Immaterial Evidence by Milo James Fowler
The Trouble with Flirting by Rachel Morgan
White Lady by Jessica Bell
Horns by Joe Hill
Girl of Great Price by Milo James Fowler
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake
Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
The Body Electric by Beth Revis
Immaterial Evidence by Milo James Fowler

Detective Charlie Madison will have to leave the safety of Little Tokyo to solve the strange case of vanishing goods and people in Milo James Fowler's Immaterial Evidence. This novella is a blend of old-fashioned noir in a futuristic, science fiction society filled with robots and advanced technology. Fowler creates a gritty world. Madison is the classic hard-boiled detective, and I found I liked him immediately. He cares about his world and wants to protect those he loves at all costs. The fast-paced storyline and well-wrought world drew me in. I highly recommend Immaterial Evidence by Milo James Fowler.
The Trouble with Flirting by Rachel Morgan

Livi needs to give up her Star Trek DVDs and violin if she is going to become Miss Popularity in Rachel Morgan's The Trouble with Flirting. Not being within the "in" group at school, I instantly related to Livi's quest to remake herself when she went to university, although she had more courage to go through with the transformation than I did. Set in South Africa, I enjoyed reading about the cultural differences and similarities between college-aged students. The brilliancy of this novel lies with the growth in Livi as a character. She makes mistakes and learns from them as she discovers not only who she is but who she wants to be. The easy-going and relatable writing style always pulls me in. Rachel Morgan's books are the type I want to read in one sitting--they're that good--and The Trouble with Flirting is no exception. I'm looking forward to the next Trouble book!
White Lady by Jessica Bell

The shiny blade of the knife is about to fall in Jessica Bell's White Lady. Told from several point of views, the story starts out as a snowball rolling down a mountain and becomes an avalanche of lies and betrayal. The characters are real and raw. Their flaws pull us in, make the characters relatable, and make us feel a tiny bit better about ourselves. The tension builds brilliantly until I felt like I was gasping for air. And that ending--wow! Bell's writing style is sometimes poetic, sometimes gritty, but very real. For an intense read, look no further than White Lady by Jessica Bell.
Horns by Joe Hill

Ignatius Perrish has the devil on his side in Joe Hill's Horns. There were times when I was reading this novel that I didn't know what to think of it. I quickly became attached to Ig as a character. He's woken up to having horns on his head and everyone starts saying these horrible things to him and about him. The more vulgar and mean they were to Ig, the less I liked the book, but I continued reading and am glad I did. Ig grows to accept what is happening to him and finds the strength to be who he has become. At times I found the pace much slower than I like, particularly in some of the flashback chapters, but the current time ones went by much quicker. If you're ready to release your inner devil, then you'll enjoy Horns by Joe Hill.
Girl of Great Price by Milo James Fowler

Charlie Madison is on the case in Milo James Fowler's Girl of Great Price, a prequel novelette to Immaterial Evidence. I love Madison's no-nonsense style. The piece is great noir/hardboiled detective mystery with a futuristic twist. I only wish at the climax that we would see the action instead of hearing about it in the next chapter. I recommend reading Girl of Great Price by Milo James Fowler before reading Immaterial Evidence and am looking forward to more Charlie Madison!
Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

Cas Lowood has never met a more difficult ghost to kill in Kendare Blake's Anna Dressed in Blood. Although still a teen, Cas is focused on his occupation: killing ghosts who murder the living. He's determined yet still has a lot of room to grow. Anna was horrifying at first, especially with her John Carpenter's Vampires style of killing. Blake does a great job in twisting the tables on us as far as Anna is concerned. The mystery swirling around Anna and the ghost who killed Cas's father kept me glued to the pages. I had to know what was going on. The characters made me laugh, cringe, and tear up. An intense read, Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake is easily one of my favorite reads this year.
Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake

Cas will journey through Hell to get Anna back in Kendare Blake's Girl of Nightmares. Like Anna Dressed in Blood, I was completely sucked into the world. I felt like I couldn't get a deep enough breath as I read, and I raced my way to the end because I had to know what would happen. I enjoyed spending more time in Cas's world. Blake reveals more of the mythology and world-building in this book. Fast-paced and intense, I loved Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake as the first one.
The Body Electric by Beth Revis

