Excerpt from The Ghost
“Hey, you like that guy? You into that sort of buff knight type?”
She smiled again when she noticed Jeremy scowling at her. With Tim, she hadn't noticed any sort of jealousy. Not that she gave him any reason to. He was the only guy she talked to other than the teachers.
“No, Xan is a bit too old for me.” Chiharo never thought to tease Jeremy and stir up his jealousy to see if it was true. She'd get kicked out of the popular girl club for being honest, but it didn't matter. Why would she want to cause more drama? They had enough to worry about as it was.
Speaking of which, she brought them back on topic. “So did you hear anything about the monster in the building? Surely someone on this floor has noticed it. Or, at least, noticed the murders.”
“Nothing, not a thing. I didn't even see anything when I left the floor. But I was thinking—”
She grabbed the front of his shirt. “You left the safety of this floor? Are you insane? You could've gotten eaten!”
Jeremy looked as surprised as she felt by her own outburst. As much as she wanted to get rid of him before, she wanted to have him here with her now. Silly as it sounded, she hadn't wanted anything for herself this much in a very long time.
She froze when she realized his hands had covered hers. He wasn't prying her off him as he should've with a panicking girl. Instead, he drew her closer until their bodies were almost touching. Jeremy was skinny and closer to her short height than Tim. A much better fit for her.
He raised his hands, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs. She expected him to say something. His mouth was always running. Maybe something cheesy, a compliment, or even a curse word she hadn't heard yet.
Nothing. His fingers slid into her hair, and she shivered. The second before a kiss. It was just as intense as the act itself. The tension between them chased the chill away. Warmth spread through her as color lit up his face.
Was he this beautiful before?
His lips parted just slightly before he kissed her. They were softer than she expected and hotter still. She melted against him and flattened her palms against his chest. Her eyes fluttered closed as she made a little wanton sound that she'd never heard come from herself before.
Jeremy was neither too gentle nor sweet. His tongue tangled with hers as if seeking the source of her moan.
Whoever said a person's first kiss was always the best was never kissed a second time.

Until another ghost intrudes on her territory. Jeremy Emerson wants revenge on the vampire that killed him and won't stop until he has it. To top it off, a nightmarish shade sneaks in and leeches the energy from the building's residents before setting its sights on Chiharo and the thirteenth floor. She can't decide which one is more frightening: the one wanting to eat her soul or the one who might win her heart.
Chiharo must convince Jeremy to stand with her against the hellish parasite. If they cannot work together, the greedy fiend will not only drain their energy but everything that supports the thirteenth floor's existence.
To Purchase: Amazon US / Amazon UK / Nook / Smashwords / Kobo

Christine Rains is a writer, blogger, and geek mom. She has four degrees which help nothing with motherhood, but make her a great Jeopardy player. When she's not writing or reading, she having adventures with her son or watching cheesy movies on Syfy Channel. She's a member of Untethered Realms and S.C.I.F.I. The 13th Floor series is her first self-published series. She has eight novellas and twenty-one short stories published.
Website / Blog / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads
That last line is great! And very funny.
Thank you so much for hosting me today, Cherie! I had to save this excerpt for you because I know you loved it so much. :)
Alex, thank you! Of all the kisses in the series, this one stands out the most.
Haha! I love that last line. Great excerpt, Christine!
I'm seeing lots of The Ghost as I visit the blogs today! I'm kind of partial to the line "Whoever said a person's first kiss was always the best was never kissed a second time."
Kim picked the line I liked! Best of luck to Christine! Her writing is always evocative. :-)
Hurray! lovely to see Christine's Ghost tour in full swing!
Congrats to Christine. Like everyone else, I really liked the last line.
What a great first kiss!
Great cover! Interesting excerpt. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, everyone. I'm happy that line has hooked you all! :)
Ooo! That was some kiss. I'm thinking intimacy with ghosts could get really interesting... umm, send me away. lol
Congrats, Christine!
Happy Wednesday, Cherie.
Congratulations Christine!
Interesting and intriguing excerpt!
Mary, I do wonder if I should do a story that's a little more erotic about ghosts and see what I could do with it! *LOL* Thank you. :)
Editors At Work, thank you!
Romantic ghostly encounters? Ooh-la-la...
Christine always has such great covers!!
Writer In Transit
"His tongue tangled with hers as if seeking the source of her moan."
I LOVE this line. Wish I'd written it. :)
Great job, Christine Rains!
Ooh I love this excerpt! Like others I have said I just love that last line. :D Can't wait to read this one, I love ghosts.
Fantastic excerpt, just like the rest of the book! :)
Eeee :) Okay, you've succeeded in making me feel totally giddy :)
Sarah Allen
(From Sarah, with Joy)
I need to get this. I'm behind in buying and reading blogger buddies' books.
Michelle, thank you!
Heather, thanks so much!
Julie, thanks! I wonder what your ghosts will be up to in your new book. :)
Heather Holden, thank you!
Sarah, Yay!
Medeia, thank you! I hope you enjoy.
Very nice excerpt. You always catch me in your words, Christine.
Great excerpt! Love the last line!
Good on you for sharing the writerly love, Cherie. If we don't help each other out, who will? Nice excerpt, too.
Nicely done! :)
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