DC, Marvel, or Both? Can you choose a side?
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When asked the question "DC or Marvel," my first thought is I'm a DC girl. Batman is my homeboy. I grew up with Batman in comics, movies, and cartoons. On my shorter lunch breaks at work, I watch Batman: The Animated Series, which debuted in 1992. Yes, I remember watching it when it originally came on. I was ten at the time. We sang "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells" on the bus that year. In sixth grade, if you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have answered Catwoman--or would have wanted to answer it that way if I thought grown ups would understand. I also love how in the Justice League Batman, even though he has no superpowers, always seems to be the guy to save their butts.
The Flash is my second favorite superhero. Whereas Batman is dark and gritty, the Flash is lighter, more comical. I love, love, love the new TV show on CW. Barry Allen is perhaps the perfect guy, and I must admit I have quite the crush on him, even though he doesn't have the wealth that Bruce Wayne does.
Because of the Flash, I am now getting into Arrow too. I've started watching the TV show on CW, but I need to catch up on the previous seasons.
So I'm clearly in DC's camp, right? Well, not completely. I've never been a big fan of Superman or Wonder Woman, although I'm very interested to see how Wonder Woman works out in the upcoming Batman v Superman movie. Superman kinda grates on my nerves. He is too goody-goody and seems rather stuck up.
As for Marvel, I do have a soft spot for some of their characters. I've always loved Spider-Man, even though I'm not fond of spiders. *laughs* Peter Parker has a wonderful geeky and awkward side. I've enjoyed the movies I've seen as well as the cartoons. I absolutely loved The Guardians of the Galaxy movie and now want to learn more about them. I am Groot. And I have enjoyed the X-men as well as the Avengers, although I've never been a fan of the Hulk or Captain America.
As for villains, I'm sorry, but DC has Marvel beat in my book, although Marvel does have a few good villains out there like Loki and Magneto.
In the end, although I may lean toward DC as a favorite universe, I do enjoy Marvel too. It might be 60-40 for me.
What's your favorite universe: DC or Marvel? Or do you enjoy both?

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As far as the comics, I grew up reading DC. Big fan of the JLA and Teen Titans. Enjoying all of the movies and shows though. Split on those, as Marvel has done better lately.
Though I like many characters from both camps, I'm a DC girl. Batman is my favorite. But Loki's allowed to visit any time. ;)
When I was a kid I never distinguished between the two. So I don't really have a preference now.
Oh gosh, I'm on the fence. Usually I have strong opinions (ask the better half) but not on this.
I never followed closely to know the difference until like 5 years ago. I just loved the power and characters. :)
Oh btw, you won a copy of This World Bites! Congrats!
I was always a Marvel kid - I lived and breathed Spider-Man, The Hulk, X-Men, X-Factor, Alpha Flight, and all the rest.
I don't read comics so am not a fan of these movies. I love the fantasy movies that have come out though.
Also not getting tired of the trend. I have more favorite on Marvel, but my all time favorite is Wonder Woman, so going to call it a draw.
I grew up with 5 brothers, so I can safely say I land in both camps. That's what comes of having so many boys in the house. =)
I was never into super heroes, but I have enjoyed most of the movies. Captain America is my current favorite.
I've always been in superhero stuff growing up. And always watched all the movies and TV!
Yeah, not into favourites either, and watch everything both 'universes' put out. Currently having a blast with Agent Carter. One more episode to go!!! :)
I'm more a Marvel girl. My brother sent home tons of Marvel comics while he was in the Navy and I'd curl up in his room by the chimney (warmest spot in the house) and read them. I even have my own little collection of Marvel comics. My most recent acquisition is the debut of lady Thor.
I don't consider myself a comic book person, so I'm neither. I've never connected too strongly with western comic books, but I'm a BIG fan of Japanese manga. They handle the characters and the storytelling very differently and it's more to my liking, I'd have to say.
Some of the movies that have come out have been good. The original Batman movie is excellent and The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy were both really fantastic movies. They don't make me a comic book fan, but, as films, they were turned out really good.
I would have to say, Marvel! I just love the characters and the humour embedded in each one. My favourite this month has to be Ironman - that's probably due to the presence of Robert Downey Jr. tightly clad in his hot red suit :)
I like both, but would have to pick Marvel for Ironman, Thor and Captain America.
I loved this, Cherie! I have school author visits throughout the month of February and we have been talking a lot about superheroes. I bring this up to the kids to get their imaginations flowing. Yesterday, we spoke about Batman, Flash, Superman, Ironman and the Hulk.
I definitely have to same I am both!
I like both. I can't even say I have a favorite superhero. I like them all.
I like both. I can't even say I have a favorite superhero. I like them all.
DC or Marvel? No way. Can't choose!
DC or Marvel? That's a tough choice! I think I'm a bit more Marvel than DC, but I still like both. I wouldn't want to give up either.
I read and enjoyed both. Love Captain America and always have. Batman was always cool because he has no real super powers but he does have a great brain to figure ways to put him on equal ground with those who do have super powers. I don't mind dark and Batman is and I loved The Phantom (and he had a fabulous horse) for the same reason. :-)
Sia McKye Over Coffee
Sia McKye Over Coffee
I'm definitely a DC fan. I'll watch Marvel, but like you, my youth is grounded in DC.
I enjoy both, but I am more DC than Marvel. I watched and read so much DC growing up. Huge fan of Wonder Woman when I was a kid. I wanted to be her. :)
I like both. As a kid I remember preferring one over the other, but I can't remember which one.
I have nothing against superheroes--I just have never really gotten into them. Except maybe Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter version) when I was a kid. This fascination happened in the late 70s, too, right? Seems almost every big movie at theaters is a superhero movie, though. They must be doing well!
I'm more of a DC fan, but I do like both. I think Marvel has been more socially-cutting edge, though. And I tip my hat to that.
I love the Superman-Batman conflict. Such great foils.
I'm a Spiderman fan. He's adorable and seems to always be in the right place at the right time.
I love all of them!
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