Ella Shepherd's perfect, peaceful world is about to be shattered in Beth Revis's The Body Electric. The war may be over, but not everything is as it seems in Ella's world. Ella is a strong, stubborn, and very determined character to figure out what is off. Revis amazes me at how twisty the plot is. Nothing is as it seems, and I quickly learned to trust no one and nothing. The science is fascinating in the world Revis created. My only complaint is I often felt like I was reading a book instead of being completely immersed into the story. If you like a mystery with your science fiction, then read The Body Electric by Beth Revis.
Polar Night's Aleksei Nechayev leaves war-torn Russia in 1917 and makes his way to Alaska. Settling in at a railroad camp, Aleksei comes up against an adversary who seems to know the truth about the newly-turned vampire's identity, and who soon gives Aleksei much more than he bargained for at The Turnagain Arm.
Cover design by Michael Di Gesu
Only 99 cents on Amazon Kindle
Locomotive wheels screech to a halt. Potters Creek, Alaska is nothing more than a small camp set up alongside the tracks. A weathered sign dominates the scene.
The Turnagain Arm Saloon
Only one passenger remains and exits.
The early afternoon full moon peaks through a shimmering snow fall as a shadow casts over each split rail. The wind howls, sweeping the cloak of a hooded figure. He follows the tracks toward the distant saloon. A hulking man crunches through the snow, attracting his attention.
Calling out to him in a foreign accent, the townsman stops in mid step. The stranger catches up and engages him.
The man disappears under the stranger’s cloak.
Blood drips from his lips, and he wipes the remaining trickles from his mouth. After disposing of the body, the mysterious figure continues on his journey. He glides through the snow as if on a sleigh, leaving no footprints behind.
* * * * *
Within a short period, he convinces Vasyl, the owner of the saloon, to hire him. Aleksei charms everyone he meets. But soon mistrust enters every tense line on Vasyl’s face as others disappear, and his wife falls under Aleksei’s spell.
The classic game of cat and mouse continues, but who will win?
Is a mere mortal any match for Aleksei?
A spark ignites within Alexei after yet another of Vasyl’s attempts to disgrace him.
This man knows of me. He must be a witch. Aleksei laughs. You are no match for me or my plan.
About the Author:
Julie Flanders is a librarian by day and a writer all the rest of the time. Julie is also a television show addict with a particular fondness for Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead and a slightly obsessive sports fan who cheers for the Ohio State Buckeyes, the Cincinnati Reds, and the Cincinnati Bengals. She is a life-long animal lover and an animal rescue advocate and shares her home with her rescued dog and cat.
Julie’s published novels include the paranormal thriller Polar Night and the historical ghost story The Ghosts of Aquinnah. Both are available from Ink Smith Publishing. Polar Day, the sequel to Polar Night, will be published by Ink Smith in January, 2015.
Julie is a proud member of the speculative fiction writing group Untethered Realms. Meet the rest of the group and explore their books at http://untetheredrealms.blogspot.com/.
Please visit Julie at her website at julieflanders.net or contact her by email at julie@julieflanders.net. She can also be found on Twitter at @JulesFlanders.
Enter to win one of two prize bundles featuring a $15 Amazon.com gift card and an ebook copy of The Turnagain Arm.
Enter to win one of two prize bundles featuring a $15 Amazon.com gift card and an ebook copy of The Turnagain Arm.
Although I have shown off the cover for People of Foxwick and Their Neighbors, I now have the finalized cover art. I'm waiting for my print proof to arrive so I can finish the final proofread.
Release Date: December 9, 2014
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YA Contemporary, Prizm Books
Release Date December 10, 2014
Deidra Battle wants nothing more than to be invisible. After her mother, a public school teacher, engages in an embarrassing teacher-student affair at Lincoln High, they relocate to a different neighborhood and school. Being her mother’s briefcase, Deidra joins her mother at her new workplace, Hodge High.
Since her mother has reverted to her maiden name and changed her appearance, Deidra thinks no one will figure out they’re the Battles from recent news and that they’re safe. Neither of them is. Hodge brings a fresh set of bullies who discover details about the scandal that changed her life.
Feeling trapped at home with an emotionally abusive, pill-addicted mother and at school with hostile classmates who attempt to assault and blackmail her, Deidra yearns for freedom, even if she has to act out of character and hurt others in the process. Freedom comes at a price.
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YA Contemporary, Prizm Books
Release Date December 10, 2014
Deidra Battle wants nothing more than to be invisible. After her mother, a public school teacher, engages in an embarrassing teacher-student affair at Lincoln High, they relocate to a different neighborhood and school. Being her mother’s briefcase, Deidra joins her mother at her new workplace, Hodge High.
Since her mother has reverted to her maiden name and changed her appearance, Deidra thinks no one will figure out they’re the Battles from recent news and that they’re safe. Neither of them is. Hodge brings a fresh set of bullies who discover details about the scandal that changed her life.
Feeling trapped at home with an emotionally abusive, pill-addicted mother and at school with hostile classmates who attempt to assault and blackmail her, Deidra yearns for freedom, even if she has to act out of character and hurt others in the process. Freedom comes at a price.
Find Medeia
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Secret of the Souls by Terri Rochenski
Soulless by Crystal Collier
How to Climb the Eiffel Tower by Elizabeth Hein
The Body Electric by Beth Revis
Twisted Earths by Untethered Realms authors
Ghostly Gallows by Gwen Gardner
The Initiate by M. Pax
Secret Keeper by Gwen Gardner
Eternal by C.C. Hunter
Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis
Dorianna by Catherine Stine
Tunnel Vision by Aric Davis
Fight Dirty by CJ Lyons
Hell’s Fortress by Michael Wallace
The Ice Cream Man by Katri Lipson
The River Is Dark by Joe Hart
The Lost Empress by Steve Robinson
The Turnagain Arm by Julie Flanders
White Lady by Jessica Bell
The Abyss Beyond Dreams by Peter F. Hamilton
Witch Lights by Michael M. Hughes
Liesmith by Alis Franklin
Fire in the Blood by Erin M. Evans
Tales from High Hallack, Volume 3 by Andre Norton
Frontier Resistance by Leonie Rogers
Claiming Carlos by Rachelle Ayala
Talon by Julie Kagawa
Whisper the Dead by Alyxandra Harvey
Secret Catch by Cassie Mae and Jessica Salyer
Scarlet Magi by Nicole Zoltack
Love Before Honor by Nicole Zoltack
The Vines by Christopher Rice
The Carnage Account by Ben Lieberman
The Abyss Beyond Dreams by Peter F. Hamilton
Witch Lights by Michael M. Hughes
Liesmith by Alis Franklin
Fire in the Blood by Erin M. Evans
Tales from High Hallack, Volume 3 by Andre Norton
Frontier Resistance by Leonie Rogers
Claiming Carlos by Rachelle Ayala
Talon by Julie Kagawa
Whisper the Dead by Alyxandra Harvey
Secret Catch by Cassie Mae and Jessica Salyer
Scarlet Magi by Nicole Zoltack
Love Before Honor by Nicole Zoltack
The Vines by Christopher Rice
The Carnage Account by Ben Lieberman

