I always wanted a twin.
When I was in elementary school, I pretended that I had a twin sister named Caterina. She lived an awesome life. Traveling across Europe, going to the finest boarding schools, speaking multiple languages. I was very jealous of her. Sometimes she would "switch" places with me at school, and I would slip into a posh English accent.
Yeah, it's no wonder I became a writer, right?
Anyways, in high school, I had a doppelganger. I didn't create her. Somehow there was this girl who looked so much like me that people mistook her for me.
One day I was on the bus sitting diagonally across from this boy. He was looking out the window and said, "What's Cherie doing in that truck?" Then, he turned and saw me. He blinked and glanced back and forth between the girl in the truck--I couldn't see who he was talking about--and me. "How ... but you were ... how did?" He continued to stutter like that.
Then several months--maybe a year or two--later this girl I knew came up to me. She claimed I changed clothes. Nope, I still had the same thing I had on when I left the house. She insisted she saw me in different clothes. Nothing I said made her believe otherwise.
I've had several more instances where that happened.
The strangest thing is no one ever mistook me for her. I never saw my doppelganger. Did this girl have no friends? Was it me from the future? My long-lost twin? Did I astral project myself without knowing?
To this day, I just don't know.
Have you ever come across your doppelganger? Has someone mistaken you for someone else?
Wow, that's a really weird situation, especially since you never met your doppelganger! That sounds like a Stephen King story!
I look like the harp teacher at the music school where I teach, so sometimes people come to me thinking I'm her. It's pretty funny.
That is really freaky the two of you never met.
So weird that you never saw or met her!
It's like that time-turner moment in the Harry Potter story. I think you definitely time-travelled from the future and existed in two places at once. Strange you don't remember it though... :P
That is eerie. Never had my own double, but I kind of want one now. :)
Actually, in high school a girl in the class behind me looked enough like me that people always mistook us for one another. People would come up and start talking to me and then say, "You're not Andrea!" and storm off like I'd tried to trick them. But she and I ended up in a phys ed class together and became good friends. We still call each other "twin."
That's so weird. People used to confuse my younger sister and me in high school. We never understood why.
That is weird and kind of cool. I've never had a twin, but Keith met his at a computer convention some years ago. It was creepy how much they looked alike and they were both programmers!
I'd be trying to track her down, my curiosity would keep poking at me.
I used to get mistaken for Goldie Hawn when I lived in NYC sometimes. Shrug.
I always wanted a twin as a kid, too. To have an honest-to-goodness doppelganger like you did, though...wow. Talk about freaky!
That's crazy. Even more so that you never saw this girl. When I was younger, I wanted a twin too and was so envious of the identical twins in my class.
This is the weirdest but coolest little anecdote I've ever heard! You could spin this into one very interesting premise for a story. :)
Haha, I love this story! Sometimes people tell me how they wave to someone in the hallway only to realize it's not me, but your story is way more interesting. :) High school really messes with your head, doesn't it?
That would be kind of freaky!
On a far less freaky note, people would ask my sister and I if we were twins when we were kids. Which I both loved (because I was close to my sister, and always wanted to be a twin), and hated, because I was 4 years older than she was! We even convinced our mum to make us some identical clothing once, which was fun.
Oh wow what a cool story! But also a little sad if the doppelganger had no friends herself. Interesting and kind of creepy too.
This is such a nice story! When I was younger, I always wanted a twin sister.
It's a shame that you never got to meet her. Amazing story!
That's crazy!! But such a cool story to tell
I totally use to wish that I had a twin too! But I did watch Parent Trap alot...so that might have something to do with it. Loved this story!
Total novel fodder right there :) Love it! Secret twin, hmmm...
Sarah Allen
(From Sarah, With Joy)
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