July has been a busy month. I'm making slow progress with Remarked, which I hope to finish by the end of August, and I've been editing the short stories in the forthcoming People of Foxwick and Their Neighbors as well as re-editing/reformatting my A to Z Flashes of Foxwick. I'm also getting close to finishing my outline for Reforged.
Here are my goals for August:
- Edit one short story a week in People of Foxwick and Their Neighbors. I've been working on these stories, and I hope to finish my final edits by mid-September.
- Write/Edit Remarked. I've been writing by hand the first draft of Remarked, which I still hope to finish by mid-August. Then, I'll be typing up the draft and doing an edit on it, so I can send this novella to my alpha readers in September.
- Write in Reforged. I'd like to start writing Reforged, the second book in The Fate Challenges series.
Also you will notice a slight change in my words written. Since I am writing by hand new drafts, I'm guessing on the word count. I'll update the official word count when I have the second draft typed up.
What are your August goals?
2014 Stats
32,843 + 1900 Words Written
1766 Pages Edited
*Stats taken from 1/1/2014-7/22/2014*

Smashwords is having its annual Summer/Winter sale. You can purchase Reborn, Gravity: The Complete Trilogy, and The Nightmare Collection for 50% off their retail prices with coupon code SSW50. The sale ends July 31st.
We authors of Untethered Realms are celebrating reaching 100 GFC followers on our blog by having a grand prize giveaway of several of our ebooks.
We authors of Untethered Realms are celebrating reaching 100 GFC followers on our blog by having a grand prize giveaway of several of our ebooks.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
You're making progress! I'm in awe of anyone who can work on more than one project at a time. I would confuse myself.
To set goals for August!
I've always believed that as long as you have more or a better story down than you did before, you're making progress. Who cares about work count or other stats? Keep at it!
You're doing great! My goals for August is to finish my second D&D novella and to survive until the boy is back in school. :)
Progress is progress (I know, wise words ;) ). But it sounds like you're doing well - especially when working on more than one thing. Good luck meeting them!
If I hand wrote, I'd not be able to read my MS. lol
August is craziville for me. Gah!
You're so organized. I need to take lessons.
As usual, you have great goals. August is a super busy month for the start of swim season. I'm just planning on being everything goes smoothly for all our events.
Slow progress is still progress! Keep up the good work. :)
You are making lots of progress and have such ambitious goals! Keep up the great work. :) I am always motivated when I see what your goals are for the month.
Also, I will be curious about how handwriting the drafts differs from typing them. I recently read something about handwriting using a different part of the brain than typing and some authors feel more creative when they write by hand. I am so used to typing- and the ease I can make changes to a typed document that I don't know if I could change. Hope the handwritten drafts are going well. :)
I'll be back to enter the giveaway. Congrats on reading 100+ followers on Untethered Realms!
I love those handwriting phases, you don't realise how much you've written half the time!
At least the hand-written material can't be stolen and held for ransom!
My August goals are to continue writing my current WIP. I've been doing Camp NaNo all month, but I'm still going to keep writing as if it were continuing into August. I almost wish it really were.
My goals are pretty nonspecific. Just keep making progress on my story, I suppose. Since I bounce around so much between writing first drafts of upcoming chapters and going back to edit earlier chapters, it's hard for me to set a specific goal. In the meantime, I do need to get a couple of book reviews finished.
write, edit, write! we share the same goals! get 'er done!
congrats to untethered realms! woot!
thanks for commenting on my broken branch falls blog tour!
Good luck with your goals. Once again, I haven't given much thought to making my own goals. I really need to fix that. Too busy trying to get a book ready for relaunch next week.
Great goals list! You'll get there. And happy birthday / anniversary to your fam.
That's a LOT of goals for August. But somehow I'm convinced that you'll manage to do it all. Have a great weekend.
Congrats on making progress however slow it may seem. Awesome! My goals are not to spread myself as thinly as i have been, just concentrate on getting through the next few months with family stuff and then there will be time to return to writing and blogging proper.
Wow, Cherie... you are quite the busy bee this summer! I admire your dedication and ability to juggle so many projects. I have two genres of writing and I can barely handle the edits for my novel and the 1st draft of my children's picture book at the moment.
Thanks for sharing the giveaway!
You have so much going on, but it makes me happy because it means you are making progress and we will get more of your wonderful stories.
I do like to handwrite my writing sketches when I am doing my first concept work on a new novel. It is freeing. As for me, I am busy writing a WIP, doing revisions for a fall launch and putting together a blog tour. No more pure vacation time for me!
It's not easy working on multiple projects. My limit is 2. Great job Cherie!!!
Wow! Good luck on those goals. My writing goals are nowhere near as lofty.
I'd like to finish and then revise a new draft. I'd also like to start revising a manuscript that was recently beta read.
Good luck on your goals.
Great goals. I'm right on board with you. Actually, I've got so much pre-release stuff to get through I don't even want to breathe until August is over. Some months are like that, eh?
Great goals, Cherie. So glad your moving ahead on them. I think my one goal this August is to catch up on all of the things I'm late doing.
I've been writing by hand lately, too. My pages average between 250-300 words each, so that's how I ballpark it. Good luck on all your endeavors, particularly those edits. Rewarding, but time-consuming.
Those are some great goals! I prefer to hand write.
Wonderful goals and good for you for staying so busy. Not sure how you do it.
Those sound like smashing goals!
My only goal is to survive August-- I'm going to have one heck of a month!
Good luck with all your August goals! I'm so impressed by how much you're able to tackle each month. I wish I could be that productive!
Good luck with your goals! I hope sales are going well!
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