You have the most amazing covers, Cherie! Great design front to back.
Congratulations to Julie and Medeia.
Horns is an odd concept. Heard the movie falls short.
I'm so glad to see your five star review of ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD! I bought the ebook a few days ago after getting hooked on the sample. Good to know the rest of the book is also great!
And thank you again for reviewing THE TROUBLE WITH FLIRTING :-)
Thanks so much for sharing my book, Cherie!
And I was interested to read your review of Milo's Immaterial Evidence - that's on my list and it sounds like I will love it.
Wahoo! Congrats to Julie, and I LOVE your cover, Cherie. Super awesome.
I FINALLY read Anna Dressed in Blood recently too. Loved it! I'm going to have to check out some of these others.
Lots of reviews there! It's great you got a chance to read Kendare Blake's books. I loved them too. Creepy and unique. The cover is beautiful. :)
Wowie Zowie, your cover for People of Foxwick is truly stunning!
I read both of Kendare Blake's books. LOVED the first, and I did like the second but I thought the action came rather late.
Some of the other books are on my TBR list.
Cherie, your cover is MAGIC!!!! It makes me want to be immersed in that world!!!!
I also LOVE Julie's cover. Michael is so talented!!!!
Your cover is stunning! I bet you are super excited for your upcoming release and I will be on the lookout. I plan on making Reborn one of my priorities this month for my October reading=)
I've seen White Lady around the blogosphere. If I didn't already have so many books lined up, I would be adding this one to my TBR list!
I hadn't seen the cover yet - it is absolutely gorgeous!
That cover is amazingly beautiful!
I wish I could read as fast as you... I'm still with nonfiction at the moment.
Love your new cover!
Julie's book has a fabulous cover and I enjoyed learning about it. :)
Wow! You have been doing a lot of reading. Nice to find out a little more about some books that are already on my TBR list and I learned about some new books too!
Your cover for People of Foxwick and Their Neighbors is absolutely stunning. Wow! *artist envy*
I loved Anna Dressed in Blood, too! I still need to read the sequel. Good to know it's just as good as the first book. Maybe this will motivate me to read it, then. I'm also curious about the new Beth Revis book, since I loved her Across the Universe trilogy.
Gorgeous print cover of the Foxwick book! That is some extreme artistry going on there. :)
So many awesome books and covers. I love yours. I'm familiar with most of the books you reviewed and hope to read many of them.
Thank you for sharing my cover.
Oh, lots of good stories to fill up my Kindle with. Thanks for sharing.
I've read quite a few of these books, too! Jessica's book is in my computer. I need more time to read! It looks intense!
Congratulations to Julie and Medeia. I love your covers Cherie.
OMG BLACK UNICORN!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I love the cover. =D
Awesome cover, Cherie! And thanks for reading/reviewing my future noir tales. I'll have to pick up another one of yours...
Ahhhh!! So much goodness, I will never catch up! But that's okay :)
Sarah Allen
(Writing Blog)
Congratulations to Julie and Medeia. I love your covers Cherie, and all your reviews. Thanks for sharing.
Love your new cover, Cherie. You've been a busy girl! New book and all those reviews. Good grief. Do you sleep?
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