Wonderfully spooky cover. Hope you tour is fun and successful.
Good goals. I need to get crackin'. The whip maybe. LOL
Whew! It wears me out just to read about all the things you've been doing and plan to do. My biggest plans for July entail spending time with some of our grandchildren. It's been more than six months since we saw them last, so it's gonna be awesome. Playing with them will wear me out for real, but totally worth it.
Good goals...well done on all!
Great post, Cherie. Hope you are enjoying the tour. Wishing you great success with your new release!!
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