Wednesday, April 1, 2015

#IWSG: In the Red / Wattpad Wednesdays: Reborn Chapter 22

IWSG was created by the Captain Ninja Alex J. Cavanaugh. To visit the IWSG participants, please click here. The co-hosts are Suzanne Furness, Tonja Drecker, Toi Thomas, Rachna Chhabria, Fundy Blue, and Donna Hole.
Sales aren't where I'd hoped they'd be. I haven't made back the past couple years what I've put into my writing business. I can't keep publishing at a loss.

A lot of that is my fault. Social anxiety in combination with a lack of confidence means I don't market my work like I should. I blame no one but myself, but that means while I take steps to increase marketing, I also have to make my work support itself. The day job barely pays the bills, after all, especially while I still have car and student loans to pay off.

I will use my own money to finish up the book covers of The Fate Challenges, which means I'll only be publishing in ebook format at first and using a cheaper cover artist. If sales don't pick up, I won't have my own money to put into publishing new work until 2020.

It doesn't mean I won't be writing. I have many things in the pipeline for years to come. Yet it makes me nervous to have to take some time off from publishing. I know it may hurt my sales now not to keep publishing more regularly, but eventually it'll turn around. Maybe.

What are your insecurities this month?

And good luck to all participating in the A-Z Challenge. I'm participating with the authors over at Untethered Realms. My days are M and S.

Click here to start at the beginning or here to go to Chapter Twenty-Two.


Bob/Sally said...

Best of luck, and I hope things turn around. I know what it's like trying to juggle a day job and a family while still trying to find the time to write and the resources to support it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I hope things do turn around. You should be selling, as you are an amazing writer. I'll let you know how the Thuderclap goes. It's free, so that might be something you can try with the next book.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I can totally relate to what you're saying. It's important to take care of yourself financially too and be practical. For me, I have to work a full-time job to stay on track financially and it may mean my writing is just a hobby. I'm not sure I want a 50+ work week. Plus I already feel that busy. Hang in there. You'll figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Marketing is something I struggle with. I just released a novella and day one had decent sales, but they are quickly declining because I have no idea what to do or where to throw money.

Christine Rains said...

Marketing is tough. Even a lot of folks who put tons into it don't get a lot back. Your stories are amazing. I'll make sure you never stop writing! ;) Your newsletter bookworm is so cute, btw.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

You don't want to put yourself in debt, that's for sure. Go with as many free options as you can.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

That is difficult. I early made the decision to only spend what I made on my writing. It has made things slow at times, but keeps the stress down, too.

Nick Wilford said...

Sorry to hear things are tough. I've been hearing the same thing from other writers, too. It really is only a tiny percentage who can make a proper living from it and that is unfair because sometimes they caught the right editor's eye at the right time. You're a brilliant writer. Just keep doing what you can with marketing.

Carrie-Anne said...

I also haven't made back what I've put into writing so far. It's embarrassing. I obviously didn't expect to get rich quick, but I at least thought I'd be making decent, regular sales after almost a year.

DMS said...

I hope that things will start to move in the right direction for you. Money is a constant challenge for me. I work all week to pay the bills and try to write inbetween- but it can be tiring.

Anytime you want me to post anything on my Author Tracker blog for you- just let me know. I am happy to help spread the word. :)

emaginette said...

I don't know what to say except stick to your guns. :-)

Here's my link if you'd like to drop by :-)

Anna from Elements of Writing

Sarah Foster said...

Sorry things have been tough. Hopefully they start to get better soon.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I'm a horrible marketer. I hope things pick up for you.

M Pax said...

We all struggle with the marketing. I think I stumbled onto something though. You're an amazing writer with fantastic stories (I'm reading Foxwick right now). Things will turn around. I believe in you!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

I wish you the best of luck with finishing this series and finding peace with the whole marketing thing. It definitely is not easy. Marketing is not just about a story but about ourselves. I think a lot of us struggle with that.

Heather R. Holden said...

I can relate to this so well. I'm nowhere near earning enough from my art as I should...but I still have a hard time making myself market more. I'm always afraid it annoys people, heh. Sorry you've been having so many issues with sales and marketing, too. It's something a lot of creative types struggle with, I think. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Nas said...

I hope it all turns out better for you.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Sales have been tough the last year and a half for me . . . I've seen a tiny pick-up lately, but it's not much. I hope you have a better April and the rest of 2015! I would hate to miss out on the next books you have in store. :)

Jenni said...

No matter what, the fact that you plan on still writing will keep you in the game.
Good writing always finds readers--whether there's a publishing pause or not.
I hope though that that is not the decision you have to make!
Best of luck--I hope your sales pick up and you find your groove with marketing (which completely terrifies me, by the way)!

Kristin Smith said...

I can only imagine how difficult the marketing is—I don't look forward to that part of the publishing journey! I hope things pick up for you and the marketing is a success. Best of luck!

Cathy Keaton said...

Isn't it possible to self-publish really cheaply? I know it could compromise the quality a bit, but I've always figured it wouldn't be that bad. I was just going to make my own cover over at Canva and have my CP's help me with editing, etc. I suppose if you have the right audience (like YA readers), they really don't care if things aren't perfectly professional. I know for sure some authors have done extremely well self-publishing really cheap, like Amanda Hocking and Susan Ee.

Maybe you don't have to stop or slow down your publishing, after all.

Julie Flanders said...

I can totally relate to this. I struggle constantly with the marketing and never seem to get comfortable with it. I hope things will pick up and you won't have to put your publishing on hold. You have so many great stories to tell.

Angela Brown said...

There are like a ton of things I want to say because I know where you're at, how you feel and what it's like to publish at a loss year after year. I'll stop there before I dive too deep and drive both of us to drink copious amounts of alcohol lol!

Cortney Pearson said...

I'm having the SAME insecurities right now! Investing in publishing a book takes so much and it's definitely straining, hoping to earn it back. I hope things start looking up for you--marketing is SO HARD!!!

Hope things start picking up for you!!!

Anonymous said...

I put in a lot of hours, as well as spend money on giveaways on such, and it doesn't always seem to pay back. I know I need to market better.

Romance Reader said...

Yes, we are always hesitant to market or push our own books so it does have an effect.

Vanessa Morgan said...

My boyfriend is a cover artist. Maybe he can help you with the covers at a reduced rate.

Shelley Sly said...

I understand what you're going through. I also have social anxiety and lack confidence, so I totally suck at marketing. I'm working on trying one new little thing at a time in order to not get overwhelmed. If I can help out somehow, just email me.

TBM said...

Marketing and balancing the costs and time is such a difficult process. I for one hope you keep writing since I enjoy your writing. Best of luck.

Nicola said...

Don't lose the faith, Cherie. You obviously have a readership who want more stories from you. Whenever I get 'stuck' at points in my life, I reassess, reorganise and make changes in order to move forward. The tough times are given to us as challenges - boy I've been thrown many a curve ball - and it's how we manage these challenges that defines us. You are a born writer and that's what you are supposed to be doing. Try to find a sneaky way around the obstacles (obviously keep it legal :)) and whatever you do - don't give up on your talent! Sending you loads of positive vibes over the pond and hope to hear some successful news from you very soon. All the best!