It's said the eyes are the windows to the soul, but that's a lie. They are snapshots of a time yet to come–the future of the person to which they belong.
Cyclop Blaine stands out in a crowd with his pale skin and mismatched eyes, but it’s his ability to see the future that really sets him apart. The unusual gift makes him an invaluable asset to Tyler, his adoptive father and leader of the Victory Street Gang. It also means Cyclop must hide what he can do from others. Once, a man he knew only as Master controlled him, using him for experiments. Cyclop has no desire to return to that life.
But he may have no choice. A man claiming ownership over him haunts his dreams and waking moments, leaving him no choice but to go back to the past he thought he had escaped. Cyclop must face this man, along with his past, if he wants to reveal his own future.
Patricia Lynne never
set out to become a writer. In
fact, she never considered it an option during high school and college. But some
stories are meant to be told and this one chose her. Patricia lives with her
husband in Michigan, hopes one day to have what will resemble a small petting zoo
and has a fondness for dying her hair the colors of the rainbow.
Follow Patricia on Twitter | Goodreads | Google+ | Author Blog
Follow Patricia on Twitter | Goodreads | Google+ | Author Blog
It sounds like such a great story. I'm looking forward to reading it.
Congratulations on the re-release, Patricia!
Ooh, Snapshots sounds so intriguing. And what a gripping cover!
@MJ & Alex, thanks!
@Heather, =D You made me squee a little. Glad you think so.
Sounds like a riveting story. And I love the font service on the cover. Nice transparency effect.
Congrats to Patricia! The book sounds awesome.
Yay! I love Patricia and got to read an excerpt of her book earlier today. I'm stoked to get to the whole book...as soon as I can.
Woo hoo for Patricia!
@Loni, HA @ Hubby. He didn't like the font. Thanks.
@Christine, Thanks. I'd like to think it's awesome too. ;)
@M. Pax, thanks! =D
@Cystal, =DDDDDDD Glad you liked the excerpt.
Best of luck, Patricia! This cover definitely grabs the reader's attention and I have been curious about the story since I first heard of it. Thanks for sharing it and reminding me to check it out!
Didn't notice Stephanie was signed in on the computer with her work account!
Best of luck, Patricia! This cover definitely grabs the reader's attention and I have been curious about the story since I first heard of it. Thanks for sharing it and reminding me to check it out!
@Jess, I saw that and was wondering what was up. LOL! Glad it's perked your interest and thanks.
I love this cover and the author!!! :)
Awww, thanks Margo. <3
Congrats on the book, Patricia! Best of luck with it. :)
Thanks, Cathy!
Another congrats to Patricia! Still find her cover fascinating.
Thanks C.Lee! =D
It sounds so interesting with his past. I've seen this around and it looks good.
Thanks Medeia. Glad to hear my book's been noticed. Whenever I do a promotion or guest post, I wonder how I do.
Interesting story idea. Sounds a bit creepy for me - I don't think I'd like to see the future.
Cyclop Blaine is a very cool name. Way to go, Patricia, and good on you, Cherie, for supporting a fellow wordsmyth.
@Patsy, I'm torn on if I'd want to see the future. It's like Cyc said in one scene about why he avoided seeing someone's future, what if he saw something that upset him?
@Milo, thanks. I'm fond of the name too.
Sounds exciting and I love her author photo.
@TMB, thanks. My hair is currently faded pink right now. Was debating actually going my natural color for a while. *gasp* ;)
Sounds like an intense read! And I love your hair!
@Tyrean, thank you, thank you. (The hair is no longer that color though. Went for a rainbow look for a while, but everything but the pink faded.)
What a great concept for a book.
Thanks, Vanessa!
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